CBSE Prevention of cervical cancer among girl students
December 09, 2023
Cir. No. Acad-03/2023
All Heads of Institutions affiliated to CBSE
Subject: Prevention of cervical cancer among girl students – reg.
Dear Principals
Globally, cervical cancer is the 4th most common cancer in women. In India, it is the second most common cancer in women and India contributes to the largest proportion of global cervical cancer burden. Cervical cancer is a preventable and curable disease, as long as it is detected early and managed effectively. Most cervical cancers are associated with the Human Papilloma Virus (HPV) and the HPV vaccine can prevent most cases of cervical cancer if the vaccine is given before girls or women are exposed to the virus. Prevention through vaccination is one of the pillars of the Global Strategy adopted by WHO for the elimination of cervical cancer. Further, the National Technical Advisory Group for Immunization (NTAGI) has recommended introduction of HPV vaccine in the Universal Immunization Programme (UIP) with a one-time catch-up for 9- l4-year-old adolescent girls followed with routine introduction at 9 years.

The vaccination would be provided primarily through schools (Grade based approach: 5th – 10th) as school enrolment of girls is high. In order to reach those girls who are unable to attend school on the campaign day, the vaccination would be provided at a health facility. For registration, recording and reporting of vaccination numbers, the U-WIN App would be used.
In this regard, School Heads are requested to take up the following activities in order to make the campaign a successful one:
- Organize HPV vaccination centres in schools for vaccination.
- Identify a nodal person in school to coordinate vaccination activities and collate the number of 9-14 years of girls in the school and bulk upload the same in U-WIN.
- Generate awareness through school teachers to all parents during Special Parents- Teachers’ Meeting (PTAs).
- Support health team to plan vaccination campaign in the school excluding during examination and holidays.
You are also requested to circulate the importance of HPV vaccine through the official social media handles of the school for creating awareness among the stakeholders about the vaccine and its importance in long way.
Dr. Joseph Emmanuel
Director (Academics)
Copy to the respective Heads of Directorates, Organizations and Institutions as indicated below with a request to disseminate the information to all the schools under their jurisdiction:
1. The Commissioner, Kendriya Vidyalaya Sangathan, 18 Institutional Area, Shaheed Jeet Singh Marg, New Delhi-16
2. The Commissioner, Navodaya Vidyalaya Samiti, B-15, Sector-62, Institutional Area, Noida- 201309
3. The Secretary, Eklavya Model Residential Schools (EMRS), Ministry of Tribal Affairs, Government of India.
4. The Secretary, Sainik Schools Society, Room No. 101, D-1 Wing, Sena Bhawan, NewDelhi- 110001.
5. The Chairman, Odisha Adarsha Vidyalaya Sangathan, N-1/9, Near DoordarshanKendra, PO Sainik School Nayapalli, Bhubaneswar, Odhisha-751005.
6. The Director of Education, Directorate of Education, Govt. of NCT of Delhi, OldSecretariat, Delhi-110 054
7. The Director of Public Instructions (Schools), Union Territory Secretariat, Sector 9, Chandigarh-160017
8. The Director of Education, Govt. of Sikkim, Gangtok, Sikkim –737101
9. The Director of School Education, Govt. of Arunachal Pradesh, Itanagar –791 111
10. The Director of Education, Govt. of A&N Islands, Port Blair – 744101
11. The Director of Education, S.I.E., CBSE Cell, VIP Road, Junglee Ghat, P.O. 744103,A&N Island
12. The Director, Central Tibetan School Administration, ESSESS Plaza, CommunityCentre, Sector -3, Rohini, Delhi
13. The Additional Director General of Army Education, A –Wing, Sena Bhawan, DHQ, PO,New Delhi-110001
14. The Secretary AWES, Integrated Headquarters of MoD (Army), FDRC Building No. 202, Shankar Vihar (Near APS), Delhi Cantt-110010
15. All Regional Directors/Regional Officers of CBSE with the request to send this circularto all the Heads of the affiliated schools of the Board in their respective regions
16. All Joint Secretary/ Deputy Secretary/ Assistant Secretary/SPS / Analyst, CBSE
17. All Head(s)/ In-Charge(s), Centre of Excellence, CBSE
18. In charge IT Unit with the request to put this Circular on the CBSE Academic Website
19. In-Charge, Library
20. The Head (Media & Public Relations), CBSE
21. DS to Chairperson, CBSE
22. SPS to Secretary, CBSE
23. SPS to Director (Academics), CBSE
24. SPS to Director (Information Technology), CBSE
25. PPS to Controller of Examinations, CBSE
26. SPS to Director (Skill Education), CBSE
27. PPS to Director (Professional Examinations), CBSE
28. SPS to Director (Training), CBSE
29. PPS to Director (CTET), CBSE
30. SPS to Director (EDUSAT), CBSE
31. Record File
Director (Academics)
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।