Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Regulation, 2024

Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Regulation, 2024



Ahmedabad, the 13th June, 2024

F. No. IIMA/CAO/OFF/2024/011.—In exercise of the powers conferred by section 35 of the Indian Institutes of Management Act, 2017 (33 of 2017)z the Board of Indian Institute of Management, Ahmedabad hereby makes the following Regulations, namely:-

Chapter – 1 Preliminary

1. Short title and commencement: (1) These regulations may be called the Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Regulation, 2024

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the official gazette.

2. Definitions: (1) In these First Regulations, unless the context otherwise requires,

(a) ―Act‖ means the Indian Institutes of Management Act 2017;

(b) ―FAC‖ means Finance and Audit Committee constituted by the Board of Governors of the Institute;

(c) ―Building Committee‖ means the Building Committee constituted by the Board of Governors of the Institute;

(d) ―CAO‖ means the Chief Administrative Officer of the Institute;

(e) ―CFO‖ means the Chief Financial Officer of the Institute;

(f) ―CVO‖ means the Chief Vigilance Officer of the Institute;

(g) ―Dean‖ means the Deans appointed by the Director who are responsible for organization or programmes or activities of the Institute;

(h) ―FDEC‖ means the Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee of the Institute;

(i) ―Rules‖ means the Indian Institute of Management Rules, 2018;

(j) ―Secretary to the Board‖ means the Secretary to the Board of Governors of the Institute;

(2) Words and expressions used, but not defined in these regulations, shall have the same meanings respectively assigned to them in the Act and Rules.

Chapter – 2

Board of Governors nomination committee

3. Manner for the nomination of faculty members to the Board: (1) Eligibility for nomination:

(a) Any full-time faculty member having the designation of ‗Professor‘ who has been working at the Institute for at least five years will be eligible for being nominated to the Board;


(b) One of the two members nominated on the Board will be from the Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee (FDEC).

(2) Process of nomination:

(a) The Chairperson shall nominate one of the Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee (FDEC) member as a faculty member on the Board in consultation with the Director;

(b) Nomination of other faculty members to the Board under clause (e) of sub-section (2) of Section of the Act shall be initiated by the Director by seeking suggestions from the faculty members of the Institute at least three months prior to the position of faculty member becoming vacant on completion of his or her term of appointment;
(c) In case the position falls vacant on account of resignation or other unanticipated reasons, the Director shall initiate the process after the position has become vacant as soon as possible but within one month of the date on which vacancy arises;

(d) The faculty will be informed about the eligibility criteria and the names of the Professors who are eligible to be considered for nomination on the Board;

(e) In the first stage, each member of the faculty can nominate up to three names from the list of eligible faculty;

(f) Director will inform the faculty about the shortlisted name(s) of faculty willing to serve as a member of the Board;

(g) The Director shall recommend the name(s) to the Chairperson of the Board for appointing one as a member of the Board;

(h) The Chairperson of the Board will have the final discretion on the nomination of faculty members to the Board and he or she may seek additional details about the process or on the individual names recommended by the Director and faculty;

(i) Faculty members on the Board can be nominated for a second consecutive term by following the usual procedure. Third term can be given only after a cooling-off of two years;

(j) A faculty member may be removed from the Board on the grounds as provided under sub-rule (5) of rule 4 of the Rules;

(k) A faculty member can be appointed as Board Member if he or she has a residual service of two years as on date of the vacancy.

(3) Representation: Representation for the Scheduled Caste/Scheduled Tribes and women members on the Board would be ensured in accordance with the Act.

4. Quorum and procedures to be followed in the conduct of meetings of the Board: (1) The Board shall ordinarily meet once in every three months provided that the Chairperson may, whenever he or she thinks it is necessary, or on a written requisition of not less than seven members call for a special meeting;

(2) Where in the opinion of the Chairperson or the Director the situation is such that an immediate decision needs to be taken in the interest of the Institute, the Chairperson, in consultation with the Director may issue such orders as may be necessary, recording the grounds for his or her opinion;

Provided that such orders shall be submitted for ratification in the next meeting of the Board.

(3) Two-third of the members in position shall form a quorum for a meeting of the Board of Governors. In the event that there is no quorum, the meeting will be adjourned and reconvened after half-an-hour. Five members in position shall be the quorum for the reconvened meeting;

(4) In case of difference of opinion among members on any issues, the opinion of the majority of members present shall prevail;

(5) Each member of the Board including the Chairperson shall have one vote and if there shall be an equality of votes on any question to be determined by the Board, the Chairperson shall have and can exercise a casting vote;

(6) Every meeting of the Board shall be presided over by the Chairperson and, in his or her absence from any meeting, by a member chosen from among them by the members present at the meeting;

(7) A written notice of every meeting shall be sent by the Secretary of the Board to every member at least fifteen days (except for Special Meeting) before the date of the meeting mentioning therein the place, date, and time of the meeting;

(8) The notice of meetings may be delivered either by hand or sent by registered post or email or fax, at the address of each member and, if so sent, shall be deemed to have been duly delivered in the ordinary course of post or, in the case of email or fax, when the same is transmitted;

(9) The Secretary of the Board shall circulate agenda of any scheduled meeting in advance to all Board members;

(10) The ruling of the Chairperson about all questions of procedure shall be final;

(11) The minutes of the proceedings of a meeting of the Board of Governors shall be drawn up by the Secretary of the Board and shall be circulated to all members of the Board and the same, along with any amendment suggested, shall be placed before the Board of Governors in its next meeting for confirmation;

(12) Any resolution except such as may be placed before the meeting of the Board may be adopted by circulation among all its members and any resolution so circulated and adopted by a majority of the members who have signified their approval or disapproval of such resolution shall be as effective and binding as if such resolution had been passed at a meeting of the Board, provided that in every such case at least two-thirds of the members of the Board in position shall have recorded their approval of the resolution;

(13) A member can join the Board meeting through video conferencing or other audio visual means;

(14) The Chairperson shall have the power to invite any number of experts, not being members of the Board, to attend meetings of the Board, but such invitees shall not be entitled to vote at the meeting;

5. Manner of authentication of orders and decisions of the Board and maintenance of records thereof:

(1) The Director or the Secretary of the Board will authenticate all orders and decisions of the Board as recorded in the minutes of the meeting of the Board and approved by the Chairperson of the Board;

(2) Chief Administrative Officer as Secretary to the Board will be the custodian of the records.

