Submission of Registration Data of Candidates for Class IX/XI, 2023-24
The Principal/Head,
All Schools affiliated to CBSE.
(Through the CBSE website)
Subject: Submission of Registration Data of Candidates for Class IX/XI, 2023-24.
Registration of students in Class IX & XI is an incredibly significant process that helps CBSE in advance planning for holding the Class X & XII examinations of these students in the forthcoming year. Another important aspect of registration is to communicate the students’ personal particulars to the parents so that in case there is any mistake in the personal details of the student concerned the same may be corrected immediately. This helps in eliminating future problems. The process of Registration shall start as per the schedule given in Annexure-A The registration of candidates will be done through the Pariksha Sangam link given on the CBSE website

As submission of the Registration Data by adhering to the schedule is very important, the schools are therefore requested to plan timely submission of data of the candidates. Apart from following the schedule, it is also important that the data filled in is absolutely correct. In this regard, the Board has already informed the schools to keep the correct data ready so that at the start of the Registration Process, the correct data for registration is submitted within schedule.
Actions as given below are to betaken for registration of students on the Registration Portal:-
1. There is several vital information without understanding which schools will not be able to fill in the registration correctly. It is therefore requested that a meeting be convened by the principal with the persons/ teachers assigned the responsibility to complete the registration. In this meeting, this circular be discussed in detail and after a proper understanding of the instructions, registration data be submitted.
2. Only those students shall be allowed to appear for Class X and XII Board’s Examinations in session 2024-25, whose names will be submitted through the online process of submission of registration data explained in this circular.
3. Principals/Schools should ensure that: –
- (a) Students sponsored are their own regular and bonafide students only.
- (b) No bonafide student’s name is left unregistered.
- (c) Students are not from any unauthorised/unaffiliated schools.
- (d) Students are regularly attending classes in your school.
- (e) Students are not registered with any other School Education Board in addition to CBSE.
- (f) Students are eligible for admission in Classes IX & XI and will appear in Class X and XII Board’s Examinations in the subsequent year as per provisions of Examination Bye Laws.
- (g) In the case of students of Class-XI, it may be specifically ensured that:
(i) the students have passed and cleared all subjects/papers of their Class-X examination and declared pass by the concerned Board.
(ii) the students have passed their Class-X examination from a recognized School Education Board only.
In this context, your attention is invited to provisions of para 14.2 of the Boards’ Affiliation Bye-laws-2018 , which are as follows:-
“lt is mandatory for every affiliated school to follow the Examination Bye-laws of the Board mutatis mutandis.
14.2.1 Every affiliated school shall present a list of the number of students and their particulars in respect of Classes IX, X , XI, and XII at the time of beginning of an academic session in the manner prescribed by the board.
14.2.2 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are not on its rolls.
14.2.3 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are enrolled in an unaffiliated School/Branch.
14.2.4 No affiliated school shall present the candidates to the Board’s examination who are on its roll but have not attended the school regularly or do not meet the requirement of minimum attendance for appearance in the Board’s examination.
14.2.5 Every affiliated school shall sponsor regularly its bonafide and eligible students in Boards Class X and Class XII examinations from the year mentioned while granting affiliation/upgradation regularly without break or inform with reasons thereof in writing well in time about the non-sponsoring of the candidates.
14.2.6 The school affiliated to the Board shall not send candidates for examination of any other Board/University. It shall prepare candidates for the Secondary and Senior Secondary examinations of the CBSE only.”
4. All schools need to ensure that Bye-laws/rules of the CBSE are being adhered to in letter and spirit for submission of the Registration Data of the candidates, availability of classrooms , and the teachers. In a section 40 students are allowed, and the section teachers ratio is 1: 1.5. Further. the number of sections cannot exceed the number permitted by the Board.
However, section strength up to 45 students per section has been pennitted by the Board for three years only (2024′, 2025 & 2026) towards re-alignment as a special measure vide circular no. CBSE/CE/Circular/2023 dated 02 August 2023 which is available on the web-link :
https: //www .cbse. gov .in/cbsenew/documents//Circular relaxation section strength 02082023.pdf
All schools are therefore advised to go through the circular meticulously and fill In the data in the OASIS accordingly .
5. All CBSE affiliated schools are required to register themselves before proceeding with online submission. Schools must use the ‘Affiliation Number’ as a user ID, already available to them. The password will remain the same as used in OASIS.
