Implementation of E-Gram Swaraj


Implementation of E-Gram Swaraj

E-Gram Swaraj is a digital platform initiated by the Government of India aimed at enhancing the efficiency and transparency of rural governance through technology. This initiative primarily focuses on empowering Gram Panchayats (village councils) by digitizing their operations and making governance more accessible to the rural population.

Digital Platform for Governance:

E-Gram Swaraj provides a comprehensive online interface for Gram Panchayats to manage various administrative tasks, including planning, execution, and monitoring of development projects at the village level.

Real-Time Data Access:

The platform facilitates real-time access to information related to the financial status, project implementation, and other critical data, helping local governance bodies make informed decisions.

Integration with Other Systems:

E-Gram Swaraj is integrated with the Public Financial Management System (PFMS), enabling seamless and real-time payments to Gram Panchayats. This integration enhances financial transparency and accountability in the utilization of funds.


User-Friendly Interface:

The system is designed to be user-friendly, allowing Panchayat members and officials to easily navigate and utilize the platform for various functions without requiring extensive technical knowledge.

Capacity Building:

Training programs are often conducted to enhance the digital literacy of Panchayat members and staff, ensuring they can effectively use the platform and understand its benefits.

Monitoring and Evaluation:

The platform includes features for monitoring project progress and evaluating outcomes, which helps in assessing the impact of various initiatives undertaken by the Gram Panchayats.

Awareness Campaigns:

Conducting awareness campaigns to educate local communities about the benefits and functionalities of E-Gram Swaraj.

Infrastructure Development:

Ensuring that necessary digital infrastructure, such as internet connectivity and hardware, is available in rural areas to support the effective use of the platform.

Collaboration with Local Bodies:

Collaborating with state governments and local bodies to customize the platform according to regional needs and ensure smooth implementation.

Feedback Mechanism:

Establishing a feedback mechanism to gather inputs from users on the platform’s performance and areas for improvement, which can help in refining the system further.

strengthening Panchayati Raj Institutions by enhancing their efficiency and transparency in governance and service delivery; automating the Panchayat functions such as planning, budgeting, accounting, monitoring, and social audit to reduce manual errors; facilitating electronic service delivery for rural citizens; and providing digital tools to enable Panchayat officials to carry out their functions effectively.

Building on the achievements of the past, under the e-MMP Project, on 24th April 2020, the Ministry had launched the eGram Swaraj, an Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) Solution for Panchayati Raj Institutions. This application encompasses all aspects of Panchayat functioning viz. planning, budgeting, accounting, monitoring, asset management etc., on a single digital platform including online payments. So far, 2.54 lakh GPs have prepared and uploaded their Gram Panchayat Development Plans (GPDPs) for 2024-25. Further, 2.41 lakh Gram Panchayats have completed online transactions for 15th Finance Commission grants for 2024-25. State wise adoption of eGram Swaraj is given at Annexure-I. Also, for strengthening the transparency and accountability at grassroots level; the Ministry has rolled out an application – Audit Online under e-panchayat Mission Mode Project (MMP). It allows for online audit of Panchayat accounts and records detailed information about internal and external audit. For audit year 2022-23, 2.58 lakh Audit Plans have been created and 2.57 lakh Audit Report have been generated.

The Ministry has also introduced applications such as Meri Panchayat and Panchayat Nirnay to improve transparency and efficiency in Panchayat governance. While Meri Panchayat makes information on planning, activities, and work progress accessible to the public, Panchayat Nirnay enhances transparency and management in Gram Sabha proceedings.

(e) The Ministry of Panchayati Raj has undertaken several measures to ensure digital inclusivity and ease of access under the e-Panchayat MMP, including, development of User- Friendly Software Applications like eGram Swaraj and Audit Online; providing multilingual Support for these online applications by integrating with Bhashini; and Training and Capacity Building of the Elected Representatives and officials of the Panchayati Raj Institutions on using digital tools.