6. Board Committees: (1) Empowered Committees:-

The Board of Governors have constituted the following empowered committees:

  • (a) Finance and Audit Committee (FAC)
  • (b) Building Committee

(2) Finance and Audit Committee: composition, quorum, frequency, procedure and functions:-

(a) The composition of the Finance and Audit Committee shall be as below:

  • (i) Two members of the Board nominated by the Chairperson, Board of Governors;
  • (ii) Up to two external experts nominated by the Chairperson, Board of Governors;
  • (iii) Director;
  • (iv) One of the Deans or Faculty of the Institute nominated by the Chairperson of the Board of Governors;
  • (v) Chief Financial Officer shall be the member secretary of the Committee;
  • (vi) One member of the Building Committee other than Director, Dean and Chief Administrative Officer.

(b) The Chairperson, Board of Governors, will nominate one member of the Finance and Audit Committee as the Chairperson of the Committee;

(c) The Finance and Audit Committee shall ordinarily meet at least twice in a year;

(d) Two-third members of the Finance and Audit Committee present in a meeting shall form a quorum for the meeting of the Committee;

(e) The Chairperson of the Finance and Audit Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. In his/her absence, the members present in the meeting may choose one among them to preside over the meeting;

(f) The procedures relating to the meeting, preparation and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meetings of the Board of Governors shall be followed in the case of meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee. The notice period for a meeting of the Finance and Audit Committee will be one week;

(g) The Finance and Audit Committee shall be reconstituted whenever any member completes his/her term of membership of Board, or of appointment to the committee or nomination or he or she resigns. The Board shall reconstitute the Finance and Audit Committee every five years afresh. No member will continue on the Committee for more than two terms of five years each or attaining the age of seventy four, whichever is earlier;

(h) The minutes of the meetings of the Finance and Audit Committee or resolutions of the Committee shall be placed before the ensuing meeting of the Board for noting or ratification or consideration;

(i) All orders and decisions of the Finance and Audit Committee shall be signed by the Chairman of the Committee and authenticated and circulated by the Secretary of the Committee to the members of the Committee;

(j) The Finance and Audit Committee will interact with the internal and external auditors of the Institute and will assess the robustness of internal control systems and risk management system of the Institute. It will review the audit reports submitted by the Auditors and ensure proprietary controls. It will have access to all the records and personnel of the Institute to perform its tasks. It will provide to the Board and the Director of the Institute its observations and recommendations in the form of guidelines to be followed by the Institute.

(k) All policy matters on finance requiring consideration and approval of the Board of Governors shall be first placed before the Finance and Audit Committee for consideration and recommendations to the Board. These may involve, among other things, such matters as a review of budgets, final accounts, audit fees, investment of funds, transfers to corpus, depreciation, interest allocation to funds, matters relating to student loans and scholarships, purchase procedures, costs, revenues, writing off of assets, review of group insurance scheme, Institute‘s resource mobilization strategy, delegation of financial powers, etc. It will have access to all the records and personnel of the Institute to perform its tasks;

(l) The Institute‘s budget estimates, and revised estimates shall be reviewed by the Finance and Audit Committee, and recommendations shall be made by the Committee to the Board;

(m) Further, in exercise of power vested by sub-section (2) and sub-section (4) of section 22 read with clause (w) and clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 35 of the Act the Board of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad hereby empowers the Finance and Audit Committee- to review and periodically recommend to the Board a set of guidelines on deployment of Institute‘s funds keeping in mind the risks and return associated with bank deposits and other financial instruments such that the Institute deploys its funds in a prudential manner based on arms-length transactions. The Finance Committee also shall monitor the actual deployment of funds by the Institute to ensure that the guidelines are complied with;

(n) The Committee shall also oversee and ratify Provident fund Trusts activities, investment of funds, policies, etc.

(3) Building Committee: composition, quorum, frequency, procedure and functions: –

(a) The composition of the Building Committee shall be as below:

  • (i) Director;
  • (ii) One of the Deans of the Institute nominated by the Chairperson, Board of Governors;
  • (iii) Two members of the Board nominated by the Chairperson, Board of Governors;
  • (iv) Up to two external experts nominated by the Chairperson, Board of Governors;
  • (v) The Chief Administrative Officer of the Institute shall be the member secretary of the Committee;
  • (vi) One member of the Finance Committee other than the Director, Dean/Faculty, and Chief Financial Officer.

(b) The Chairperson, Board of Governors, will nominate one member of the Building Committee as the Chairperson of the Committee;

(c) The Building Committee shall meet as the need arises and can be convened at the request of any of its members;

(d) Three members of the Committee present in a meeting shall form a quorum for the meeting of the Committee;

(e) The Chairperson of the Committee shall preside over the meetings of the Committee. In his/her absence, the members present in the meeting may choose one amongst them to preside over the meeting;

(f) The procedures relating to the meeting, preparation and confirmation of the minutes applicable to the meetings of the Board of Governors shall be followed in the case of meetings of the Building Committee. The notice period for a meeting of the Building Committee will be one week;

(g) The Building Committee shall be reconstituted whenever any member completes his/her term of membership of Board, or of appointment to the committee or nomination or he or she resigns. The Board shall reconstitute the Building Committee every five years afresh. No member will continue on the Committee for more than two terms of five years each or attaining the age of seventy four, whichever is earlier;

(h) All policy matters of campus development involving building construction, renovation, repairs requiring consideration and approval of the Board of Governors shall be first placed before the Building Committee. These may involve, among other things, such matters as building plans, priorities in these plans, schedule of construction, tenders, the award of civil work to contractors, shifting of facilities, reassessment of existing offices, location of buildings, air conditioning and appointment of air conditioning consultants, acoustics and appointment of acoustics consultants, preparation of the master plan for any new land, consideration of major seepage, cracking, and other maintenance problems, approval of architect‘s plans, adoption of the structural systems, procurement of materials, type of flooring, creation of parking facilities, revision of construction plans, planning of electrical services, fencing, preventive maintenance other than routine maintenance work, etc. Routine maintenance work will be undertaken by the Director;

(i) The committee will keep the ‗Establishment and Maintenance of Buildings‘ regulations in mind while formulating its recommendations;

(j) The minutes of the meetings of the Building Committee or resolutions of the Committee shall be placed before the ensuing meeting of the Board for noting or ratification or consideration;

(k) The Building Committee is authorized to approve works as stated above and as per the approved budget.

(l) All orders and decisions of the Building Committee shall be signed by the Chairperson of the Committee and authenticated and circulated by the Secretary of the Committee to the members of the Committee.

