Sub: – NTA declaration of Scores of the Joint CSIR-UGC NET December 2022 – June 2023 Examination
Day | Date | Subject | Shift-1 | Shift-2 |
1 | 6th June, 2023 | Life Sciences | 9am to 12noon | — |
Life Sciences | — | 3pm to 6pm | ||
2 | 7th June, 2023 | Chemical Sciences | 9am to 12noon | — |
Mathematical Sciences | — | 3pm to 6pm | ||
3 | 8th June, 2023 | Physical Sciences | 9am to 12noon | — |
Earth, atmospheric, ocean and |
a) Subject-wise Count of Candidates Registered and Appeared:
Date | Shift | Subject | Registered | Appeared |
06.06.2023 | Shift-1 | Life Sciences | 52,779 | 37,510 |
06.06.2023 | Shift -2 | Life Sciences | 52,699 | 40,658 |
07.06.2023 | Shift -1 | Chemical Sciences | 61,559 | 44,429 |
07.06.2023 | Shift -2 | Mathematical Sciences | 52,432 | 38,002 |
08.06.2023 | Shift -1 | Physical Sciences | 44,835 | 32,671 |
08.06.2023 | Shift -1 | Earth Sciences | 9,723 | 6,620 |
Total | 2,74,027 | 1,99,890 |
Subject | Males | Females |
Third | Total | ||||
Regd. | App. | Regd. | App. | Regd. | App. | Regd. | App. | |
Life Sciences | 32,676 | 23,832 | 72,798 | 54,333 | 4 | 3 | 1,05,478 | 78,168 |
Chemical Sciences | 27,251 | 19,652 | 34,306 | 24,776 | 2 | 1 | 61,559 | 44,429 |
Mathematical Sciences | 25,478 | 18,351 | 26,953 | 19,650 | 1 | 1 | 52,432 | 38,002 |
Physical Sciences | 24,561 | 17,882 | 20,273 | 14,789 | 1 | 0 | 44,835 | 32,671 |
Earth Sciences | 5,759 | 3,948 | 3,964 | 2,672 | 0 | 0 | 9,723 | 6,620 |
Total | 1,15,725 | 83,665 | 1,58,294 | 1,16,220 | 8 | 5 | 2,74,027 | 1,99,890 |
Subject | General | Gen-EWS | OBC (NCL) | SC | ST | PWD | Total |
Life Sciences | 35,872 | 6,469 | 34,929 | 17,794 | 9,335 | 1,079 | 1,05,478 |
Chemical Sciences | 18,747 | 5,091 | 23,664 | 9,109 | 4,320 | 628 | 61,559 |
Mathematical Sciences | 15,038 | 4,433 | 21,167 | 7,853 | 3,272 | 669 | 52,432 |
Physical Sciences | 14,754 | 3,639 | 17,026 | 6,341 | 2,568 | 507 | 44,835 |
Earth Sciences | 2,691 | 674 | 3,249 | 1,699 | 1,234 | 176 | 9,723 |
Total | 87,102 | 20,306 | 1,00,035 | 42,796 | 20,729 | 3,059 | 2,74,027 |
d) Applied For/Subject-wise Count of Candidates Registered:
Subject | For JRF |
For Lectureship /Assistant | Total |
Life Sciences | 73,953 | 31,525 | 1,05,478 |
Chemical Sciences | 43,421 | 18,138 | 61,559 |
Mathematical Sciences | 33,589 | 18,843 | 52,432 |
Physical Sciences | 30,790 | 14,045 | 44,835 |
Earth Sciences | 7,122 | 2,601 | 9,723 |
Total | 1,88,875 | 85,152 | 2,74,027 |
- A Central Control Room was opened to monitor and facilitate the smooth conduct of the Examination on the ground. 02 National Coordinators, 18 Regional Coordinators, 43 Zonal Coordinators, 178 City Coordinators, 461 Observers, and 05 Deputy Observers were deployed.
- Live CCTV Surveillance was planned in all examination centres to curb malpractices in the examination. The NTA also made arrangements for live viewing of remote locations of all examination centres from the Control Room located in the NTA premises of New Delhi. Recording of CCTV Systems was also done.
- The examination centres were also monitored using AI-based Video Analytics and Virtual Observers.
- In order to stop cheating using mobile networks, Jammers were installed in all the Centres.
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।