Further, to enable Panchayats in remote areas to access digital services, under the revamped Rashtriya Gram Swaraj Abhiyan (RGSA), based on the proposal in their Annual Action Plans, the Ministry has been supplementing the efforts of States/UTs by providing support at limited scale for procurement of computers.

All States are making efforts to implement e-Panchayat MMP, based on their available resources and there is substantial improvement in adoption of digital applications by the States in PRIs functioning. At the same time review meetings are held with the States and union territories for reviewing the adoption of the eGram Swaraj application by the Panchayats. Further, preparation and uploading of the Panchayat Development plan by the Panchayats on the eGram Swaraj is one of the mandatory condition for release of funds under the Central Finance Commission.

(f) For improving the outcomes of e-MMP Project and better Governance at the grassroots, the Ministry has been regularly engaging with the States/UTs and other stakeholders and based on the feedback received, required improvisations and enhancements are being effected into eGram Swaraj on continuous basis.


Annexure referred to in reply to part (a) to (d) of the Lok Sabha Unstarred Question No. 1244 answered on 11.02.2025 regarding ‘Implementation of e-gram Swaraj’.

Adoption of eGram Swaraj at Panchayat level during FY 2024-25



State Name Total Number of Village Panchaya ts & Equivalen t Village Panchay at onboard Village Panchaya ts & Equivalen t with Online Payment Total Number of Block Panchaya ts Block Panchay at onboard Block Panchaya ts with Online Payment Total Number of Zila Panchaya ts Zila Panchay at onboard Zila Panchaya ts with Online Payment
1 ANDHRA PRADESH 13328 13296 12907 660 660 639 13 13 13
2 ARUNACHAL PRADESH 2108 2106 185 0 0 0 25 25 7
3 ASSAM 2662 2197 2170 191 191 185 30 29 27
4 BIHAR 8054 8054 8044 534 534 529 38 38 38
5 CHHATTISGARH 11596 11594 11503 146 146 146 27 27 27
6 GOA 191 191 89 0 0 0 2 2 2
7 GUJARAT 14656 14594 13666 248 248 248 33 33 33
8 HARYANA 6225 6221 5829 143 143 131 22 22 22
9 HIMACHAL PRADESH 3615 3614 3509 81 81 80 12 12 12
10 JHARKHAND 4345 4345 4317 264 264 262 24 24 23
11 KARNATAKA 5954 5954 5935 238 232 117 31 31 28
12 KERALA 941 941 940 152 152 152 14 14 14
13 MADHYA PRADESH 23011 23009 22973 313 313 310 52 52 52
14 MAHARASHTRA 27911 27834 26268 351 351 302 34 34 34
15 MANIPUR 3180 161 120 0 0 0 12 6 4
16 MEGHALAYA 6817 0 0 2241 0 0 3 3 0
17 MIZORAM 842 842 832 0 0 0 0 0 0
18 NAGALAND 1289 186 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
19 ODISHA 6794 6794 6792 314 314 314 30 30 30
20 PUNJAB 13237 13222 9173 152 151 110 22 22 19
21 RAJASTHAN 11211 11206 10739 361 353 351 33 33 33
22 SIKKIM 199 199 194 0 0 0 6 6 6
23 TAMIL NADU 12525 12525 12518 388 388 388 36 36 36
24 TELANGANA 12771 12768 12628 540 540 498 32 32 32
25 TRIPURA 1194 1176 1162 75 75 75 9 9 8
26 UTTARAKHAND 7795 7794 7729 95 95 95 13 13 13
27 UTTAR PRADESH 57691 57691 57596 826 826 821 75 75 75
28 WEST BENGAL 3339 3339 3338 345 345 345 22 21 21
Total 263481 251853 241156 8658 6402 6098 650 642 609

The implementation of E-Gram Swaraj represents a significant step towards digitizing rural governance in India. By leveraging technology, the initiative aims to enhance transparency, accountability, and efficiency in the functioning of Gram Panchayats, ultimately contributing to better governance and improved quality of life for rural citizens. As this initiative continues to evolve, it is expected to play a crucial role in bridging the digital divide and empowering local self-governance in the country.

Source: Click here to view/download PDF

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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