Diwali Special: MIG Flats in Narela’s Sector A1-A4 Offered at Discounted Rates Under FCFS Scheme


Diwali Special: MIG Flats in Narela’s Sector A1-A4 Offered at Discounted Rates Under FCFS Scheme



No. M/339/0001/2023/-MIG(H)

Date: 09.03.2024

Subject: Offering of MIG flats at Sector A1-A4 in Narela under Diwali Special Housing Scheme 2023 on ‘First Come First Serve Basis (FCFS)’ at discounted rates to general public & Government employees.

DDA has launched Diwali Special Housing Scheme 2023 on ‘First Come First Serve Basis (FCFS)’ on 24.11.2023. Phase I & Phase-II of the Diwali FCFS scheme are successfully running with more than 3,000 flats already sold so far.


2. In order to facilitate and incentivise the owning of a decent size flat in Delhi, the Authority vide agenda item no. 13/2024 has approved the proposal to offer the carried forward MIG flats at Sector A1-A4, Narela from FCFS Phase IV at a discount of 15% to the general public. Further, for these flats, Authority has also approved a discount of 25% for all Government employees including Central Government, State Government, Autonomous Bodies, Local Bodies and PSUs as well as DDA retired employees. In addition to the flats already on offer, it is now proposed to offer these 445 no. of MIG flats at Sector A1-A4, Narela in the ongoing Diwali FCFS Scheme. The details of these 445 flats are given below:






No   of Flats*

Approx. Range of Plinth Area of flat (in Sqm.)Approx. Range of Disposal Cost (Rs. In Lakh)**
Without DiscountWith   15% DiscountWith 25% Discount for Govt. Employees only
MIG (2 BHK)NARELA Sector A1-4, Pkt 1A, 1B, 1C445112.77 to 114.69100 to 10285 to 8775 to 77
*      Number of flats may increase or decrease subject to availability. The time schedule of launching is subject to change.

**  This doesn’t include the conversion charges for freehold property and water connectivity charges of Rs. 2000/-.

3 Eligibility:

3.1 For general public, the eligibility is same as per the terms & conditions of scheme brochure of “DDA Diwali Special Housing Scheme 2023 (FCFS)”.

3.2 For availing discount benefits by the Government employees, the Government employee category includes all serving employees of Central Government, State Government, Autonomous Bodies, Local Bodies and PSUs as well as DDA retired employees.

3.3 For availing discount of 25% under the “Government Employee” category, necessary documents in proof would have to be subsequently submitted at the time of possession which may include one of the following in addition to the Government Identity Card:

  • I. Certificate from concerned DDO or equivalent officer
  • II. Salary certificate/Form 16.
  • III. for retired employees of DDA: PPO copy to be submitted

4. These flats will be available for booking from 14.03.2024 from 11:00 AM onwards. For detailed terms and conditions of the Scheme please refer to Scheme Brochure of “DDA Diwali Special Housing Scheme 2023 (FCFS)”.

5. This is issued with the approval of Vice Chairman.

(Manohar Lal)
Dy. Dir. (Housing)

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट www.indiangovtscheme.com पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट www.indiangovtscheme.com से जुड़े रहे।

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