CBSE : Class X/XII students aware about examination ethics


CBSE : Class X/XII students aware about examination ethics


Dated: 20.01.2025


The Principals/Head of the Institution/Centre Supdt.
Schools affiliated to the CBSE/Examination Centre

Subject: Making Class X/XII students aware about examination ethics-reg.


CBSE v1ill be conducting Class X ar1d Class XII Board .examinations of about 44 lakh students in 204 subjects from 15th February, 2025. Holding such a big examination requires full compliance with tt1e i11structions issued by the CBSE.


You would agree that conduct of fair examination is a must in the academic interest of the students. Accordingly, a detailed “Unfair Means Rules” have been framed by the CBSE. It is desirable that before the start of tt1e examinations, all the students who ‘would appear in Board exan1inations be informed about ethics of the examinations, their rules and the instructions issued by the CBSE. Though instruction are given on the Admit Card of the student, however, this communication is to reiterate the same with a request to all Principals of CBSE Affiliated Schools to sensitize their stude11ts and create general awareness towards prohibition of use of unfair practices in the Examination Hall/Centre.

The following is desired from the schools:-

1. Please read the UFM guidelir1es and penalties tt1at can be imposed.
2. Brief the students about examination ethics and the penalties. Also inform them that they should not believe rumors and not indulge themselves in spreading rumors affecting smooth conduct of examinations.
3. Brief the parent also about examination ethics and the penalties.
4. Remind the student on the day of examination also to ensure that they are not
carrying any barred item to the examination centre.
5. Deployed officials on examination duty be also briefed.

You are aware that CBSE has also implemented the CCTV Policy whereby all Examination Rooms/Halls at each Examination Centre are equipped with CCTV which is being manned by Assistant Superintendent (CCTV Monitoring) at each Examination Centre. Your attention is also drawn to the newly added following provisions of the UFM Rules:-

Act of Unfair Means Implemented Penalties
Catoegory-3 (New)

1.      Possession, Use or attempted use of any Electronic Device (including Mobile Phone), which can be in used as communication device, after entering the Examination Centre. Supported by report of Invigilator/Checking staff

2.      Students indulging in spreading rumours affecting smooth conduct of examinations.

Cancellation or current as well as next year’s examination in full subjects and shall eligible to write/have/take the Examination in Full Subjects thereafter.

Accordingly, all students must be informed that possession, use or attempted use of any communicative device may lead to stringent measures as mentioned in the above table. They should further be informed that they should desist from spreading rumours which can affect the sn1ooth conduct of examination.

A list of barred and allowed item alongwith UFM rules is enclosed for ready reference and convenience to all.

It is considered that wide publicity of the aforesaid information amongst the students/parents will ensure smooth and fair conduct of examinations and this can only be done with the co-operations of the schools and thus, the same is being solicited.

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations

Encl: As stated above

Copy to web admin with the request to upload on Board’s website.


Students will be subjected to extensive and compulsory physical frisking before entering the examination centre. The following is a list of items that are permitted and barred from taking to the Examination Centres:


  • a) Admit Card &School Identity Card (for regular students)
  • b) Admit Card & Any Govt. Issued Photo Identity Proof (for Pvt. Students)
  • c) Stationery items i.e., Transparent Pouch, Geometry/Pencil Box, Blue/Royal Blue Ink/Ball Point/Gel Pen, Scale, Writing Pad, Eraser,
  • d) Analogue Watch, Transparent Water Bottle.
  • e) Metro Card, Bus Pass, Money.


a) Any stationery item – such as textual material (printed or written), bits of papers, Calculator (Students with Learning Disability i.e. Dyscalculia are permitted to use Calculator as per Circular No. CBSE/COORD/2020 dated 20.01.2020 and are provided the same by Exam centre), Pen Drives, Calculator, Log Table (shall be provided by the centres), Electronic Pen/ Scanner, etc.

b) Any communication device – such as Mobile Phone, Bluetooth, Earphones, Microphone, Pager, Health Band, Smart Watch, Camera, etc.

c) Other items like Wallet, Goggles, Handbags, Pouches, etc.

d) Any eatable item opened or packed, except for diabetic students

e) Any other item which could be used for unfair means

f) Use of the above or similar items will be treated under the “Unfair Means” category and will attract punishment as per rules.


