Single Window camp for PM-UDAY Applications


Single Window camp for PM-UDAY Applications

PM-UDAY (Prime Minister – Unauthorized Colonies in Delhi Awas Adhikar Yojana) is a government scheme aimed at providing ownership rights to residents of unauthorized colonies in Delhi. Launched in December 2019, the scheme addresses the long-standing issue of informal housing in the capital by offering legal ownership and ensuring the integration of these colonies into the formal urban landscape.


Key Features:

  • Regularization of Colonies: Grants ownership or transfer rights to residents of unauthorized colonies.
  • Legal Documentation: Residents receive legally valid ownership certificates.
  • Affordable Charges: The process involves nominal charges to ensure accessibility for economically weaker sections.
  • Online Process: Application for ownership documents is primarily processed through an online portal, simplifying the procedure.
  • Improved Infrastructure: Regularization paves the way for better infrastructure and civic amenities in these areas.
  • Scope: Covers approximately 1,700 unauthorized colonies, benefiting millions of residents.


The scheme is administered by the Delhi Development Authority (DDA) under the supervision of the Ministry of Housing and Urban Affairs, Government of India.


  • Empower residents with property rights, improving their social and economic security.
  • Integrate unauthorized colonies into the formal urban system.
  • Facilitate improved living conditions and infrastructure development in these areas.
  • PM-UDAY marks a significant step toward urban inclusion and housing rights for millions of residents living in unauthorized settlements in Delhi.

General public is hereby informed that Single Window camps for processing of pending PM-UDAY Applications and their disposal will be organised across all 10 Processing Centres (PCs) of the PM-UDAY during 30.11.2024 to 29.12.2024. Camps will be organised every Saturday and Sunday from 10:00 AM to 4:00 PM. Details of camp venue are attached.

Facilitation at Camps

During the camps, the following services will be provided:

Help Desk: For reception of Residents and guiding them to the concerned desk

Registration Desk: For new registrations and GIS survey support.

Application Desk: For filling of applications with necessary documents.

Deficiency Resolution and Processing: Assistance for pending deficiencies in existing applications.

Document Preparation: Support for preparing documents, including I bonds, notarization, by empanelled documentation agencies.

Execution of Approved Cases: Execution of AS/CD for approved cases.

The residents of Unauthorised Colonies in Delhi are requested to visit the camps for processing and disposal of their applications besides registration and filing of new applications and to obtain ownership rights of their properties.

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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