Schools must diligently conduct and accurately upload Practical Exam marks. Circulars and guidelines emphasize responsibility; mistakes irreversible; uploaded marks deemed final for result declaration
No. CBSE/CE/Pract.2024/
January 12, 2024
The Principals/Heads of Institutions
Schools affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Uploading the correct marks of practical/project/internal assessments on the Board’s portal Examination, 2024
As you are aware holding the Practical Examinations & Awarding/Uploading the correct marks on the Board’s portal is one of the main responsibilities of the schools to ensure that the result of the students is correctly declared and there should not be any problem for the students thereafter.
It has been observed that schools are sometimes not giving proper attention to this responsibility and thus committing mistakes. To avoid mistakes while uploading the marks of practical/project/internal assessments on the portal, the Board has been reminding the schools from time to time. In this regard, the information which has been made available to the schools is listed below:
- Curriculum Document in which marks allotted to theory and practical/internal/project marks are mentioned.
- Vide letter no. CBSE/Coord/Marks distribution/E-58224/2023 dated 30.10.2023 wherein schools have been informed about the subjects that are being offered for the 2024 examination alongwith total marks assigned to each subject with theory and practical/project/internal assessment.
- A letter no. COORD/Winter Bound/Practical/2023-24 dated 10.10.2023 on the issue of conduct of practical/internal assessment/project for Classes X & XII for winter bound schools for the session 2023-24 was issued wherein at point no.5 of SOP, it is mentioned that “While uploading the marks, the School Principal, the Internal Examiner and External Examiner (as the case may be) shall ensure that correct marks are uploaded as no correction in the marks will be allowed once marks are uploaded. Schools and Examiners shall, while awarding/uploading marks, also keep in mind the maximum marks allotted for Practical/Project/Internal Assessment in the subject as per the guidelines issued by the CBSE.”
- In the letter no. CBSE//Coord/PRAC-REMI NDER/2023 dated 22 12 2023 issued by the CBSE at point no.8, the above message has been reiterated to remind the schools about the correct awarding/uploading of the marks
- Vide circular no. CBSE/Coord/Prac-2024/2023 dated 26.12.2023 at point no.6 under the heading ‘Action by Schools’, it has again been reiterated to the schools.
In addition to the above, the guidelines have been sent to all the schools for awarding/uploading of correct marks.
Once again it is reiterated that while awarding/uploading the marks of practical/internal/project, it would be the responsibility of the school to ensure that marks awarded/uploaded are correct and marks once uploaded on the server will be final and no correction will be allowed thereafter.
The following precautions must be taken by the Principals for conduct of practical’s.
- Once the Internal Examiner and External Examiner meet to start the practical examination, they must read the Board’s circulars and instructions before the start of the work and adhere to the same in to.
- They must verify the details of the marks as well as the bifurcation of marks from the Curriculum document.
- Subsequently to the above, the practical’s should be conducted and marks should be awarded based on the marks allotted to different activities in the Practical/Project/Intern al Assessment.
- Before uploading the marks on the Board portal, the Principal should verify from both the Internal and External examiners that the marks have been awarded correctly out of the maximum marks allotted for the subject.
- Thereafter . correct marks should be uploaded on the server, and a printout should be taken and matched once again before the final submission of the marks on the portal. The award list must be signed by the Internal Examiner, External Examiner, and the Principal for records.
- Schools can take other measures also to avoid mistakes as they deem fit.
- It is also brought to the notice of the Principals that in a recent matter, the Hon’ble High Court of Delhi has rejected an appeal of the petitioner to correct the marks which were uploaded wrongly on the server.
- The marks once uploaded will be final for the declaration of results and no correction thereafter will be permitted.
It is expected that Principals, Internal Examiners. and External Examiners will focus on awarding the marks correctly and uploading them correctly as no correction request will be acceded to, once marks are uploaded.
(Dr. Sanyam Bhardwaj)
Controller of Examinations
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।