Chapter – 3

Teaching and Non-Teaching Staff

7. Tenure, remuneration and terms and conditions of employees in service before the commencement of Act:

(1) With the Act coming into force and the Institute becoming a statutory body corporate, all the employees of the Institute will be deemed to have continuous service with the Institute;

(2) The terms and conditions of all existing employees will remain the same, even after the change in the legal status of the Institute;

(3) The employees will continue to have the same rights and privileges, including pension, leave, gratuity, provident fund etc., as they had prior to change in the legal status of the Institute. The change of status of the Institute, however, shall not confer any new rights and privileges for the employees retrospectively;

(4) If the change in the legal status of the Institute or the rules, regulations and ordinances enacted consequent to the Act is not acceptable to any employee of the Institute, the employee may notify the same to the Chief Administrative Officer or the Director in writing. Such cases will be dealt with by the Institute in accordance with the provision of clause (d) of Section 5 of the Act.

8. Continuity of administrative functionaries and processes: (1) Continuity of administrative functionaries and any subsequent modification:-

(a) All administrative functionaries of the Institute shall continue to perform the functions assigned to them prior to the adoption of these regulations;

(b) For all administrative functions, the Director is empowered to modify the eligibility for each position, manner of their appointment, the term of appointment and their functions.

(2) Continuity of administrative processes and any subsequent modification:-

(a) All administrative processes of the Institute shall continue to be followed in the manner in which they were followed prior to the adoption of these regulations.

(b) The Institute shall make available to all concerned employees and other stakeholders the documentation on its processes such as-

(i) Human Resources processes covering recruitment, assignment to roles, development and promotion, grievance redressals etc.,

(ii) Guidelines on procurement of goods and services,

(iii) Academic administration in the form of programme manuals,

(iv) Guidelines on budgeting for and incurring any expenditure,

(v) Guidelines on maintenance of information and records.

(vi) Guidelines on the use of Information Technology assets

(c) The Director is empowered to modify all administrative processes within the limits of laws and rules. He may seek inputs from the Academic Council.

9. Number, emoluments, duties and conditions of service of academic, administrative, technical and other posts or staff:

Teaching/Academic: (1) The Director, with the inputs from of the Dean (Faculty), Dean (Programmes) and Chairpersons of Areas and Centers of the Institute, will periodically review the requirement of the size of faculty area-wise;

(2) The Director will recommend to the Board a long-term plan regarding the size of the faculty of the Institute;

(3) Based on the approval of the Board on the size of faculty, the Director will be empowered to appoint members of faculty as per pay scales and terms of employment conforming to those of Central Government employees;

Non-teaching/ administrative, technical and other posts staff:

(4) The Director, with the inputs from the Dean(s), Chief Administrative Officer, or the chairpersons of the academic activity concerned, will periodically review the requirement of the administrative, technical and all other staff, other than the members of faculty;

(5) The Director will recommend the staffing plan to the Board in the form of a detailed proposal which shall, inter alia, specify the number of posts in each cadre to be created; pay scales, and terms of employment which shall conform to those of the central government employees; and submit the same to the Board for approval;

(6) The Director may fill in the posts approved by the Board based on the requirement.

10. Qualifications, classification, Terms of office and method of appointment of the academic, administrative, technical and other staff of the Institute: Teaching/Academic: (1) The regular appointments to the faculty positions may be made based on an open advertisement and / or rolling advertisement;

(2) All regular appointments in the positions of faculty will be based on the recommendations of a Faculty Recruitment Committee, Institute Faculty Recruitment Committee, or, Search and Selection Committee constituted for the purpose;

(3) Each area or centre or group or school of the Institute, which is authorized to recommend persons for recruitment as faculty, will have a Faculty Recruitment Committee or a Search and Selection Committee;

(4) Faculty Recruitment Committee shall consist of the chairperson of the academic area concerned – for which the recruitment is considered – as Chairperson of the Committee, two members of the area, a representative of the Faculty Development and Evaluation Committee and Dean (Faculty) as ex-officio member;

(5) Institute Faculty Recruitment Committee shall consist of Director, Dean (Faculty), one other Dean and two faculty representatives. Search and Selection Committee consists of the Director and two other academic members, one of who should be a faculty at the Institute;

(6) The Faculty Recruitment Committee, Institute Faculty Recruitment Committee and Search and Selection Committee are empowered to make recommendations to the Director for appointment, and no regular appointment shall be made without their recommendations. The Director may reject the recommendation of the Committee;

(7) All members of the Committee are required to attend meetings of the Committee. If a member is not able to attend a meeting, his inputs shall be obtained on the items on the agenda for consideration at the meeting;

(8) In case required, the Committee can vote to arrive at its recommendation. Each member, in case of voting, will have equal weight;

(9) The Director is empowered to offer appointments for faculty positions on such terms and conditions as approved by the Board;

(10) In recruiting faculty attention to be paid in terms of social inclusivity and gender diversity; Non-teaching/ administrative, technical and other posts staff:

(11) The Director is empowered to make appointments to the posts on such terms and conditions as may be specified by the Board;

(12) The Director will ensure that the applications for positions shall be invited through advertisements in newspapers and announcements on the Institute‘s website to ensure that the Institute provides an equitable opportunity to all;

(13) The Director shall ensure that the process of recruitment is free from favouritism, biases and prejudices;

(14) The Director is empowered to form a committee for recruitment against approved posts;

11. Constitution of pension, insurance and provident funds for the benefit of the academic, administrative, technical and other staff: (1) The employees of the Institute shall continue to have entitlement on existing pension, insurance and provident funds benefits as that was available before this Act. There will be no entitlement from retrospective effect as a consequence of these regulations or the Institute becoming a statutory corporate body after the enactment of the Act;
(2) The academic, administrative, technical, and other staff of the Institute shall be governed by Government of India‘s pension fund, and NPS provident rules as adopted by the Board for the employees in accordance with Central Government Guidelines;

(3) The insurance schemes shall be applied as approved by the Board. The insurance schemes currently available to the employees at the Institute is the Group Savings Linked Insurance Scheme;

(4) The Institute also has a Group Personal Accident Insurance Scheme for its permanent employees;

(5) The Institute will tie-up with an insurance company for group medical insurance for its employees under its Group Mediclaim Insurance Scheme. The scheme would cover all permanent employees of the Institute, their spouses, and their dependents;

(6) The Institute earmarks part of its funds to provide pension and other retirement benefits for its employees based on an actuarial valuation done every year;

(7) The Institute contributes the employer‘s contribution for those employees who are covered under National
Pension system;

(8) The Institute also manages, in trust, the funds associated with employees‘ contribution and the employer‘s contribution as applicable for all those employees who are not on National Pension System;

(9) The deployment of funds managed in trust and the funds earmarked for pension and other retirement benefits is based on investment guidelines as per the laws and as approved by the board or a committee empowered by the Board.

