CBSE : Full & Final Settlement of Payment for Centre Charges for Board’s Examinations 2023-24 through updated IPS


Full & Final Settlement of Payment for Centre Charges for Board’s Examinations 2023-24 through updated IPS

CBSE/Coord/IPS/Exam-2023/2023/ E-93618

Dated: 24.07 .2024

The Principal/Centre Superintendents,
Schools fixed as Examination Centres by CBSE,
Session 2022-23.
(Through CBSE website)

Subject: Full & Final Settlement of Payment for Centre Charges for Board’s Examinations 2023-24 through updated Integrated Payment System (IPS)


This is in continuation to the instructions issued earlier vide letter dated 12.03.2024 for updating of data in OECMS portal by Centre Superintendents . It was communicated that in the absence of correct and updated OECMS data for all the days of the examinations at the centre, the payment of various examination functionaries through IPS will not be possible. In case of centres where outside Centre Superintendents have been appointed, the centre school will make all arrangements for updating of OECMS on daily basis.


Now, Board has launched updated Integrated Payment System (IPS) for releasing payment(s) of Centre Charge(s) for the examination centre and functionaries involved in the conduct of AISSC E/AISS E Examinations 2023-24.

The data has been fetched from OECMS portal to IPS portal. The IPS portal link is available in “Pariksha Sangam ” on CBSE website and made operational for the Examination Centres to check, verify and finally freeze the data.

The Board will release payments in an automotive mode into the bank accounts of individual. The 1ast date for freezing the data in the IPS portal system is 14th August, 2024 It may also be noted that Board has decided to release the payment in a fixed schedule and thus all concerned are requested to follow the directions of the Board strictly

(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations

Copy to:

1. Web-admin for uploading on the CBSE website

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