Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2024


Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2024

(Department of Personnel and Training))

New Delhi, the 4th July, 2024

G.S. R. 368(E).— In Exercise Of The Powers Conferred By Sub-Section (1) Of Section 3 Of The All India Services Act, 1951 (61 Of 1951), The Central Government, In Consultation With The Government Of Nagaland Hereby Makes The Following Rules Further To Amend The Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016, Namely:─

1. (1) These rules may be called the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Amendment Rules, 2024.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official Gazette.

2. In the Indian Administrative Service (Pay) Rules, 2016, in Schedule II,–


(a) in Part A relating to Posts carrying pay above the Senior Scale of pay of the Indian Administrative Service under the State Governments, in the table, for the entry “Nagaland” occurring in the first column and corresponding entries in the second column, the following shall be substituted namely:─


Chief Secretary to the Government

Level 17 in the pay matrix
Additional Chief Secretary Level 15 in the pay matrix
Principal Secretary Level 15 in the pay matrix
Commissioner, Nagaland Level 14 in the pay matrix
Director Administrative Training Institute Level 14 in the pay matrix
Commissioner, Taxes Level 14 in the pay matrix
Resident Commissioner, New Delhi Level 14 in the pay matrix
Commissioner & Secretary Level 14 in the pay matrix
Home Commissioner Level 14 in the pay matrix
Finance Commissioner Level 14 in the pay matrix
Development Commissioner Level 14 in the pay matrix
Agriculture Production Commissioner Level 14 in the pay matrix
Commissioner & Secretary, P & AR

Level 14 in the pay matrix”

(b) in Part B relating to Posts carrying pay in the Senior Scale of the Indian Administrative Service under the State Governments including posts carrying Special Allowance in addition to pay, in the table for the entries occurring under Nagaland the following shall be substituted,–

Secretary to Government

Commissioner of Excise
Director, Food & Civil Supplies
Principal Director, School Education
Deputy Commissioner

Additional Deputy Commissioner”

[F. No. 11031/04/2021-AIS-II(B)]

NOTE: The Principal Rules Were Published In The Gazette Of India, Extraordinary, Vide Number Gsr 870 (E) Dated The 08th September, 2016 And Subsequently Amended By The Following Gsr No. And Date:-

S. No.

GSR No. Date S. No. GSR No. Date
1. 1062 (E) 10.11.2016 14. 813(E) 30.12.2020
2. 1178 (E) 27.12.2016 15. 51(E) 28.01.2021
3. 1194 (E) 30.12.2016 16. 108(E) 09.02.2021
4. 575 (E) 12.06.2017 17. 465(E) 01.07.2021
5. 1382 (E) 10.11.2017 18. 928(E) 31.12.2021
6. 1429 (E) 17.11.2017 19. 182(E) 09.03.2022
7. 1585 (E) 22.12.2017 20. 441(E) 10.06.2022
8. 566 (E) 15.06.2018 21. 619(E) 05.08.2022
9. 819 (E) 28.08.2018 22. 712(E) 20.09.2022
10. 1124 (E) 16.11.2018 23. 758(E) 30.09.2022
11. 1222 (E) 19.12.2018 24. 930(E) 30.12.2022
12. 218 (E) 13.03.2019 25. 98(E) 14.02.2023
13. 766 (E) 09.10.2019 26. 879(E)


नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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