Chapter – 4

Admissions and Students

12. Regulations for the admission of candidates to the various courses of study: (1) Various courses of study:-

(a) Various courses of study offered by the Institute can be classified as courses leading to the attainment of a degree or diploma by the participant or student of the course, or courses leading to a certificate of participation or completion;

(b) The diploma and certificate programmes of the Institute will be primarily meant for experienced professionals as part of ‗continuing education‘ or ‗training‘ offered by the Institute;

(2) Degree-granting programmes:-

(a) The Academic Council of the Institute will enact ordinance(s) for admission to all degree-granting programmes based on the power conferred in it under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 36 of the Act;

(b) The admission to all degree-granting programmes shall be consistent with clause (b) of section 7 of the Act;

(c) The admission to all degree-granting programmes shall be consistent with subsection (1) and (3) of section 8 of the Act;

(d) The Academic Council of the Institute shall be empowered to administer the admission process for degree-granting programmes of the Institute;

(e) The Academic Council will monitor and modify the admission requirements of such programmes as and when required.

(3) Diploma-granting programmes:-

(a) The Academic Council of the Institute will enact ordinance(s) for admission to all diploma-granting programmes based on the power conferred in it under clause (a) of sub-section (2) of section 36 of the Act;

(b) The admission to all diploma-granting programmes shall be consistent with clause (b) of section 7 of the Act;

(c) The admission to all diploma-granting programmes shall be consistent with subsection (1) of section 8 of the Act;

(d) The Academic Council of the Institute shall be empowered to administer the admission process for diploma-granting programmes of the Institute;

(e) The Academic Council will monitor and modify the admission requirements of such programmes as and when required;

(4) Other programmes:-

(a) All other programmes of the Institute are generally not based on competitive intake and are meant for a specific set of professionals;

(b) The Academic Council may administer the admission process based on the nature of such programmes;

(c) The Academic Council will monitor and modify the admission requirements of such programmes as and when required.

13. Regulation for conferment of honorary degrees: In addition to the power vested in the Academic Council by the Act, the Board further delegates its power in clause (g) of sub-section (2) of section 11 to recommend the name(s) for the award of honorary degree on an individual.

14. Fees for various courses of study and examinations in the Institute: Programme and hostel fees of the degree and diploma granting programmes:-

(1) The Director of the Institute will initiate the process of review of the fees for each batch of the degree and diploma-granting programme of the Institute before the start of the admissions for the batch;

(2) The Director will take inputs from the administrative functionaries on the costs incurred on each of the programme and from the relevant programme committees on the programme outcomes and affordability from the point of the candidates. He will also take inputs on the financial assistance and other financial resources available for the candidates so that no deserving candidate is denied admission for want of funds for the fee;

(3) The Director will also seek inputs from the academic council on the programme fee before he or she formulates his/her own recommendations;

(4) The Director shall recommend to the Board the fee to be charged for the degree granting programme prior to the start of the admissions for the batch concerned;

(5) The Board will decide the amount of programme fee to be charged from each batch of the degree granting programme;

(6) The Institute may decide to fix separate programme and hostel fee or may charge only a consolidated fee. Further, the Institute may decide on the amount to be charged for a non-standard accommodation if provided to the programme participants and the amount to be allowed as deduction in case a participant is allowed to stay outside the Institute;

(7) The fees once notified for a batch will not be revised for that batch and the students will pay the same fees for the entire duration of the programme.

Fees for all other programmes:-

(8) The Director, in consultation with programme committees and other administrative functionaries, is empowered to fix the programme and hostel or residence fee for all other programmes;

(9) The Institute may decide to fix separate programme and hostel fee for all such programmes or may charge only a consolidated fee. Further, the Institute may decide on the amount to be charged for a non-standard accommodation if provided to the programme participants and the amount to be allowed as a deduction in case a participant is allowed to stay outside the Institute;

(10) The Director will keep the Board informed of the fees fixed for these programmes;

(11) The fees once notified for a batch will not be revised for that batch and the students will pay the same fees for the entire duration of the programme.

15. Fellowships, scholarships, exhibitions, medals and prizes: In addition to the power vested in the Academic Council by the Act, the Board further delegates its power in clause (f) of sub-section (2) of section 11 to institute and decide on the award of fellowship, scholarships, prizes and medals to individuals pursuing programmes at the Institute.

16. Conditions of residence of students of the Institute and levying of fees for residence in the halls and hostels and other charges: Programme and hostel fees of the degree and diploma granting programmes: –

(1) The Director of the Institute will initiate the process of review of the fees for each batch of the degree and diploma-granting programme of the Institute before the start of the admissions for the batch;

(2) The Director will take inputs from the administrative functionaries on the costs incurred on each of the programme and from the relevant programme committees on the programme outcomes and affordability from the point of the candidates. He will also take inputs on the financial assistance and other financial resources available for the candidates so that no deserving candidate is denied admission for want of funds for the fee;

(3) The Director will also seek inputs from the academic council on the programme fee before he or she formulates his/her own recommendations;

(4) The Director shall recommend to the Board the fee to be charged for Master of Business Administration programme before the start of the admissions for the batch concerned;

(5) The Board will decide the amount of programme fee to be charged from each batch of degree granting programme;

(6) The Institute may decide to fix separate programme and hostel fee or may charge only a consolidated fee. Further, the Institute may decide on the amount to be charged for a non-standard accommodation if provided to the programme participants and the amount to be allowed as deduction in case a participant is allowed to stay outside the Institute;

(7) Currently, many degree and diploma-granting programmes of the Institute are residential, and students are required to stay on the campus. Married students of the Doctor of Philosophy Programme are permitted to stay outside the campus with their family. Such students shall make their own arrangements for accommodation outside the campus. The students of the Institute, except married students of the Doctor of Philosophy Programme who shall be provided family accommodation, are and shall be accommodated in dormitories on single occupancy basis as far as possible. In some cases, married students may be accommodated in married student housing (MSH), studios or flats;

(8) In addition to the dormitories, Married Student Housings, studios and flats; classrooms, corridors, and passages with adequate spaces serve as meeting points for casual as well as serious study, interaction with faculty, etc. The Institute shall endeavour to provide similar residential and interaction spaces in the future.