6. The Board is extending several exemptions/concessions to candidates with disabilities as defined in the “The Rights of Persons with Disabilities Act 2016”. In this context, the schools may refer to the circular no. No. CBSE/COORD/112233/2019 dated 12th April 2019 and available on web-link:
https : // /cbsenew/Exami nation Circular/2019/5 CIRCULAR.pdf
The category of CWSN students shall be carefully selected and submitted in the Registration data to ensure that applicable relaxations during the conduct of examinations can be provided to these students.
7. Before proceeding with the registration of students. existing schools shall have to update the data on the OASIS & HPE Portal.
8. Only those TGTs/PGTs who are teaching Classes IX-X/XI-XII respectively should be shown as TGT/PGT to ensure the appointment of eligible evaluators for quality evaluation. Accordingly, in OASIS, classes taught need to be clearly filled-in by the schools. The names of the teachers who have left the school shall be deleted from the data. Simultaneously, the names of teachers whose names are not figured in the existing data shall be included.
9. It may be ensured that the full names of all the teachers shall be filled in the OASIS. Abbreviations should not be used. If abbreviations are given, it will be treated that the wrong data of teachers has been provided by the schools. No salutations etc. shall be prefixed with the names.
10. All Schools must first enter the information on the OASIS portal. The information on OASIS should be filled in very carefully as schools will not be allowed to change the declared section/strength of students afterward.
11. The information on OASIS should be filled in very carefully as schools will not be allowed to change the declared section/strength of students after submission.
12. As per Rule 6.1(a)(iii) of the Examination Bye-Laws, the school shall ensure that the student, while seeking admission in a class, satisfies the requirement of age limit (minimum and maximum) as determined by the State/ U.T. Government and applicable to the place where the school is located.
13. Schools are requested to fill in the full names of the candidate, mother, and father/guardian. Abbreviations should be avoided as these may create problems for the students in the future. The schools shall take all possible care to ensure that the correct name and date of birth have been entered.
14. Class IX/XI examinations must be conducted internally by the schools.
15. The number of students sponsored by the school should be in proportion to the number of teachers appointed in the school. It will be the responsibility of the school to relieve the teachers for evaluation in accordance with the number of candidates sponsored in each subject.
16. Schools can complete the registration process by individual entry or uploading , a duly filled in, excel file provided by the online registration system.
17. Schools shall have to upload the photographs and signatures of their bonafide students in Class IX/XI registration before final submission . The correct procedure for uploading the photographs and signature is given in Annexure-C.
18. Many organizations and States are awarding scholarships based on the financial status of the students. Accordingly , information about annual income of parent(s) may be collected as given by them. Schools should not demand ITR/other income proof etc. from parents.
19. As per affiliation Bye-Laws, schools can offer any academic subject in Classes XI and XII except the subjects requiring laboratory. Academic subjects in which laboratory is not required could be offered by updating the same in the OASIS.
20. For Class-IX (Skill) and Class-XI (Academic & Skill), schools are advised to offer only those subjects which have been permitted to them by the Board. In case, school sponsors students in subject(s) other than those permitted by the Board, CBSE shall take following action:
(a) Candidates will not be allowed to appear in the examination in those subject(s) in Class X/Xll and will be treated as not eligible.
(b) Disaffiliation proceedings may be started against the school.
21. As per CBSE Circular No. ACAD-38/2021 , no formal permission is required by the affiliated schools for introducing Skill Subject(s) at any level.
22. In accordance with the Scheme of studies, the Board has prescribed a list of valid/invalid combinations of subjects . Schools should check the combination of subjects before filling in the subjects in the registration data as per Annexure-F (for Class IX) and Annexure-1 (for Class XI).
23. Details of all students should be submitted only in one lot for each fee slab. Partial subm ission of data will not be allowed in a fee slab. This means thereby, in each slot only one list of the students will be accepted
24. In earlier years , schools were required to send the signed copy of finalized data of registration of class IX/XI to the concerned Regional Office. From 2021 onwards, this practice has been done away with. Now, registration data will be uploaded on the system provided with the E signature linked with Aadhaar of the Principal. It may be ensured that the data uploaded is fully correct. No updation of data will be permitted by the CBSE after its final submission.
25. No window for correction in the uploaded data will be made available. Uploading of correct data is the responsibility of the school concerned.
26. Now, for the online submission of registration data, sufficient time is being given. Schools may upload the data as per their convenience but within the given schedule only. They can upload the data on several occasions and save it. However, they need to submit the data on or before the last date along with the fee. No change will be allowed after the submission of data.
27. . The online submission shall close at 11.59 midnight on the scheduled dates. Schools are, therefore, advised to complete the online submission of registration data well in time to avoid the possibility of slow connection/failure to connect to the server on account of heavy load on the internet on the penultimate day or because of any other reason.
