CBSE Class XII & X Exams 2024-2025 : Opening of Link for Downloading Admit Card/Centre Material


CBSE Class XII & X Exams 2024-2025 : Opening of Link for Downloading Admit Card/Centre Material

CBSE/Coord/Admit Card/2024-2025

Dated: 03.02.2025 To

Head of the Schools Affiliated to CBSE
(Through CBSE website)

Subject: Opening of link for downloading of Admit card/Centre Material for Class XII & X Examination 2024-2025


You are aware that the class XII & X Examinations will be commencing w.e.f. 15 .02.2025 . The schools will be able to download the Admit Card in respect of their students from today.


This year, Admit Cards contain the following information:

  • 1. Roll no.
  • 2. Date of Birth (only for class X) 3. Name of Examination
  • 4. Candidate’s Name
  • 5. Mother’s Name
  • 6. Father’s/ Guardian’s Name 7. Name of examination centre
  • 8. Category of CWSN
  • 9. Admit Card ID
  • 10. Subjects in which appearing with date of examination

Schools may please provide following information to their students for strict compliance.

  • i) That no candidate will be allowed to enter in the examination centre after 10.00 AM. Hence, they must reach the examination centres before time.
  • ii) That Candidates should go in school uniform and carry with them the school identity Card in addition to Admit Card issued by CBSE and permissible stationery items only.
  • iii) That candidates must visit the examination centre at least one day prior to the date of examination so tt1at they can reach before 10.00 a.m. on the days of examination.
  • iv) That candidates should leave for the examination centre keeping in view the localized weather conditions, traffic condition etc.
  • v) That candidate and Mother/Father/Guardian must check the particulars mentioned in the Admit Card and sign at the appropriate place after verifying particulars including photo and its correctness.
  • vi) That candidates should not carry mobile phones, Smart watches or any other electronics items including bared items to the examination centre.(Please refer to Circular dated 20/01/2025 regarding making Class X/XII students aware about examination ethics-reg)
  • vii) The candidates must read and the adhere to the important instructions given in the Admit Card
  • viii) That candidates must read the amended rules for Unfair practices, mentioned in the aforementioned circular.
  • ix) That candidates should refrain themselves from spreading rumours and hosting any material on social websites including WhatsApp , Telegram, You Tube, Twitter etc.

Schools fixed as examination centers will also be able to download the centre material in respect of candidates appearing from their centre from today.

Candidates appearing as Private Candidates are also directed to download their Admit Card from today.

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations

Copy to Web-admin to upload on CBSE website.

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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