Scheme For Residential Education For Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas


MoSJE’s SHRESHTA Scheme : Providing residential education for meritorious SC students in private CBSE-affiliated schools. Eligible schools can apply through the DoSJE, Govt. of India

CBSE/PE/Shreshtha/Circular/ 2024

Date : 17.0 1.2024

All the Heads of
Residential Private Schools affiliated to the CBSE

Sub: Scheme For Residential Education For Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas (SHRESHT) (AY 2023-24) of the Ministry of Social Justice & Empowerment, Govt. of India



The Ministry of Social Justice and Empowerment (MoSJE), Government of India is running a Scheme for Residential Education for SC Students in High Schools in Targeted Areas (SHRESHTA). This scheme aims at providing residential educational oppo1tunities for meritorious SC students (both boys and girls). Scheme Details are available on the MoSJE website https ://

Following points may be noted by schools intending to associate with the scheme:

  • 1. Scheme is applicable only for private residential schools affiliated with the CBSE upto Class 1 2th. Schools must be in operation for 5 years or more and must be having its pass percentage 75% or more in Class 10 and 12 in last 3 years. Schools must have adequate infrastructure for admitting additional at least (10) SC students in 9th and 11th Class (together) and the school ‘s status must be a residential one as per OASIS data.
  • 2. Entry for student is in Class 9 and 11 till the completion of education upto Class 12. Every year, 3000 fresh students are selected under the Scheme through a national level test ETS (National Entrance Test for SHR ESHTA) conducted by the National Testing Agency. A l location of schools is done by web counsel in g process , all ocating the seats as per merit and choices of the students.
  • 3. For details such as maxi m um admissible scholarship, number of scats, the obligations on the part of selected schools, the scheme document must be carefully perused to k now the specifics and also to Rsccrta in the school ‘s suitability and eligibility for the Scheme.
  • 4. School s selected for the Scheme by the DoSJE, must add this information on their website showing year­ wise grade-wise numbers admitted in the school under the Scheme. Selection of school for the scheme is done by the Deptt. of Social Justice and Empowerment (DoSJE). Board shares the list of residential private affiliated schools with the DoSJ E based on the OASIS data.
  • 5. Schools MUST NOTE to ensure that they meet the SCHEME’S  CRITERIA while GIVING THE COSENT to the DoSJE. Interested schools may convey their consent directly to the DoSJE in response to the notification issued by the DoSJE. For this, website of the MoSJE may be regularly visited by the schools.
  • 6. Once consented , the selected school , must not refuse the allotted students and must adhere to the scheme Guidelines. On all matters relating to selection of school , consent, scat allocation , fund etc, schools arc required to correspond directly with the DoSJE as the scheme is owned and funded by the DoSJE, Govt. of India.

Eligible and keen schools may avail the scheme and ad here to the guidelines issued by DoSJE.

(Manoj K. Srivastava)

Copy to :

1 . DS to the Chairperson , CBSE for kind information of the Chairperson
2 . Joint Secretary, Dept. of Social Justice and Empowerment , MoSJE, Govt. of India
3. All the Heads of the Departments , CBSE
4. All Regional Directors/Regional Officers, CBSE
5. All Head s of Centre of Excellence, CBSE
6. Web Admin, IT, CBSE, HQ with request to put out this Circular on the CBSE Website

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