28. . The last date for each activity is fixed and no extension will be made to the last date. Hence, schools are requested to complete activity within the scheduled date and time.
29. . After submission of registration data, no request for change of subject , admission in Classes IX and XI (except on transfer cases) and concessions for CWSN shall be considered by the Board.
30. In the event of any difficulty, concerned Regional Office may be contacted.
31. It has been observed that students after passing Class X and Class XII are making requests to the CBSE to make the corrections/changes in their personal data viz- their name, date of birth, name of their mother and father and to issue revised educational documents. Their requests are found to be based on several excuses. These requests are quite difficult to accept by the schools as well as by the CBSE as these could lead to the creation of a new identity.
School will not change any record of any student available with the school, once his data has been submitted to CBSE on the registration portal. Similarly , the data of students for class-XI shall be strictly in accordance with their Class-X certificate and shall not be changed,once their data has been submitted to CBSE on the registration portal,without the approval of CBSE.
Schools are required to brief/guide the students about the importance of correct data and precautions to be taken by them while getting themselves registered in CBSE in Class-IX . CBSE is also making efforts and several checks are incorporated in the system so that the data of all the students is absolutely correct and no request is received by the CBSE for correction of data. The measures to be taken are:
(a) Bring to the notice of the students that the correct data is to be provided for registration.
(b) Registration details will be provided to the students and the parents in the form of a registration card by the school to confirm the correctness of details.
(c) List of Candidates (LOC) will be based on the data provided in the registration record.
(d) Parents will sign the LOC as a confirmation of the correctness of data.
(e) Undertaking about correctness of data on Admit Card by candidate and parent.
(f) Parents will sign an undertaking at the back of the Class X- and XII-Marks Statement Cum Certificate that they have checked the data and found correct.
Accordingly, schools are requested to guide the students and their in the following manner:
(a) Students must give the expanded name of self and Father/Mother/Guardian. It is advisable not to give abbreviations.
(b) May check that their data is similar in all the documents like Date of Birth Certificate. School records, Aadhaar and Passport etc.
(c) They will anticipate the requirement of the surname as when visiting abroad, it may be required by the visiting country to have both first name and Surname.
(d) Their Date of Birth is as per Date of Birth certificate and as per school record.
(e) Students should describe their name in full i.e., no abbreviated form shall be given.
(f) No salutations shall be added to the name(s)
While uploading data, schools will be responsible for ensuring the following:-
32. The spelling of name of student mother/father/Guardian is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school. It may be ensured that full name of the candidate/mother/father/guardian be filled to avoid corrections in the future and avoid hardship to the candidate. Abbreviations should not be used.
Date of Birth is correct and is as per Admission & Withdrawal Register maintained by the school.
34. Subject combinations are correct and as per Scheme of Studies.
Subject codes should be chosen carefully & especially in the following subjects, codes be chosen correctly:
(a) In Class – X :
English (Communicative) (101), English (Lang. & Litt.) (184) Hindi – A (002), Hindi – B(085),
Sanskrit (communicative) (119), Sanskrit (122)
Urdu-A (003), Urdu-B (303),
Telugu (007) , Telugu {Telangana) (089)
Mathematics Standard(041 ), Mathematics Basic(241).
(b) In Class – XII :
Hindi Core(302) , Hindi Elective(002), English Core(301), English Elective (001), Sanskrit Core(322), Sanskrit Elective(022) , Urdu Core(303), Urdu Elective(003) .
Mathematics(041 ), Applied Mathematics(241)
Schools are expected to keep their data on the OASIS Portal always updated. However, once again the school may complete/update the information on the OASIS portal well before opening of registration portal. It is mandatory to complete/update OASIS data before opening the registration portal.
It may be noted that the restriction on the number of sections and total number of candidates shall be on the basis of the number of sections entered by the schoolin the OASIS before the date of opening of registration portal. The updation done after the opening of the registration portal will not be reflected in the school account. Schools are therefore cautioned to update their data on the OASIS portal, especially the number of sections, before the opening date of the registration portal.
Board has prescribed scheme of studies which is available in the Curriculum on the link 2024.html for Secondary and Senior Secondary classes. Schools are required to offer the subjects in accordance with the Scheme of Studies only.
It is expected that the schools will read the guidelines carefully, collect the correct data of the students and submit the same also correctly. Their efforts in uploading correct data will help in providing correct subject Question Papers to the candidates & also in providing documents with correct particulars which will also reduce the cases of corrections in the personal data of the candidates after declaration of results.
For any query or help during office hours, kindly visit the link
Yours faithfully,
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।