Chapter – 5


17. Delegation of powers and functions of the Board to the Director:

Delegation of power by the Board to the Director:- The Director shall exercise the powers and perform the duties as may be assigned to him/her under the Act or under these Regulations or as may be delegated by the Board from time to time.
The delegation of powers to the Director are with regard to different activities and functions. Director may sub- delegate some of these powers for the effective functioning of the Institute. The delegation of powers to the Director shall include the following:

1. Academic:-

(a) To advise the Board on academic matters based on the global developments and recommendations of Academic Council for creation of new programmes, new centres and collaboration with other Institutions which are consistent with the vision of the Institute;

(b) To implement, redesign, revise, based on the recommendations of the Academic Council, any existing or new full/part-time programmes of study, training and research, leading to the award of diplomas, degrees and titles to be conferred by the Board;

(c) To enter into Student Exchange Programme agreements with Indian and Foreign Universities;

(d) To enter into corporate partnerships with Indian or Foreign companies for executive education, wherein Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad agrees to conduct series of training programmes spread over a considerable period for a corporate client or a group of clients;

(e) To enter into academic collaborative arrangements with foreign universities and academic institutions;

(f) To accept endowments for establishing Faculty Chairs from individuals, public/private limited companies or not-for-profit entities in India or abroad, government or quasi-government organizations and supranational organizations;

(g) To accept recurring grants/sponsorships or enter into collaborative arrangements for establishing Faculty Chairs or Centres from individuals, public/private limited companies or not-for-profit entities in India or abroad, government or quasigovernment organizations and supranational organizations;

(h) To sanction money for research projects/case study. To revise such amounts from time to time;

(i) To accept externally funded research projects/assignments or consultancy assignments and to assign the project to one or more faculty;

(j) To accord sanction to outsource any part of the Institute‘s work to outside professionals/agencies;

(k) To appoint project-tied temporary research staff. Such staff maybe remunerated either on a lump sum basis, monthly basis, on reaching milestones, or other ways;

(l) To sanction honoraria/income to faculty with respect to externally funded projects provided the time devoted for research/consultancy for which payment is being made is counted towards the overall ceiling of fifty-three days per year, and the honoraria/income is specifically provided for in the research/consulting budget;

(m) To undertake the publication of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad‘s journals, periodicals and
other publications in the furtherance of research and academic activities;

(n) To apply for and obtain patents, copyrights, trademarks and any other form of intellectual property in the name of the Institute or jointly with another party;

(o) To commercially exploit intellectual property rights and enter into suitable arrangements with parties concerned.

2. Executive education:-

(a) To approve the target participation and financial budget, including the fees to be charged in respect of the open, customized and partnership programmes and international programmes;

(b) To approve cancellation of a programme and write off of expenditure booked against the programme;

(c) To refund the participants‘ fees for non-participation on a case to case basis;

(d) To approve the schedule of charges for boarding and lodging in the management development centres, and classrooms and sanction expenditure for housekeeping / purchases within the approved budget estimates;

(e) To approve the award of contracts as required for establishments on campus (e.g. maintenance of IMDC, etc.);

(f) To fix the overall budget for expenditure to be incurred in respect of open programmes in a financial year towards advertisements, the printing of brochures and pamphlets;

(g) To fix the honorarium of guest faculty;

(h) To engage the service of outside agencies or experts for the specific needs of the executive programmes.

3. Faculty:-

(a) To appoint full-time, part-time, adjunct, visiting, professor of management practice faculty at appropriate level, and fix his/her remuneration and other terms;

(b) To accord following kinds of leave under the rules governing the same:

(i) leave without pay;

(ii) sabbatical leave;

(iii) extra ordinary leave up to two years to take up employment in another organization, subject to the norms laid down in this regard;

(c) To depute faculty to another organization for advanced research;

(d) To permit deputation of faculty to serve in another organization in India or abroad including under schemes sponsored by the Central Government;

(e) Approval to attend seminars/workshops in India or abroad and also sanction the participation fees and travel allowances as per rules governing the same or that sanctioned by the sponsoring organization in full or in part;

(f) To reimburse expenses on the development of course material for education and training, sanction book allowances, etc., from income earned out of Executive Education Programmes/Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad Endowment Fund. Also, to approve expenditure on faculty development like the fee for membership of professional bodies, as per approved norms and guidelines. Such amounts may be revised from time to time;

(g) To accord permission to faculty to accept part-time nomination on the board of directors of companies/organizations, board of studies of academic institutions as examiner, evaluation, etc;

4. Administrative Powers:-

(a) The Director as the Executive Head of the organization is vested with full powers to uphold general discipline and ensure proper conduct of the employees of the Institute. He or she shall be the appointing authority and the disciplinary authority in respect of all employees. He may sub-delegate these powers to other administrative functionaries of the Institute;

(b) To make appointments and to effect promotions to all sanctioned non-faculty posts in accordance with the recruitment and promotion rules;

(c) To make appointments for a specific period to meet the needs of specialized expertise from time to time;

(d) To accept resignation from service and permit voluntary retirement;

(e) To accept the request for condonation of the notice period;

(f) To order premature retirement as per rules framed from time to time;

(g) To terminate a temporary appointment by giving the required notice or by payment of salary in lieu of the notice period to the extent considered necessary;

(h) To impose penalties, major or minor on all employees and to be the appellate authority on any original or appellate order in respect of employees. He or she may sub-delegate these powers to other administrative functionaries of the  Institute;

(i) To approve deputation of an employee to another Government/non-Government organization for a period not exceeding two years at a time;

(j) To sanction retirement benefits to the retiring employees in accordance with the service rules governing the same;

(k) To sanction periodical increase in DA and other allowances and ad hoc bonus as extended to the employees of autonomous bodies by the MoE;

(l) To sanction interest-bearing/non-interest-bearing advances to the employees in terms of applicable rules;

(m) To sanction travelling allowance in accordance with the applicable rules;

(n) To sanction leave travel concession/allowance in accordance with the applicable rules. To modify if necessary, such rules from time to time with the approval of the Board;

(o) To sanction reimbursement of medical expenses to the employees and their dependents in accordance with the scheme approved by the Board of Governors;

(p) To sanction, under special circumstances, reimbursement of medical expenses to employees and their dependents that may not be as per the above scheme. The same shall be reported to the Board in the next meeting;

(q) To sanction other entitlements to employees such as tuition fees, conveyance charges, etc. To modify/introduce new entitlements from time to time;

(r) To sanction leave to employees in accordance with IIMA‘s leave rules;

(s) To sanction performance-linked incentives for employees; or to sanction special awards Instituted for long and meritorious service;

(t) To allot or cancel the allotment of quarters and to exercise full powers under the quarters allotment rules and to fix charges for electricity, water, and other services;

(u) To appoint casual labourers on a daily rate (other than for work of regular nature) for seasonal or intermittent nature of work, for which regular posts cannot be created, at minimum wages notified by the Central Government. Such appointments shall comply with the provision of the Contract Labour (Regulations and Abolition) Act 1970.

