CBSE Updation of Scribe data in OECMS by Examination Centers


CBSE Updation of Scribe data in OECMS by Examination Centers




The Principal/Centre Superintendents,
Schools fixed as Examination Centre Session

Subject: Updation of Scribe data in OECMS by Examination Centers


You are aware that Board’s Annual Examinations have commenced w.e.f. 15.02.2025 . This Examination is a gigantic exercise involving Lakhs of functionaries at various levels. Proper maintenance and online updation of records related to day-to-day examinations is of utmost importance for better management and supervision of examinations and also for payment of functionaries through IPS.


This year, CBSE has decided to issue to scribes a letter of appreciation for their contribution in helping CWSN candidate write an examination. The details of Scribes will thus be filled in the OECMS Portal so that such data is easily accessible to the Board to issue the letter of appreciation to them. The category of the disability and facilities/exemptions are mentioned on the Admit Card of the candidate. The Centre Superintendent needs to make arrangements in advance accordingly. The SCRIBE MASTER & SCRIBE ATTENDANCE option in OECMS is available for Centre Superintendent to fill the details of the Scribe

It is therefore, once again directed that submission of data is to be done on the OECMS portal on a daily basis as all data for exam related payments to functionaries is fetched from OECMS alone . In case of centers where outside Centre Superintendents have been appointed, the center/school will make all arrangements for updating OECMS data on daily basis.

All Centers/Centre Superintendent may note for strict compliance.

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations

Copy to:

1. The Regional Directors/Officers with the request to disseminate the information to all Centre Superintendent.
2. Web-admin with the request to upload on CBSE website.

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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