DDA Policy Guidelines for the Disposal of EWS Flats by Developer Entities: Compliance with MPD-2021 Chapter 4 on Shelter


DDA Policy Guidelines for the Disposal of EWS Flats by Developer Entities: Compliance with MPD-2021 Chapter 4 on Shelter

No. E/312/0002/2022/CGHS/DW-Janta-II/ 781
E File Computer No.- 45687

Dated: – 10/03/2025

Sub: – DDA “Policy Guidelines for disposal of EWS flats built by Developer Entities (DEs) in terms of Chapter 4: Shelter; Para 4.4.3 B.(v) Residential Plot- Group Housing of MPD-2021”

In accordance with the Resolution No. 67/2024 passed by Authority in its meeting held on 30.12.2024, the “Policy Guidelines for disposal of EWS flats built by Developer Entity (DEs) for facilitating the implementation of Clause- 4.4.3 B.(v) Residential Plot- Group Housing of MPD-2021” is annexed herewith for necessary action and compliance.


These policy guidelines will come into effect prospectively with immediate effect.

Encl: As above.

Dy Director (Janta)

Copy to: –

1. OSD to VC, DDA
2. PS to FM, DDA
3. PS to E.M., DDA
4. PS to PC (H), DDA
5. PS to PC (LO), DDA
6. PS to Comm. (Planning), DDA
7. PS to Chief Architect, DDA
8. PS to CLA, DDA
9. All Chief Engineers.
10. PS to Comm. (H), DDA
11.PS to Comm.(LO), DDA
13.Director (H) I and II

DDA Policy Guidelines for disposal of EWS flats built by DEs
in terms of Chapter 4: Shelter; Para 4.4.3 B.(v) Residential Plot- Group Housing of MPD-2021
[As amended and notified vide Gazette Notification no. s.o.412S(E) dated 16.11.2020)

1. The following policy guidelines are for facilitating the implementation of clause 4.4.38 Residential Plot-Group Housing (v) of MPD-2021:

A. Applicability:

i. These policy guidelines shall only be applicable to Developer Entity (DE) intending to dispose 50% of EWS dwelling units to eligible beneficiaries.

ii. These developer entities could be any entity like developer/business/corporate entity,i.e. which are private in nature and not public authorities like DDA etc.

iii. DDA is not covered by these guidelines as it is not a developer entity per se and ODA follows its own standard costing policy for disposal of its EWS units at subsidized rates to meet the goal of affordable housing for all. Furthermore, terms and conditions of disposal of a property are decided by Authority from time to time as per Regulation 5 of ODA (Management and Disposal of Housing Estates) Regulations 1968. These terms and conditions are specified in scheme prepared by the Authority for disposal of built-up property.

8. Earmarking of CSP and EWS flats:

i. The DE shall ensure that minimum 15% of the proposed FAR is to be constructed for Community Service Personnel (CSP)/EWS and lower category. This 15% of the proposed FAR for CSP/EWS and lower category housing would be over and above the permissible FAR as per MPD.

ii. 50% of the EWS housing stock shall be retained by DE and disposed only to apartment owners, at market rates, to house CSP working for the residents/owners of the group housing. These will be developed by the DE at the respective Group Housing site/premises or contiguous site.

iii. Remaining 50% of dwelling units (DUs) developed by DE to be sold by DE to eligible beneficiaries in accordance with the ODA policy which is laid out under these policy guidelines. These can be developed by DE at an alternate nearby site also. Necessary parking, commercial and PSP facilities shall also be provided by the DE for this separate housing pocket.

iv. The EWS housing component created by the DE shall be subject to quality assurance checks, as prescribed in this regard, by Govt. agencies. The DE has to fulfil the quality assurance requirements before the EWS component could be offered to the eligible beneficiaries.

v. DE must construct and finish all the CSP/EWS flats first and obtain completion/occupancy certificate for the same, before getting the completion/occupancy certificate for the remaining portion.

vi. DE must register the housing project with RERA as mandated by law.

C. Eligibility & reservation:

i. DDA’s policy shall be applicable for determination of eligible persons who can purchase such EWS flats.

ii. The family income of an applicant should not exceed Rs. 10 Lakh per annum. In case of joint applicant/ co-applicant applying for EWS flats, the family income of applicant and joint applicant/ co­ applicant considered together should not exceed Rs. 10 Lakhs per annum. Family Income for this clause is defined to include the income of the applicant and his/her spouse, if married. The joint applicant/co-applicant should be from within the family. Family means a person or his wife or her husband or any of his/her dependent relations including unmarried children. The applicant (and/or co-applicant) has to produce an annual family income certificate issued by competent authority in this regard.

iii. Reservation policy of DOA shall also be adopted by DE, which is as below:

  • a. 15% of the flats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC);
  • b.7.5% of the flats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Tribes (ST);
  • c. 1% for War Widows and those receiving liberalized pension from Armed/Paramilitary Services (Next of Kin);
  • d. 5% reservation for Persons with Disability (Divyangjan) as defined in Section-37(a)of the Rights of persons with Disabilities Act, 2016;
  • e. 1% for Ex-servicemen.

iv. In case number(s) of flats in respect of reserved category comes to a fraction, i.e., less than 0.5, it would be rounded off to zero and if it is 0.5 or more, it would be rounded off to one.

D. Pricing methodology:

i. DE will calculate and inform ODA the maximum price of the flats which are to be disposed as EWS quota, including parking space. Each EWS flat shall have a designated parking space for two-wheeler, which can either be covered or uncovered. As per National Building Code (NBC) of India, the minimum size of two-wheeler parking shall be 1.25 sq. m.

ii. The maximum price will be calculated by taking into consideration:

a. Construction cost of flat to be calculated as follows:

Construction cost of flat= Construction cost (Rs. per sq.m.) as per latest building cost index of Delhi x plinth area of flat (in sq. m.)