  • For Regular Students – School Uniform
  • For Private Students – Light Clothes

1. All cases of Unfair Means will be dealt as per the following GUIDELINES


1.1 Having Question Papers of previous years. Supported by report of Invigilator/Checking Staff

Cancellation of current Examination in the concerned subject.

Shall be allowed to take the Examination in  that Subject          in                      the Compartment examination,                       if otherwise eligible.

The benefit of doubt shall be given to such student against whom no evidence is available to testify to the foul intents on their part.


Writing Questions or Answers on any material other than the Answer Book for writing answer.

Supported by report of Invigilator/Checking Staff

1.3 Tearing of any page of the answer book or supplementary answer book etc.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff that the student has torn the page(s) of Answer-Book

1.4 Contacting or communicating or trying to do so with any person, other than the Examination Staff, during the examination time in the examination centre.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff

1.5 Having   copying   material   (hard   copy  etc.)   in   her/his possession but have not use it.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff


Breaching examination rules or any direction issued by CBSE from time to time, in connection with the conduct of Examinations.

Supported by credible evidence



Affixing/uploading of fabricated photograph on the Admit Card.

Supported by Documentary Evidence


Cancellation of current Examination in all Subjects. Shall have to take the examination in all subjects in the next year

2.2 Erasing  or  obliterating  any  information  printed  on  the Answer Book(s).

Supported   by   report   of   Invigilator/Checking   Staff   or Evaluator

2.3 Providing wrong information on the answer sheet. Supported by documentary evidence  
2.4 Having copying material in her/his possession (hard copy etc.) and having used it.

Supported   by   report   of   invigilator/checking   staff                    or Evaluator

2.5 Having communicated with another student or the Assistant Superintendent directly or indirectly.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff

2.6 Assisting other student to engage in malpractice. Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff
2.7 Giving assistance to other student(s) directly or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff

2.8 Taking   assistance   from    other    student(s)   directly               or indirectly of any kind or attempting to do so.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff


3.1 Taking  away  the  Answer  Book  out  of  the  Examination Hall/Room/Centre. Cancellation of current as well as next year’s examination in all subjects.

Shall have to take the examination in all subjects thereafter.

3.2 Smuggling out Question Paper or part thereof, out of the Examination Hall.

Supported by report of Invigilator/Checking Staff

3.3 Smuggling   out   Answer   Books/Supplementary   Answer Sheet or part thereof, out of the Examination Hall.

Supported by report of Invigilator/Checking Staff


Possession, use or attempted use of any electronic device (including Mobile Phone), which can be used as communication device, after entering the examination centre.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff

3.5 Using abusive language, threatening the staff on duty. Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff  
3.6 Indulging  in  violence  at  the  time  of  examination  or thereafter in the examination center.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff


Forceful  entry/exit  in/from  Examination  Centre  or  Hall. Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff


4.1 Impersonation.  Paying/placing/making  someone  else  to write examination.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff

Cancellation of current as well as of next three years’ examination in all subjects.

Shall have to take the examination in all subjects thereafter.

4.2 Uploading/sharing any examination related material, correct or wrong, on social media.

Supported by credible evidence

4.3 Approaching any Authority(ies)/person(s) related to the conduct of exams soliciting unauthorized privilege(s) in these Examinations.

Supported by report of such authority


Taking legal course or any other means to influence CBSE for gaining advantage in their favour, by providing false information.

Supported by documentary evidence



Using obscene/derogatory language in the answer book.

Supported   by   report   of   invigilator/checking   staff or Evaluator

Counseling by UFM Committee so  that she/he abstains from using such language in the answer book in future examinations.

Currency notes etc. shall be forfeited and deposited    in    Board’s

5.2 Using  threatening  language  in  the  Answer-Book  for  the evaluators with or without any appeal.

Supported   by   report   of   invigilator/checking   staff                    or Evaluator


Using language/threat of harm to oneself in the Answer-


Book with or without any appeal.

Supported   by   report   of   invigilator/checking   staff                    or Evaluator

5.4 Use of Any other Ink or Pencil for writing answers in the answer book.

Supported   by   report   of   invigilator/checking   staff                    or Evaluator


Having enclosed/attached a currency note or other such instrument with the answer book with or without any appeal/message for the evaluator.

Supported by report of invigilator/checking staff or Evaluator

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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