Amendments in KVS Admission Guidelines 2024-25


Amendments in KVS Admission Guidelines 2024-25

F. 1/ EDPOLA/ l/ 2024-25/ Academic

Date: 19.04.2024

The Deputy Commissioner
Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan
All Regional omces

Subject: Amendments in KVS Admission Guidelines 2024-25-reg.


In continuation to this office letter even number dated 28.03.2024 vide which KVS Admission Guidelines 2024 was communicated, I am to convey the amendments to the said admission guidelines, as approved by the competent authority as given below:


I. PART-A, Para 5


Class Strength

AuthorityDate (s)


A. Up to 32 (for Fresh Admissions)

PrincipalUp to 30th June

Registered and eligible candidates subject to availability of vacancies (except class XI).

30 days from the date of declaration of class-X results by CBSE.

Registered and eligible candidates subject to the availability of vacancies for. class XI only after admitting existing KV Students.

B. Up to 40 for class I and 45 for all other classes

PrincipalAny time of the year

This provision is applicable to only categories I & II parents in the Civil/ Defence Sector and Categories I to III parents in the Project/ IHL Sector due to newly joined or mid-term transfer in current and previous academic year.

This is also applicable for KV TC admissions.*

C. Up to 40 for class I and 50** for all other classes for 2024-25


Any time of the year

This provision is applicable to only categories I & II parents m the Civil/ Defence Sector and Categories I to III parents in the Project/ IHL Sector due to newly joined or mid-term transfer in current and previous academic year. This is applicable for KV TC admissions .* This is also applicable to admissions of wards of Armed/ Paramilitary Forces and others as per Para 2 of Part B of admission guidelines, as per the conditions specified.

* The KV TC admissions would be admitted according to existing priority categories in the order, strictly, i.e. Categories I, II, III, IV and V for Civil/Defence KVs and Categories I, II, III, IV, V and VI for Project/IHL KVs.

** The KV TC admissions of students from classes IX to XII would be permitted and would be supernumerary to the section strength of 50 and with the approval of concerned DC, RO KVS for 2024-25, provided the option of redistribution/re-allotment of nearby KVs is exhausted.

II. PART-B, Para 2


Admission of children into a Kendriya Vidyalaya on the basis of transfer certificate issued by the schools following NCERT/ CBSE curriculum & syllabus and run by Armed Forces (Army, Air Force, Navy) and Para Military Forces i.e. CRPF/ BSF/ ITBP/SSB (Sashastra Seema Bal)/ CISF/ NSG, Assam Rifles and schools run by Indian Coast guard, ISRO/ AEES (Atomic Energy Education Society)/ DRDO will be entertained only if the enrollment is less than 40 for Class I and 50 for all other classes for 2024-25 (this implies that limits would be 40 for Class I in 2024-25, 40 for Classes I and II in 2025-26, 40 for Classes I, II and III and so on) and the parent has been transferred to that place or has desired to settle at the place after his retirement, or transferred to some non-family station or posted in Naxal affected areas and choose to keep the family elsewhere. Further, such requests shall be considered only in those stations where schools run by those organizations are not available.

Further, all the KVs be asked to convey the parents taking fresh admissions in the current session that any future KV TC based admission shall be governed by the provisions contained in the extant Admission Guidelines.

These amendments be disseminated to all the stakeholders immediately.

Yours sincerely,

(Dr. P. Devakumar)
Joint Commissioner (Acad)

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।

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