CBSE : Inviting articles for CENBOSEC January – June 2023
Date: 15.03.2023
Circular No: Acad-35/2023
All the Heads of Schools affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Inviting articles for CENBOSEC (January – June 2023) – reg.
Dear Principal,
I am happy to inform you that the Board has successfully resumed e-publication of CENBOSEC as a biannual e-magazine. The link for the same can be accessed in the CBSE Academic website. The CENBOSEC helps you to reach out to all the other schools affiliated to the Board through exchange of innovative pedagogical ideas and be aware of latest educational initiatives taken up by the Board.

On the momentous occasion of India’s presidency of 2023 G20 summit, the upcoming edition of CENBOSEC spanning from January to June 2023 will be based on the focus areas of G20 Education Working Group 2023 for an inclusive, equitable, relevant quality education and lifelong learning opportunities for all. The main theme of this edition is “Learning for Life” which is also the true essence of NEP 2020 ! The emphasis is on holistic education that prepares students for life. CBSE is looking forward to bringing out a first-hand account and original stories of implementation from educational practitioners like yourselves. The Sub- themes are detailed below for you to choose, write and share ! Pick yours and go ahead ! We encourage you to send in your articles on or before 15th April 2023.
Sub-theme 1 – Exploring new frontiers of Pedagogy
Share your school’s initiatives on new horizons in pedagogy and curriculum based on NEP 2020 which is helping in reorienting, reimagining and rebuilding the education ecosystem
- Competency Based Education
- Ensuring Foundational Literacy and Numeracy
- Removing barriers between Academic and Vocational subjects
- CBSE student enrichment activities
Sub-theme 2 – Enhancement of Quality and Excellence in your school
Perhaps you have worked on enhancing the quality and excellence in your school? You can pick this sub-theme which delves into this aspect. Share the best practices that you used to enhance the quality of any aspect of your school.
- School Quality Assessment and Assurance (SQAA) Framework
Sub-theme 3 – Gauging 3600 competence through Assessment Reforms
NEP emphasizes on assessment “for” learning rather than “of” learning. If your school has used innovative assessment strategies which are unconventional and interesting along with being effective in assessing the competencies and skills, this can be your subtheme for the article !
- Structured Assessments for Analysing Learning (SAFAL)
- Holistic Progress Card
Sub-theme 4 – Helping students make informed choices
If you are looking to help your learners make an informed choice through Career Counselling and Skill building activities (including 21st-century skills) at your school, this subtheme is for you!
- Career guidance and Counselling
- Skill Development (21st Century Skills) to prepare learners address contemporary challenges
Sub-theme 5 – Technology-Enabled Learning
We know that technology can play a transformative role in enhancing learning experiences for students and teachers. It definitely can make learning accessible anytime and anywhere, thereby making it personalized and catering to the individual needs of students. If you have implemented any innovative practices in this area, you can showcase your success in the form of an article under this sub-theme !
- Integrating technology in education to enhance learning outcomes
- Making Tech-enabled learning more inclusive, qualitative and collaborative
Sub-theme 6 – Educating the Educators
This subtheme shines a light on the importance of educating teachers and leaders. If you have done an impact analysis of CBSE training programs, both online and offline, you can share the achievements in the form of an article under this subtheme!
- CBSE’s Online and Offline training and their impact on school improvement
- Building capacities to promote life-long learning
Principals / Teachers/ Peer Educators are invited to send their original articles in English or Hindi for the present issue of CENBOSEC before 15th April, 2023 using the given Google form link The best 20 articles will be published in this issue.
Schools are also invited to send a cover design on the given theme for the present issue of CENBOSEC before 15th April, 2023 using the given Google form link The best cover design submitted by a school will be acknowledged in the bulletin and will be used in this issue.
Guidelines for submission of articles:
Each article should contain the following
- Title of the sub-theme the school is implementing
- The context
- Implementation plan of the school
- Evidence of implementation by the school
- Reflection (What went right and what went wrong)
- Final best practices and tips that can be shared with others who are implementing / would like to implement
Articles for submission must be previously unpublished and in English or Hindi. Articles should be well-written with grace as well as clarity. Articles should be copy-edited carefully before submission. The Board regards plagiarism as a serious professional misconduct. All submissions will be screened for plagiarism and if identified, the article submitted will be rejected.
The author shall submit the article in MS-Word only (PDF will not be considered). The word file should be named “Name of author_School affiliation number”. The length of articles should not exceed 1000 words/ 2 pages (A4 size) including images. Font should be 11-point Arial, whether in normal, bold, or italic, including endnotes. Please do not insert line breaks in the text or special spacing for formatting. All texts / paragraphs should have one and a half spacing. In case of articles in Hindi, the software used to create the document needs to be mentioned / link to be given in page 3 of your attachment.
Tables and images should be placed close after their first reference in the text. Table headings should be above the tables. Image caption should be centered below the image. The author should insert a self-photograph at the end of the article and mention her/his name, designation, school name and school affiliation number.
All citations should be in endnotes and not in the text. It is the responsibility of the author to obtain permission for the use of any copyrighted material, including images.
For any queries, the schools may contact at 011-23231070 or email at
With Best Wishes
Dr Joseph Emmanuel
Director (Academics)
Copy to the respective Heads of Directorates, Organizations and Institutions as indicated below with a request to disseminate the information to all the schools under their jurisdiction:
1. The Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-16
2. The Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, B-15, Sector-62, Institutional Area, Noida-201309
3. The Secretary, Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS), Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India.
4. The Secretary, Sainik Schools Society, Room No. 101, D-1 Wing, Sena Bhawan, NewDelhi- 110001.
5. The Chairman, Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, N-1/9, Near Doordarshan Kendra, PO Sainik School Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odhisha-751005.
6. The Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, OldSecretariat, Delhi-110 054
7. The Director of Public Instructions (Schools), Union Territory Secretariat, Sector 9, Chandigarh-160017
8. The Director of Education, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim –737101
9. The Director of School Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar –791 111
10. The Director of Education, Govt. of A&N Islands, Port Blair – 744101
11. The Director of Education, S.I.E., CBSE Cell, VIP Road, Junglee Ghat, P.O. 744103,A&N Island
12. The Director, Central Tibetan School Administration, ESSESS Plaza, CommunityCentre, Sector -3, Rohini, Delhi
13. The Additional Director General of Army Education, A –Wing, Sena Bhawan, DHQ, PO,New Delhi-110001
14. The Secretary AWES, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), FDRC Building No. 202, Shankar Vihar (Near APS), Delhi Cantt-110010
15. All Regional Directors/Regional Officers of CBSE with the request to send this circularto all the Heads of the affiliated schools of the Board in their respective regions
16. All Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary/ Assistant Secretary/SPS / Analyst, CBSE
17. All Head(s)/ In-Charge(s), Centre of Excellence, CBSE
18. In charge IT Unit with the request to put this Circular on the CBSE Academic Website
19. In-Charge, Library
20. The Head (Media & Public Relations), CBSE
21. DS to Chairperson, CBSE
22. SPS to Secretary, CBSE
23. SPS to Director (Academics), CBSE
24. SPS to Director (Information Technology), CBSE
25. SPS to Controller of Examinations, CBSE
26. SPS to Director (Skill Education), CBSE
27. SPS to Director (Professional Examinations), CBSE
28. SPS to Director (Training), CBSE
29. SPS to Director (CTET), CBSE
30. SPS to Director (EDUSAT), CBSE
31. Record File
Director (Academics)
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।