CBSE Correction in LOC data Directs Schools To Submit, Complete Registrations For 2023 Board Exams On Time
The Principal/Head,
All Schools affiliated with CBSE
(Through CBSE website)
Subject: Correction in LOC data – 2023 after LOC submission – reg.
Please refer to the Boards letter No. CBSE/LOC/2022-23 dated 08.06.2022 wherein it was desired that while uploading data, schools will be responsible for the followings :-
Spelling of name of student/mother/father/guardian is correct and is as per School Record I Admission & Withdrawal register maintained by the school.
2. Date of Birth is correct and is as per School Record I Admission and Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
3. Subject combinations are correct and as per Scheme of Studies.
Subject codes chosen & especially in the following subjects, codes be chosen correctly:
a) In Class -X :
Hindi – A (002). Hindi – B (085), Urdu A(003), Urdu 8(303). Mathematics Standard(041), Mathematics Basic(241).
b) In Class – XII :
Hindi Core (302), Hindi Elective(002), English Core (301),
English Elective(001), Sanskrit Core(322), Sanskrit Elective(022),
Urdu Core(303), Urdu Elective(003) ,
Mathematics(041).Applied Mathematics(241)
After submission of LOC, now requests are being made by the schools to the CBSE to correct some of the students’ data in the LOC. Such requests shows that schools were not serious while finalizing LOC as data was filled in by them more than a year at the time of registration in Class IX I Class XI.
Looking into the requests, received from the schools, Board has developed an online system for proposing the corrections in the data through Pariksha Sangam at the link School can login using their allotted User lD and Password. All the schools are requested to read and understand the manual (Annexed) first and thereafter propose the corrections on Pariksha Sangam. Once corrections are submitted, these will be check by the Regional Office concern and if found, that correction is as per rules. these will be accepted otherwise not. This online module is a complete system and guides the schools for each action to be taken by them. Corrections will be allowed w.e.f 30.11.2022 (Wednesday) to 06.12.2022 (Thursday).
Following may please be noted by the schools/candidates/parents for needful action:-
1. Schools can make the correction in students’ data online only based on the school records. No change in data will be allowed.
2. In class – X, correction in Mathematics Standard (041), Mathematics Basic (241), if any, be done now only. No next opportunity will be given.
3. Similarly, in Class – X : Hindi – A (002), Hindi .:.. B (085), Urdu A(003), Urdu B (303) and in Class XII: Hindi Core (302), Hindi Elective(002), English Core (301), English Elective(001), Sanskrit Core(322), Sanskrit Elective(022) , Urdu Core(303), Urdu Elective(003) etc. be checked once again and correction if any, be done now. No request to change the subject and to provide question papers of other subject then that submitted in LOC at the time of examinations will be entertain.
4. No request for any correction •will be accepted thereafter and data finalised will be used for issuing Admit Cards, conduct of Examinations and for providing Passing documents.
5. No request for correction in candidate’s data viz candidate’s name, father’s name, mother’s name and date of birth etc. will be accepted thereafter .
6. Complete change of name of candidate will not be permitted. Only correction will be allowed.
7. CBSE will record all the corrections made by the schools and if it is observed that data has been fiddled with, action will be taken against the school as per Affiliation Bye-Laws.
All schools are, therefore, requested to ensure that the corrections, if any, are to be made during permitted period only. Print out of the corrections made be taken by the school for their records and kept safely. There is no need to send correction slips to the concerned Regional Office.
It is informed that no correction, whatsoever , will be entertained by the CBSE after expiry of last date i.e. 06.12.2022 (Thursday).
It is expected from the Principals that they will also read the circular carefully, understand the same for implementing correctly to avoid future complications.
Your Faithfully,
(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj),
Controller of Examinations
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।