5. Financial:-

(a) To act as custodian of property and assets and to take such action as is considered necessary to safeguard the title to ownership and rights over property and assets of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad;

(b) To represent and defend on behalf of the Institute in lawsuits or refer cases to arbitration to execute and sign contracts, memorandum of understandings, legal documents, indemnity bonds, authenticate applications, etc., in respect of the affairs of the Institute;

(c) To register as a Scientific and Industrial Research Organization (SIRO) with the Ministry of Science and Technology;

(d) To register as a wholly charitable society with the Income Tax Department;

(e) To claim exemption u/s 10 (23 C) (iii ab) of the Income Tax Act, 1961;

(f) To register for Goods and Services Tax (GST) in respect of the services rendered by IIMA faculty under the head ‗Management Consultancy/Event Management/ Convention Service‘ under the Central Excise Department;

(g) To register under any other law that may become applicable to IIMA from time to time;

(h) To open and operate bank accounts including to register under FCRA and accept foreign currency contributions and operate foreign currency accounts;

(i) To sign cheques along with Chief Administrative Officer/Chief Financial Officer/Head, Finance Department/Dean as the second signatory;

(j) To open DEMAT accounts and entrust custodial services and be a signatory for applications and discharge documents. To open Letters of Credit, sign declarations, undertakings or certificates warranted by various authorities such as RBI, Income Tax, Customs and Central Excise, Good and Service Tax, Passport, and other official agencies;

(k) To approve investments of the Institute;

(l) To engage the services of specialists such as accountants, advocates, architects, designers or any other professionals and fix their remuneration;

(m) To write off cash losses up to lakh in each case after making a suitable enquiry, if no official is held responsible;

(n) He or she may sub-delegate these powers to other administrative functionaries of the Institute, ensuring institute exercises and manages the funds received from donors/ grantee institutions as per the MoU/ agreement;

(o) General Financial Rules 2017 of Government of India, as amended from time to time may be followed while exercising financial powers.

6. Capital – purchases and expenditure:-

(a) The Director shall ensure that all expenses are against budgets approved by the Board and payments made strictly as per the laid down procedures and norms. However, in exceptional circumstances where an activity has to be undertaken, and the payment (capital/revenue) has to be made urgently, the Director shall have the discretionary powers to waive the laid down procedure or norms to expedite the implementation of activity/process subject to the financial limits laid down from time to time. However, the Director shall exercise these powers after satisfying himself that given the urgency of the situation, it would be difficult to follow the entire purchase procedure.

Such transactions shall be reported to the Finance and Audit Committee/Board for their review at the next meeting

(b) To award contracts after final selection by a Procurement Committee;

(c) To approve amendments to changes in contracts already awarded;

(d) Selection of supplier and finalization of the price for purchase for domestic and imported goods;

(e) To allow extension of time beyond the stipulated date for completion of work without levy of penalty, under intimation to Finance and Audit Committee;

(f) To accord approval for revised estimates in respect of capital works;

(g) General Financial Rules 2017 of Government of India, as amended from time to time may be followed while exercising financial powers.

7. Revenue – purchases and expenditure:-

(a) To review the performance of contractors periodically and terminate the contract/contracts if found unsuitable;

(b) To incur any revenue expenditure as provided in the annual budget or against any provision;

(c) To sanction revenue expenditure other than that provided in the budget;

(d) Incur expenditure of non-recurring nature for functional needs, including expenditure on seminars, workshops, special events;

(e) To extend financial aid to deserving students by appropriate schemes of fees waiver, scholarships, prizes, awards, and other incentives to students;

(f) To extend prizes, awards, and other financial incentives to deserving employees, both teaching and non- teaching by appropriate schemes;

(g) To incur expenditure on entertainment and hospitality on visiting dignitaries and other visitors to the Institute;

(h) To sanction institution of lawsuits or prosecution and to incur necessary expenditure;

(i) To write off asset and stock losses after making a suitable enquiry, if the same cannot be made good;

(j) To write off obsolete, unserviceable and redundant assets and consumables;

(k) To write off assets and consumables if they have served their rated period of life and are no longer useful and to remove the same from the asset register;

(l) To write off assets and consumables if they have been lost due to theft, fire, or any other natural disaster;

(m) To approve the disposal of assets and consumables under auction/tender or by a buy-back arrangement;

(n) General Financial Rules 2017 of Government of India, as amended from time to time may be followed while exercising financial powers.

8. General:-

(a) To create committees and appoint chairpersons for academic and administrative work, from time to time, towards achieving the various short-term/long-term objectives, and for the smooth functioning of the Institute;

(b) To take such measures as are necessary for exigencies in matters not herein specifically provided for, in the overall interest of the Institute;

(c) To sub-delegate his/her powers to other officials and functionaries of the Institute to the extent considered appropriate by him/her to be necessary for the smooth and efficient functioning of the Institute;

(d) To define, specify and prescribe rules and procedures, manuals, etc., to regulate the working of functional areas and responsibilities of officers and staff in the organization;

(e) To be the spokesperson of the Institute and to delegate this responsibility to any functionary of the Institute;

(f) To institute a suitable grievance handling mechanism within the Institute to handle grievances arising out of decisions, orders, and actions of any administrative functionary or a committee;

(g) To act as the appellate authority in case of any grievance wherein the Director is not a party or the cause of grievance. In cases of grievance where the Director is a party to the decision causing grievance or is the cause of grievance, the Director shall refer such cases to the Board.

18. Performance objectives for variable pay of Director: The Board shall set up a Committee to set the performance objective for determination of variable pay of the Director. The Committee, on evaluation, will recommend to the Chairperson the extent of variable pay to be awarded to the Director. The Chairperson‘s decision will be final. The key performance objectives / parameters may include Research Management; Key Result Areas (KRA); Student Centric KRAs; Efficient and Effective Financial Management; Compliance; KRAs in the area of Ranking. Accreditations and Innovation; and Institution Building.

