Subject: – DDA Dwarka Housing Scheme 2024 (Online Scheme through e-Auction) for disposal of approx. 173 built- up flats at Dwarka (Sector- 19B, Sector- 16B & Sector 14).

2. Schedule of Bidding Process e-Auction for Residential Flats
Sr. No. | Event | Date |
1. | Date of advertisement | 12.08.2024 |
2. | Brochure ready for download from | 20.08.2024 |
3. | Help Desk operational for training and information on e-auction | 20.08.2024 |
4. | Registration & Submission of EMD Starts | 21.08.2024 11:00 AM |
5. | Last date of Online Registration for participating in e-auction & submission of online EMD | 16.09.2024 6:00PM |
6. | Final Submission of Application | 19.09.2024 6:00PM |
7. | Announcement of Schedule of e-Auction | 20.09.2024 |
8. | Demo Practice Session for live e-Auction | 21.09.2024, 22.09.2024
& 23.09.2024 |
9. | Commencement of online e-Auction (flat-wise schedule to be announced subsequently) | 24.09.2024, 25.09.2024
& 26.09.2024 |
The information contained in this e-Auction document or subsequently provided to Applicant(s), whether verbally or in documentary or any other form, by or on behalf of Delhi Development Authority (DDA in short) or any of their employees or advisors, is provided to Applicant(s) on the terms and conditions set out in this e-Auction document and such other terms and conditions subject to which such information is provided.
This e-Auction document is not an agreement and is neither an offer nor invitation by DDA to the prospective Applicants or any other person. The purpose of this e-Auction document is to provide interested parties with information that may be useful to them in the formulation of their application for expressing their interest pursuant to this e-Auction (the “Application”). This e-Auction document includes statements, which reflect various assumptions and assessments arrived at by DDA in relation to the Project. Such assumptions, assessments and statements do not purport to contain all the information that each applicant may require. This e-Auction document may not be appropriate for all persons, and it is not possible for DDA, its employees or advisors to consider the investment objectives, financial situation and particular needs of each party who reads or uses this e-Auction document. The assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this e-Auction document may not be complete, accurate, adequate or correct. Each Applicant should therefore, conduct its own investigations and analysis and should check the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, reliability and completeness of the assumptions, assessments, statements and information contained in this e-Auction document and obtain independent advice from appropriate sources.
Information provided in this e-Auction document to the Applicant(s) is on a wide range of matters, some of which depends upon interpretation of law. The information given is not an exhaustive account of statutory requirements and should not be regarded as a complete or authoritative statement of law. DDA accepts no responsibility for the accuracy or otherwise for any interpretation or opinion on law expressed herein.
DDA, its employees and advisors make no representation or warranty and shall have no liability to any person, including any Applicant, under any law, statute, rules or regulations or tort, principles of restitution or unjust enrichment or otherwise for any loss, damages, cost or expense which may arise from or be incurred or suffered on account of anything contained in this e-Auction document or otherwise, including the accuracy, adequacy, correctness, completeness or reliability of the e-Auction document and any assessment, assumption, statement or information contained therein or deemed to form part of this e-Auction document.
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DDA also accepts no liability of any nature whether resulting from negligence or otherwise howsoever caused arising from reliance of any Applicant upon the statements contained in this e-Auction document. DDA may, in its absolute discretion but without being under any obligation to do so, update, amend or supplement the information, assessment or assumptions contained in this e-Auction document.
4.1. Delhi Development Authority (DDA) invites e-Auction for the sale of Residential Flats as per details described at ANNEXURE: A under the Delhi Development Authority (Disposal of Housing Estates) Regulations, 1968, on ‘as is where is basis’ as per the Terms and conditions described in the Auction Document. It will be presumed that the bidder has visited the flat/site and satisfied himself/herself with the prevalent flat/site conditions in all respects including status and infrastructural facilities available, etc. before participating in the e-Auction and submitting the bid.
4.2. Only registered bidders, who are eligible and have paid EMD online, will be able to participate in this e- Auction which will be in online mode only.
4.3. Format and Signing of Proposal: Bidders shall provide all the information as per this e-Auction Document and in the specified formats. DDA reserves the right to reject any Proposal that is not in the specified formats.
4.4. Proposal Preparation Cost: The Bidder shall be responsible for all the costs associated with the preparation of his Proposal for bid and participation in the bidding process. DDA will not be responsible or in any way liable for such costs, regardless of the conduct or outcome of bidding.
4.5. Language and Currency: The Proposal and all related correspondence and documents shall be available in both English & Hindi languages. The currency for the purpose of the Proposal shall be the Indian Rupee (INR). If there is any discrepancy/contradiction in translation from English to Hindi, the language used in English version shall hold good.
