Aims and Objectives of the Krishi Udaan Scheme
Rajya Sabha
TO BE ANSWERED ON THE 10th March 2021
Will the Minister of CIVIL AVIATION be pleased to state:-
(a) the aims and objectives of Krishi Udan scheme;
(b) how the above scheme is different from Operation Greens;
(c) whether the Ministry is considering to extend freight subsidy of 50 per cent to all States;
(d) if not, the reasons therefor; and
(e) whether there are any plans to add more items to the present 22 items under Operation Greens and if so, the details thereof?
Minister of State (IC) in the Ministry of CIVIL AVIATION
(Shri Hardeep Singh Puri)
(a): The aims and objectives of the Krishi Udaan Scheme of the Ministry of Civil Aviation are to help improve value realization especially in North-East and tribal districts through improved supply chain competitiveness along with more air connectivity between origin-destination airports at affordable rates on international and national routes. The Scheme envisages resources-pooling through convergences between different schemes administered by various Central Ministries / Departments and those of State Governments through incentives and concessions for enhancing the air transportation of agri-produce.

(b) to (d): Operation Greens is a scheme of the Ministry of Food Processing Industries introduced in the Union Budget 2018-19. With an outlay of Rs. 500 crore, it aims for integrated development of value chains for Tomato, Onion and Potato (TOP) through promotion of Farmer Producers’ Organizations, agri-logistics, processing facilities and professional management. It envisages targeted interventions to strengthen TOP production clusters and their links/ connections with the market. The scope of Operations Greens has been extended on 10 June 2020 from TOP to TOTAL (Tomato, Onion and Potato to all fruits & vegetables) as a part of Aatma Nirbhar Bharat Abhiyan, inter alia, for providing 50% subsidy for road transportation from surplus production areas to consumption centers and storage subject to certain conditions and triggers.
Guidelines for Operation Greens were amended in November 2020 with extension of transportation and storage subsidy of 50% for movement of notified fruits and vegetables from the North Eastern Region (NER) and Himalayan Region States. Thus, the amendment of these Guidelines to evolve a simplified and operable domestic air transport and storage subsidy is in conformance with the requirement under the Krishi Udaan Scheme for achieving convergences between schemes. (e): As per the Union Budget 2021-22 announcement, the scope of Operation Greens Scheme is enlarged from Tomato, Onion and Potato to 22 perishable products.
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।