Chapter – 6

Establishment and maintenance of Buildings

19. Regulations for establishment and maintenance of buildings: (1) The Board will have a sub-committee called Building Committee of the Board, as outlined in the regulations on Board Committees;

(2) The Building Committee will periodically review the requirement of the Institute and recommend to the Board for approval of any major modification, substantial renovation or addition of new buildings to the Institute;

(3) The Building committee may appoint a master architect and/or a panel of architects to ensure that the campus of the Institute improves the quality of life of its residents and is befitting an Institution of national importance;

(4) The Building Committee shall take into account the financial implications of any plan(s) to modify, renovate and add buildings on the Institute‘s financial resources and its financial sustainability;

(5) Establishment of buildings on the campus and all major renovation and substantial maintenance of existing buildings other than routine maintenance shall be approved by the Board on the recommendation of the Building Committee of the Board. The Board may empower the Building Committee to take decisions on its behalf about major renovation, substantial maintenance, and establishment of buildings on the campus;

(6) The Director of the Institute may approve any expenditure towards the maintenance of the buildings, infrastructure and facilities and upgradation/modification which does not change the structure of the buildings;

(7) The Director may initiate a review of the condition of any building of the Institute based on inputs received from users or administrative functionaries. External or internal experts appointed by the Director may carry out such a review from structural, compliance or functional perspective;

(8) The Institute shall create and maintain dining hall(s) and/or other space for food court to comfortably cater to all the students‘ requirements of food and snacks and refreshments at odd hours. The Institute shall create and maintain adequate recreational facilities for indoor games, spaces for outdoor sports such as badminton, tennis, football, basketball, gymnasiums for fitness, etc. The Institute shall make every effort possible to make the living conditions on the campus for the students as comfortable as possible and will ensure the up- keep of all spaces on the campus.

Chapter – 7

Financial accountability

20. Financial accountability of the Institute: (1) The Finance and Audit Committee of the Board, from time to time, shall recommend to the Board the guidelines to be followed by the Institute to ensure financial accountability. While framing and recommending the guidelines, the Finance and Audit Committee will keep in mind the principles laid out in these regulations;
(2) The Finance and Audit Committee of the Board shall monitor the implementation of guidelines;
(3) The Director of the Institute, as Chief Executive Officer, shall be responsible for ensuring that the guidelines approved by the Board and the provisions of the Act and Rules notified by the Government are followed;
(4) The objective of the Institute shall be to remain financially self-sufficient in a sustainable manner;

(5) The Institute, being an academic institute, may undertake revenue-generating activities as well as non- revenue generating activities. Some of the revenue-generating activities may be able to cover full costs and some may not. The objective of the Institute shall be to offer programmes and undertake activities such that revenue from these activities should at least recover ‗non-discretionary revenue and capital expenditures‘ in a sustainable manner;

(6) The expenditure of the Institute may be classified as discretionary and non-discretionary revenue and capital expenditure. The non-discretionary part of the expenditure is towards existing salaries and retirement benefits, running the existing establishment and maintenance of existing and basic infrastructure (including the library, IT resources, etc.). Due care has to be taken before the Institute commits on expanding the nondiscretionary expenditure for the future;

(7) Discretionary expenditure includes expansion in the number of permanent or temporary employees, expansion of infrastructure, increasing the benefits and entitlements over and above the mandatory commitments, providing resources towards faculty or staff or institutional development in the form of research support or increase in the fellowship provided to students of the PhD programme. The Institute shall commit itself for such activities and entitlements based on its ability to generate a surplus from revenue generating activities or to the extent it is able to mobilize resources in the form of grants and financial support for such activities;

(8) The Institute shall be accountable to various donors and grantee institutions for the proper utilization of funds as per the MoU / agreements entered with them, maintaining proper records and reporting against the funds sanctioned by them for specific purpose.

21. Manner of depositing or investing the money credited to the Fund of Institute: In exercise of the power vested by sub-section (2) and sub-section (4) of section 22 read with clause (w) and clause (x) of sub-section (2) of section 35 of the Act the Board of Indian Institute of Management Ahmedabad hereby empowers the Finance and Audit Committee- to review and periodically recommend to the Board a set of guidelines on deployment of Institute‘s funds keeping in mind the risks and return associated with bank deposits and other financial instruments such that the Institute deploys its funds in a prudential manner based on arms-length transactions. The Finance and Audit Committee
also shall monitor the actual deployment of funds by the Institute to ensure that the guidelines are complied with. The Committee shall also oversee and ratify Provident Fund Trusts activities, investment of funds, policies and connected thereof.

22. Manner of application of the fund of the Institute: All policy matters on finance requiring consideration and approval of the Board shall be first placed before the Finance and Audit Committee for consideration and recommendations to the Board. These may involve, among other things, such matters as the review of budgets, final accounts, audit fees, investment of funds, transfers to corpus, depreciation, interest allocation to funds, matters relating to student loans and scholarships, purchase procedures, costs, revenues, writing off of assets, review of group insurance scheme, Institute‘s resource mobilization strategy, the delegation of financial powers, etc. It will have access to all the records and personnel of the Institute to perform its tasks.

Chapter – 8

Independent Agency to review performance

23. Qualifications, experience and the manner of selection of the independent agency or group of experts for review of the performance of the Institute as per Section 11(5): (1) The Board shall, under sub-section (5) section 11 of the Act, evaluate and review the performance of the Institute, including its faculty through an independent group of experts, once every three years on the parameters of long-term strategy and rolling plans of the Institute and such other parameters as the Board may decide, and the report of such review shall be placed in public domain.

(2) The Board shall, under sub section(6) of section 11 of the Act, and in consultation with the Director, constitute a three-member group of such experts from among senior serving or retired professor of eminence from other Indian Institutes Management and a senior practitioner(s)of the level of CEO(s) from other reputed private or public organizations.

(3) The Board shall, under sub-section (7) of Section 11 of the Act, submit the report of the evaluation review to the Central Government with an action taken report thereon.

Chapter – 9

Academic Council

24. Power and functions of the Academic Council: (1) Composition of Academic Council:-

Composition of Academic Council shall be as per section 14 A of the Act, Under section 14 (d) of the Act, all full time faculty and under section 14 (e) of the Act, CAO and Librarian shall be members of Academic Council.

(2) Meetings of the Academic Council:-

(a) Meetings of the Academic Council shall be convened by the Director or on a requisition signed by not less than ten members of the Academic Council.

(b) The notice of meeting together with the agenda shall be circulated by the Director/Secretary to the members of the Academic Council at least seven calendar days before the meeting. The Director may permit the inclusion of an item for the meeting for which due notice could not be given.

(c) The Academic Council shall meet as often as necessary, but not less than four times in a calendar year.