4.6. Cost of e-Auction Document: The bidders can download e-Auction Documents from DDA website, and free of cost.
4.7. Clarifications: To assist in the process of evaluation of Proposals, DDA may, at its sole discretion, ask any Bidder for clarification on its Proposal. The request for clarification and the response shall be in writing or by E-mail. No change in the substance of the Proposal would be permitted by way of such clarifications.
4.8. Amendment of e-Auction Document: At any time prior to the Proposal Due Date, DDA may, for any reason, whether at its own initiative or in response to clarifications requested by a Bidder, modify the e-Auction Document, including the Reserve price of the flats. Any modification thus issued will be informed to all the prospective bidders by notifying on DDA website as well as e-Auction website. Such modification will be binding upon all bidders participating in e-Auction process.
4.9. Confidentiality: Information relating to the e-Auction process shall not be disclosed to any person not officially concerned with the process. DDA will treat all information submitted as part of Proposal in confidence and will not divulge any such information unless it is ordered to do so by any authority that has the power under law to require its disclosure.
4.10. DDA’s Right to Accept or Reject Proposal: DDA reserves the right to accept or reject any or all of the Proposals/e-bids without assigning any reason whatsoever and to take any measure as it may deem fit, including annulment of the bidding process, at any time prior to award of Project, without liability or any obligation for such acceptance, rejection or annulment.
4.11. Force Majeure: If due to any “Force majeure” events or such circumstances beyond DDA’s control, DDA is unable to handover the possession of the allotted residential flat, DDA or any of its officers/officials will not be held liable for any damages and no suit shall be moved against DDA or any of its officers/officials for the same.
5.1. The applicant must be a citizen of India.
5.2. He/ She should have attained the age of majority i.e., an applicant should have completed 18 years of age as on the last date of submission of the application and legally competent to enter into a contract.
5.3. There shall be no restriction with regard to owning any land/built up property in Delhi.
5.4. The applicant should give particulars of his/her savings account in any Bank in the name of the applicant only in the ‘Application Form’.
5.5. Applicant must have Permanent Account Number (PAN) allotted under the provisions of the Income Tax Act and the same must be quoted in the Application Form.
5.6. In case of joint application under SC/ST Reserved Category, the joint applicant/co-applicant should be from within the Family, as defined in clause (5.8) below.
5.7. In case of joint application under war widows, Persons with Disabilities (Divyangjan), ex-servicemen and other reserved categories, the applicant himself/herself should fall within the respective reserved category and the joint applicant/co-applicant should be from within the Family as defined in clause (5.8) below.
5.8. Family for clause (5.6) and (5.7) above means a person or his/her parents or his/her blood relatives or his/her spouse or any of his/her dependent relative/s including unmarried children.
5.9. It is advisable to add co-allottee in the application form rather than later stage.
5.10. It may be noted that only natural person(s) will be allowed to participate in the e-Auction. Companies, trusts, societies, co-operative societies, or any other legal entities, etc. shall not be allowed to participate in the e-Auction process.
6.1. Prospective bidders shall ensure the following before participating in e-Auction.
6.2. Participants have to get themselves registered on the e-auction portal which can be accessed on visiting, & pay an amount for Rs 2,500/- (including GST) which is non-adjustable & non-refundable, separately against each flat they wish to bid for towards processing fee. Help is provided to the prospective bidders for registration at DDA Help Desk, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi.
6.3. Participants shall safely keep their User ID and password, which will be issued by the online service provider upon registration, and which is necessary for e-bidding.
6.4. Bidders shall not disclose their User ID as well as password and other material information relating to the bidding to any one and safeguard its secrecy.
6.5. DDA will not be responsible for any unauthorized use of login credentials. It will be sole responsibility of the applicant to regularly check the portal i.e.,, and for any updates.
6.6. Bidders are advised to change the password immediately on receipt from the e-Auctioning portal.
6.7. With regard to the successful H1 bidders, the issuance of various communications including Demand-cum- Allotment Letter (DAL), Cancellation/Surrender, Possession letter, Conveyance Deed etc. and uploading of necessary documents will be through On-Line Mode only in Applicants are advised to keep their login credentials safe with them and not to share the same with anyone. DDA will not be responsible for any unauthorized use of login credentials. It will be sole responsibility of the applicant to regularly check the portal i.e., for any updates and developments with regard to payment of demand & allotment process of his flat.
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6.8. Earnest Money Deposit (EMD)
6.8.1. In order to participate in the Bidding Process, the prospective Bidder is required to make online payment as mentioned in the table below towards Earnest Money Deposit separately against each flat they wish to bid for, through e-payment gateway of e-Auction portal, to be eligible for participation in the e-Auction.
