Apply Online Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat


Apply Online Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat

The Laptop Sahay Yojana was launched by Gujarat’s state government’s department of tribal development. The primary goal of this program is to give new computers to children who identify as indigenous, native, or tribal. Through this program, the Gujarat State Government promotes the academic success of tribal students. Through this program, the government will provide free computers to impoverished kids throughout the state of Gujarat.

Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024

The state government of Gujarat created Gujarat to provide special benefits to the state’s poor inhabitants. Children of workers who are enrolled with the Gujarat Labour Welfare Board will receive free computers from the state government as part of this program. Many students from financially disadvantaged backgrounds were unable to finish their online coursework due to a shortage of laptops. As a result, the state government of Gujarat has taken action to support the students there both financially and by giving them free laptops.


Students will be encouraged and pushed even more to follow their passions and aspirations through this program. The Gujarati government would offer financial support in the form of a loan amount under the laptop sahay yojana 2024, with an annual interest rate of only 6%. Workers who are registered can repay the loan in as many as sixty monthly payments. If the loan amount is not repaid, there will be a 2.5% penalty in addition to the current interest rate.

NameLaptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat
Initiated byGovernment of Gujarat
BeneficiariesFinancially disadvantaged students
ObjectiveTo provide financial aid for the SC and ST children to receive a free laptop and to study online
Application modeOnline
Official Website

Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat Objective

Since Prime Minister Narendra Modi has a close relationship with the state of Gujarat, the state benefits greatly. As many children in such a pandemic situation were unable to attend school or enroll in any kind of online program, the Gujarat state government has established a program specifically for these children. Gujarat’s Laptop Sahay Yojana was established to realize the aspirations of regular students in the state. The government will provide a laptop free of charge to qualified candidates. This post will cover all the information you require to take advantage of this program as well as the other crucial paperwork you’ll need to gather.

Features & Benefits of Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat

Some of the key features and benefits of the લેપટોપ સહાય યોજના are as follows:

  • Under the laptop yojana, the Tribal Development Department provides incentives to members of the ST caste.
  • The beneficiary is required to contribute 10% of the entire loan amount.
  • Gujarati SC students receive financial assistance for the purchase of new laptops.
  • It’s crucial to keep in mind that this program is only available to ST members.
  • Loans of up to Rs 150,000 lakh are offered for the acquisition of laptops, PCs, and other relevant devices.

Required Documents

Some of the important documents required for Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat are as follows:

  • Passport size photo
  • Aadhar Card
  • Address Proof
  • Age certificate
  • Pan card
  • Voter ID
  • Caste Document
  • Income Tax Form
  • Mobile Number
  • Bank Account details

Eligibility Criteria for Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat

The applicants applying for લેપટોપ સહાય યોજના must fulfill the following eligibility criteria:

  • The candidate must live in Gujarat state permanently.
  • The Gujarat Labour Welfare Board (GLWB) has registered labourers’ children as eligible.
  • The student’s age must fall between 18 and 30 years old.
  • Students must have completed their 12th grade at any accredited school or institution as a minimum educational requirement.

Steps to Download Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat form Online

To download the લેપટોપ સહાય યોજના form online, the user needs to follow the below-given steps:

  • First of all, go to the official website of the Gujarat Tribal Development Corporation Government of Gujarat i.e.,
  • The homepage of the website will open
  • Click on the schemes tab followed by the Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat option
  • The PDF of the Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat form will open
  • Click on the download button to download the form
  • Finally, take out its printout and fill in the form to complete the application process

Steps to Apply for Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat 2024

To apply for Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat, the user needs to follow the below-given steps:

  • First of all, go to the official website of the Gujarat Tribal Development Corporation Government of Gujarat i.e.,
  • The homepage of the website will open
  • Click on the Apply for Loan option
  • A new page will open
  • Click on the Register Here link to register yourself
  • After successful registration, log in to your registered account
  • Now, under the My Applications tab click on the Apply Now button
  • The application form will open on the screen
  • Now, fill in the form with all the required details like the applicant’s property, loan, and guarantor details, etc
  • After that, select the Computer Machine option from the list of schemes and then enter the loan amount
  • Proceed further and upload all the required documents, including a list of the nominated guarantor’s properties and bank account details
  • Then click on the submit button to complete the process
  • A unique application number will be generated. Please maintain a printed copy for your records.

Contact Details

  • For further details or in case of any query or complaint related to the Laptop Sahay Yojana Gujarat, feel free to contact on the below-given details:
  • Helpline Numbers: +91 79 23253891, 23253893
  • Email id: [email protected]
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