Development of an online utility for applying of New GPF Account Number
Principal Accounts Office
Government of NCT of Delhi
A Block, Vikas Bhawan, I. P. Estate, New Delhi-110002
No.F.6(100)/GPF/P.Cell/2022-23/ / 9} 1 4
Dated :17/10/2023
All the Addl. Chief Secretaries/Pr. Secretaries/ Secretaries/Heads of the Departments, Government of NCT of Delhi
Subject: Development of an online utility for applying of New GPF Account Number
Pr. Accounts Office, Government of NCT of Delhi through N C Delhi State Unit has developed an online utility for applying of New GPF Account Number in respect of the employees of GNCTD, in the Login-id of Head of Office (HoO), in IFMS Portal.
2. The User Manual of the above utility is attached at Annexure-A for reference and the URL to access the above utility is “https://delpay.delhi. gov .in/Login.aspx.”
3. Henceforth, all the Head of Office(s) will require to submit the request for allotment of New GPF Account Number in respect of the employees under their administrative control through this utility. The Pr. Accounts Office will process the application through the said utility and the GPF Account Number allotment letter will also be received by the concerned Head of Office(s) through this utility only. Accordingly, nonmanual/physical requests for allotment of GPF Account Number will be accepted by the Pr. Accounts Office.
4. In view of the above, you are requested that the information regarding development of above utility may be brought to the notice of all the Head of Office(s) under your administrative control.
Encl: As above
Yours faithfully,
Controller of Accounts
Copy forwarded for information and necessary action to:
i. OSD to Chief Secretary, GNCTD.
ii. PPS to Pr. Secretary (Finance), Finance Department, GNCTD.
iii. All the Pay & Accounts Officers, GNCTD with the direction to provide a copy of the above communication to all the Head of Office(s) under your payment control.
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।