S. No. | Flat Category | EMD |
1. | MIG (2 BHK) | Rs. 10,00,000/- |
2. | HIG (3 BHK) | Rs. 15,00,000/- |
3. | Super HIG (4 BHK) | Rs. 20,00,000/- |
4. | Penthouse (5 BHK) | Rs.25,00,000/- |
6.8.2. The EMD shall be payable on-line through NEFT/RTGS/E-PAYMENT on e-Auction portal which can be accessed on visiting Detailed instructions to guide the bidder through the e- Payment steps are available on the said portal/website.
6.8.3. No offer/bid shall be accepted without successful payment of Earnest Money Deposit (EMD) within the stipulated time. Therefore, it is advised that customers should not wait for the last moment and deposit the EMD.
6.8.4. The Earnest Money Deposit will be adjusted in the payment against the premium of bid payable to the Authority by the successful Bidder (H-1 Bidder).
6.8.5. The Earnest Money Deposit paid by the bidders, whose offers have not been accepted shall be returned to them without any interest. The same shall be refunded electronically in their Bank account of the unsuccessful bidders generally within 30 days of the last date of the bidding. The advance deposit shall not be adjusted against any other scheme. The payment should not be done through NRE Account and DDA shall not be responsible for delay in refund in this regard.
6.8.6. Only the Applicants making successful payments of EMDs within the stipulated date, shall be allowed to participate in the e-Auction process.
6.9. Submission of the Application Form:
6.9.1. The intending bidders can register/ participate in the bidding process once they get themselves registered on the e-Auction portal which can be accessed on visiting
6.9.2. For participation in this process, the intending Bidders are required to submit/ pay EMD as stated in clause 6.8.1 above. All payments are required to be made online.
6.9.3. Bid received by Post /Courier shall not be entertained.
6.9.4. Application form of each flat is to be submitted separately with separate EMDs & processing fee.
6.10. E-auction process for a particular flat shall be proceeded with if at least one eligible registered bidder for that flat is there whose EMD has been realized within stipulated period. In case there is no such eligible bidder for a flat, that flat will not be included for the bidding and the same will be put up for next e-Auction of DDA.
6.11. Applicant may bid for multiple flats but he has to deposit EMDs as well as processing fees for each flat separately. If the person doesn’t succeed in becoming highest bidder in any of the flat(s), then his EMD(s) for the concerned flat(s) will get refunded.
6.12. Bid Timings & Reserved price
6.12.1. The Bid timings for the e-Auction will be announced on DDA website & participants are requested to visit the DDA website regularly for any updates.
6.12.2. Once the e-bid is placed, the bidder cannot reduce or withdraw it for whatever reason. If done so, the EMD amount shall be forfeited.
6.12.3. The bidders are required to quote for the rate with reference to the
flat put on e-Auction over and above the reserve price mentioned in the Annexure-A.
6.12.4. It is further clarified that for the bid process to be treated as successful, at least one bid has to be offered.
6.12.5. e-Auction will start and end as per schedule which will be announced on DDA website. The bid for e- Auction shall start with minimum one increment above the reserve sale rate. The reserve price as mentioned in the document may not be treated as final price. Minimum increment of bid in e-Auction shall be as given in table below. The maximum increment that can be placed by the bidder at a time would be 50 times the minimum increment value as stated in table below:
Category | Increment value per flat or multiple thereof |
Penthouse flats | Rs. 2,00,000/- |
Super HIG flats | Rs. 1,50,000/- |
HIG Flats | Rs. 1,00,000/- |
MIG Flats | Rs. 50,000/- |
6.12.6. The bidder shall be solely responsible for all consequences arising out of the bid submitted by him/her (including any wrongful bidding) and no complaint/representation will be entertained in this regard by the DDA/Service provider. Hence bidders are cautioned to be careful to check the bid amount, and alter/rectify their bid if required, before confirming the bid submitted.
6.13. Time Extension: If the bidding continues till the last 5 minutes of the scheduled/extended closing time of auction, the bidding time shall be automatically extended for further 5 minutes. The bidding will be extended for a maximum of 20 times.
6.14. Training and Assistance Booth for the prospective Bidders: For facility of the prospective bidders, a Helpdesk will be set up Ground Floor, DDA Office, D-Block, Vikas Sadan, INA, New Delhi-23. Prospective bidders can get the required training and information on e-Auctioning process during working hours.
6.15. Note of caution for the Bidders:
6.15.1. Bidders may encounter certain unforeseen problems such as time lag, heavy traffic, and system/power failure at the Bidder’s end. To avoid losing out on bidding because of above- mentioned reasons, it is advised to have reliable internet connection and ICT equipment and not to wait for the last moment for submitting your bid.