Construction cost shall be calculated as per latest building cost index of Delhi approved by CPWD, Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs at the time of advertising of scheme for disposal of flats. While calculating construction cost, the plinth area as per completion plan approved by concerned local authority would be reckoned for computation.

Note: As per Unified Building Bye Lawsfor Delhi, plinth area is the built-up covered .area measured at thefloor level of the basement or of any storey.

b. The land cost for flat to be calculated as follows:

Land cost for flat= 50% of the notified Delhi circle rate of the respective zone issued by GNCTD x plinth area of flat x 100/MPF Here, MPF is Maximum Permissible FAR of the respective Group Housing plot as per MPD.

c. The construction cost of covered parking would be calculated at the rate of 60% of that taken for calculating construction cost of flat. Whereas, for uncovered parking, it would be calculated at the rate of 25%.Thus, the cost calculation of parking space shall be done as below:

Construction cost

Covered parking spaceConstruction cost (Rs. per sq. m.) as per latest building cost index of Delhi x area of parking space (in sq. m.) x 0.6
Uncovered parking spaceConstruction cost (Rs. per sq. m.) as per latest space building cost index of Delhi x area of parking space (in sq. m.) x 0.25

d. The land cost of covered & uncovered parking would be calculated as follows:

Land cost for parking space= 25% of the notified Delhi circle rate of the respective zone issued by GNCTD x area of parking space

iii. The charges payable for electricity connection shall be as per DDA policy, which at present is Rs. 459/- per sq.m. on total plinth area of flats.

iv. The charges payable for water connection shall be Rs. 2000/- per EWS unit.

v. Maintenance charges: DE may collect following types of maintenance charges from allottees.

a. Monthly Common Area Maintenance Charges: For regular day to day recurring maintenance of EWS housing,a charge of Rs 1.50 per sq.ft. per month (on plinth area) to be charged. The monthly charges may be taken up as an upfront payment for 1year as part of the pricing of the flat. After one year, the ‘ maintenance charges shall be calculated every month as per actuals.

b. Sinking fund: An upfront maintenance charge capped @ 2.5% of cost of flat to be collected as part of the price towards the flat for creation of a “Sinking fund” which will be used for major maintenance works such as replacements of lifts/STP plants/machinery room etc. It shall be vested in a separate interest-bearing account.

RWA is to be formed by all the EWS allottees within one year of allotment of flats. All allottees need to be a member of such an RWA of EWS allottees at the time of taking possession of the flats. Once the RWA is formed for the EWS housing, the above funds shall be handed over to RWA immediately for future maintenance of the housing.

E. Mechanism for disposal:

i. Upon completion of EWS flats, DE shall give an Intimation to DDA about completion (along with completion certificate and quality certificate) and its intent to go for disposal of these flats along with the details of inventory of EWS flats.

ii. DE will calculate and inform DDA the maximum price of the flats which are to be disposed as EWS quota, including parking space.

iii. The flat cost will be capped at the price computed as per the formula given in this policy. DE is free to adjust the price of such flats,i.e.suitably reduce the same below the capped price in a manner that it gets enough eligible applicants depending on demand-supply dynamics.

iv. DDA will invite online applications for allotment of EWS flats from eligible applicants along with the eligibility documents, like income certificate, category certificate etc. The DDA’s policy of eligibility shall be as applicable as on the date of inviting online applications. If sufficient number of applications are not received from reserved category of applicants,for disposal of the balance number of reserved category EWS flats, applications would be called for from the respective reserved categories of applicants and the remaining reserved EWS flats to be disposed off among these reserved category of applicants. This process to be continued till all the reserved EWS flats are allotted to the reserved categories.

v. DDA will conduct draw of lots for allotment of flats. The draw shall be conducted in online mode in a transparent manner in presence of independent judges along with presence of a sample number of applicants, say 20. In case excess flats remain unallotted, DDA will again call for applications from eligible applicants and another draw for such flats shall be conducted by DDA.

vi. A separate list of successful applicants and wait listed applicants (upto the extent of 25% of successful applicants) shall also be prepared by DDA.

vii. After allotment, DDA will verify the eligibility documents of allottees like income certificate, category certificate .etc. After successful verification,the list of successful allottees shall be handed over by DDA to DE for issuance of demand-cum-allotment letters, who will issue these strictly as per costing policy outlined herewith. In case, any successful applicant is found ineligible, he/she shall be substituted by the wa it listed applicant.

viii. DDA shall charge 1% of the cost of each allotted flat as processing fee from DE. These charges may be loaded by DE onto the allottees at the time of issue of demand-cum-allotment letter.

ix. The issue of possession letter and handing over of physical possession of the flat shall be done by DE.As per DDA policy, full payment of the cost of flats is to be made by the allottee before possession letter of a flat Is issued and physical possession of the flat is handed over.

x. DE shall share with DOA the list of those allottees to whom possession letters (PL) have been issued along with issued Pls.

xi. The DE will execute sale deed in respect of such flat directly in favour of the applicant.

xii. The flats coming under EWS quota shall be disposed only by this method (and no permission for free market sale will be given).

xiii. There shall be a lock-in period of 5 years on further sale/purchase of EWS flats by allottees to ensure that the benefits of allotment under EWS quota are enjoyed by the intended beneficiaries and the speculation in respect of these flats is curbed.

xiv. The DE shall be allowed to undertake actual transfer I transaction of saleable component to the apartment owners which are earmarked for the CSP only after the prescribed land and the EWS housing component is sold/transferred to the eligible beneficiaries following ODA policy at the rates in accordance to the ODA policy.

xv. These policy guidelines will be prospectively applicable with immediate effect.

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