(d) The Director may call an emergency meeting of the Academic Council at short notice to discuss matters requiring urgent attention.

(e) It will be the endeavor of the Academic Council to decide on matters by consensus. If required, a matter may be decided on by a majority of votes of the members present.

(f) The Director has a vote on a matter that is put up for voting. In addition, if there is an equal number of votes cast with regard to a matter, the Director will exercise a casting vote.

(g) The minutes of the Academic Council shall be circulated to all members of the Council and placed along with any amendments for confirmation at the next meeting of the Council. The minutes shall not be circulated if the Academic Council considers such circulation to not be in the best interests of the Institute.

(h) Director may, as a part of the quarterly report, appraise the Board about proceedings of the Academic Council, on need basis.

(3) Quorum for Academic Council Meeting:-

(a) Ordinarily, at least one-fourth members of the Academic Council will be quorum requirement.

(b) It is expected that the members of the Academic Council will attend the meetings of the council unless they are occupied in institutional activity or are on leave. If the quorum for a meeting is not met the Academic Council may adjourn and convene again for conducting the business as laid down in the agenda for the meeting. The members present at the reconvened meeting will constitute the quorum for the meeting.

(4) Powers of Academic Council:-

The Board delegates following powers to the Academic Council:

(a) The Academic Council, as the principal academic body shall function under the Board of Governors. The Academic Council shall promote the attainment of standards of global excellence within the scope of its functions as defined in sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Act;

(b) The Academic Council shall perform the following functions as defined in the sub-section (1) of section 15 of the Act;

(i) to specify the criteria and process for admission to courses or programmes of study offered by the Institute;

(ii) to specify the academic content of programmes and courses of study and undertake modifications therein;

(iii) to specify the academic calendar, guidelines for conduct of examination and recommend grant of degrees, diplomas and other academic distinctions or titles.

(c) Upon the request of the Chairperson of Academic Council to initiate a strategic review and / or curriculum review, the Academic Council shall conduct a strategic review or curriculum review as requested, with an aim to position the Institute as a global standard of excellence;

(d) The Academic Council may recommend to the Board for consideration, the name(s) under clause (g) of sub-section

(2) of Section 11 of the Act to confer honorary degree(s);

(e) The Academic Council may recommend to the Board for consideration, the name(s) under clause (h) of sub-section

(2) of Section 11 of the Act for grant of honorary awards and distinctions  (f) to recommend:

  • (i) establishment of departments, faculties or school of studies;
  • (ii) initiating programmes or courses of study;
  • (iii) setting-up centres of management studies and allied areas within the country;
  • (iv) setting-up centres of management studies and allied areas outside India.

25. Manner of formation of department of teaching: Continuity of areas, groups, schools and centres:-

1. Each of the existing areas, centres and groups of the Institute shall be deemed to have migrated and continue to exist and operate unless they are renamed, merged or reabsorbed. Any such change will be prospective and will happen following due process.

Membership and function of an area, school, centre, or group and its chairperson: –

2. The academic programmes at the Institute shall be conducted through a School and/or a number of clearly defined groups called Areas, which are similar to departments of teaching. The Areas shall consist of faculty members with broadly similar disciplinary backgrounds, teaching, and research interests.

3. Each faculty member of the Institute will be recruited for an area or a department or a school or a centre if the area, department, school or centre is empowered to recruit. Each faculty thus will have a primary affiliation to an area or a department or a school or a centre. A faculty member may also become a secondary member of another area.

4. Each area will be headed by a faculty as the Area Chairperson and will coordinate meetings among its members to provide inputs to the Deans and Director of the Institute on recruitment, specific requirements of the area (for effective teaching, research and any other institutionally desirable activity), recruitment of faculty, and allocation of area specific resources such as teaching assistants etc.

5. The Director will appoint the Area Chair based on nominations of the area members for two years and any primary member of the area who has been in the area for more than three years would normally be expected to accept this position as part of his/her commitment to the Area.

6. Any impairment in the functioning on the part of any area or centre or school or department will be brought to the notice of Academic Council and/or the Director or Deans of the Institute, who may intervene in the matters normally expected to be resolved within an area, school, department or centre.
Formation or modification in areas or departments of teaching or schools of the Institute: –

7. Based on the need of the Institute, the Director of the Institute will initiate the process of creation or merger or deletion of the existing or proposed area, centre or school at the Institute. The Director will constitute a task force consisting of at least three faculty members, who have prima-facie no interest in the proposal.

8. The task force will present its recommendations to the Academic Council and Director. Taking into consideration the inputs from the Academic Council, the Director shall make a recommendation requiring the formation of or modification in existing areas, schools or centres of the Institute, to the Board for approval.

Chapter – 10

Other Committees and Authorities

26. Constitution and duties and functions of other committees and authorities: (1) Constitution:

The composition of the Faculty Development and evaluation Committee shall be as below:

  • (i) Director, as Chairperson of the Committee – Ex-officio;
  • (ii) Dean (Faculty) of the Institute – Ex-officio;
  • (iii) Five Professors.

(2) Duties and Functions:

This Committee decides on the development, performance evaluation, promotion, and increments of faculty but is not involved in their recruitment. Decisions on matters like incentives for research, sabbatical, and leave without pay that have a major developmental aspect are also taken by this Committee. It also monitors the faculty induction process.

27. Quorum and the procedure to be followed in the conduct of the business of other committees: Quorum:

1. Quorum requirement of at least half of the members of the committee. Term:

2. The term of office of the non-ex-officio members shall be two years from the date of his/her appointment or nomination;

Provided also that the non-ex-officio members shall not be appointed or nominated for more than two consecutive terms.

3. An advance notice, along with the agenda, may be given to all the members to schedule a committee meeting. In general, it should not be less than one week in case of the Academic Council and two days in case of other committees to encourage maximum attendance and participation. Scheduling should be done with an objective to maximize the attendance and participation by the members. In case of any exigency, however, a meeting of any committee may be called at short notice by the convener as long as the reason for calling the meeting is urgent, has been communicated to all the members and no other item is discussed during the meeting. In such a case, the minimum quorum requirement may be waived off;

4. Decisions taken and the key points of discussion should be recorded and circulated as early as possible but not later than one month in case of the Academic Council and not later than a fortnight in case of all other committees;

5. Dissent on substantive issues may be recorded if insisted upon. In no case, however, personal criticism or ad hominem attack shall be recorded;

6. Minutes of the meeting, including the documents shall be prepared and maintained at the Director‘s office.

Chief Administrative Officer


नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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