6.15.2. If on account of any technical issues there is a disruption in the e-Auction process majorly affecting the smooth conduct of the bidding process, DDA will be at its discretion to extend the bid period and resume bidding for the affected flats.
6.15.3 The Bidder is expected to carefully examine all the instructions, guidelines, terms and conditions and formats of the e-Auction. Failure to furnish all the necessary information as required or submission of a proposal not substantially responsive to all the requirements of the e-Auction shall be at Bidder’s own risk and may be liable for rejection.
6.16. UNCONDITIONAL BIDS: Bidders may note that DDA will not entertain any deviations from the e-Auction Document at the time of submission of the Proposal or thereafter. The Proposal to be submitted by the Bidders will be unconditional and unqualified and the Bidders would be deemed to have accepted the terms and conditions of the e-Auction Document with all its contents. Any conditional Proposal shall be regarded as non-responsive and would be liable for rejection.
6.17. REJECTION OF BIDS: DDA reserves the right to reject any/all bids without assigning any reason thereof and without incurring any liability to the affected bidder(s) or any obligation to inform the affected bidder(s) of the grounds for such decision. The DDA may at its sole discretion and at any time during the evaluation of Proposal, disqualify any Bidder, if the Bidder has:
- i. Made misleading or false representations in the e-Auction reply or documents in support of mandatory criteria.
- ii. Submitted a proposal online that is not accompanied by required documentation or is non- responsive. In the absence of any document as required, the concerned party shall be considered as not eligible and in that eventuality their participation in the e-Auction shall not be considered.
- iii. Failed to provide clarifications related thereto, when sought;
- iv. Information relating to the examination, clarification and comparison of the proposals shall not be disclosed to any bidder or any other persons not officially concerned with such process until the selection process is over. The undue use by any Bidder of confidential information related to the process may result in rejection of their bid.
- v. Any superfluous documents/document not related to the mandatory criteria may result in summary rejection of bid. All participating bidders are clearly instructed to attach only those documents which are relevant to the scope of work/mandatory criteria as specified in the e-Auction document and not any other work.
6.18. BIDDER’S RESPONSIBILITY – The following due diligence/deliberation is the sole responsibility of the bidder:
6.18.1. The flats are being offered by DDA on As-Is-Where-Is Basis. The Bidder may carry out field visit to assess the flats offered at any time at his own cost.
6.18.2. The Bidder is expected to examine carefully the contents of all the documents provided. Failure to comply with the requirements of e-Auction Document will be at the Bidder’s own risk.
6.18.3. It would be deemed that prior to the submission of Proposal, the Bidder has:
- i. Made a complete and careful examination of requirements, and other information set forth in this e-Auction Document;
- ii. Received all such relevant information as it has requested from DDA; and
- iii. Made a complete and careful examination of the various aspects of the Project that might affect the Bidder’s performance under the terms of this e-Auction Document.
- iv. DDA shall not be liable for any mistake or error or neglect by the Bidder in respect of the above.
7.1. Successful Applicants (No refund in case of surrender)
7.1.1. The applicants are advised to satisfy themselves with regard to location, price, existing facilities in the surrounding area and other related issues before applying for allotment of a flat under this scheme. In case of surrender of flat after successful declaration of H1 bidder through online e-Auction, full EMD (para 6.8.1) applicable will be forfeited.
7.2. Unsuccessful Applicants
7.2.1. The amount of EMD in case of unsuccessful applicants will be returned to the same account from where it is received & also using the same channel (viz. NEFT/RTGS/Branch etc.).
8.1. The details of reservations under this Scheme are as under:
8.1.1. 15% of the flats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Castes (SC); and
8.1.2. 7.5% of the flats for applicants belonging to Scheduled Tribes (ST);
8.1.3. 1% for War Widows and those receiving liberalized pension from Armed/Paramilitary Services (Next of Kin)
8.1.4. 5% reservation for Persons with Disability (Divyangjan) as defined in Section-37(a) of the Rights of persons with Disabilities Act, 2016.
8.1.5. 1% for Ex-servicemen.
8.2. The reservations, as above, are admissible strictly with reference to the number of flats available in a locality.
8.3. In case number(s) of flats in respect of reserved category comes to a fraction i.e., less than 0.5 it would be rounded off to zero and if it is 0.5 or more it would be rounded off to one.
8.4. With regard to the flats for different reserved categories, the same will be carved out from the available inventory through draw of lots. The e-Auction will be carried out among the respective reserved categories.
8.5. If in the initial phase of auction, requisite numbers of applications are not received from the above mentioned five categories or in the case of the reserved flats not getting any bids in the auction process or such flats do not get any EMD, then in such eventuality, all remaining flats from the reserve categories shall be subsequently opened to all categories in the next phase of e-Auction which will be announced separately.
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।