CBSE Online portal for availing exemptions/facilities by CWSN students in examinations


CBSE Online portal for availing exemptions/facilities by CWSN students in examinations


Date: 17.12.2024

The Principal/Heads of the Schools
Schools affiliated to CBSE
(Though CBSE website)

Subject : Online portal for availing exemptions/facilities by CWSN students in examinations- reg.


CWSN students appearing for Class X/XII examinations are extended several facilities by the CBSE as per its circular No. CBSE/COORD/1 12233/2019 dated 12 April 2019. If the CWSN students desire to avail any facilities/exemptions permissible by CBSE during the examinations, the request for the same can be made by the concerned school through the web portal as it was done during the previous years.


The schools should log-in their Pariksha Sangam using their login ID and password wherein in the CWSN portal, they will be shown the list of their CWSN students as filled in the LOC data and the facilities permissible to each category of students as per their disability. If the students wish to avail any of the facilities , the same is to be selected so that details would be made available in the admit card itself -and the examination centres can make the necessary arrangement for the same causing no inconvenience to any candidate with special needs.

It is therefore requested that if CWSN students wish to avail applicable facilities, the school will fill the details and upload the documents on the portal which will be made available from 18.12.2024 to 28.12.2024. Requests sent earlier to the CBSE directly (offline or any other mode) for availing exemptions by the schools will also be uploaded by the schools on web during above said schedule. No request of any sort will be catered to after the schedule mentioned and in offline mode.

Manual for making request is annexed with the request to read it carefully and for the needful to be done accordingly. Schedule will not be extended, hence, all schools should complete the process within schedule.

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations

Copy to web admin with the request to upload on CBSE website.

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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