Issuing Parking Label for Govt. Vehicles, the Vehicles of Govt. Officials and private/hired vehicles for calendar year 2023
Government of India
Ministry of Housing & Urban Affairs
(Admn.III Section)
Nirman Bhawan, New Delhi
Dated the 17th November, 2022.
Sub: Issuing Parking Label for Govt. Vehicles, the Vehicles of Govt. Officials and private/hired vehicles for calendar year 2023-Reg.
The entry of vehicles in the premises of Nirman Bhawan with parking labels issued during the year 2022 will remain valid till 31.01.2023 (extended) only and no vehicle with 2022 parking label will be allowed to enter in the premises of Nirman Bhawan from 1st February, 2023.

Therefore , all Ministries/Departments/Organizations/Individual Offices located at Nirman Bhawan are requested to apply for fresh Parking Labels in the prescribed proforma (copy enclosed). Applications received through the concerned Administrative Officer of the Department/Office will only be entertained . The Administrative Officer may send the applications and consolidated list in the prescribed Excel format (Copy enclosed) with a covering letter to the SO (Admn.111), Ministry of Housing & Urban Affar is latest by 31.12.2022 through E-mail (
[email protected]) _/ pendrive only. Physical copy will not be entertained in any case. It is advised to ensure that scanned images of applications are clear and legible to avoid rejection of application. List of employees, in case of 4 applications and more, must be in excel format.
3. The lists of four wheeler and two wheeler parking labels may be sent separately with covering letters. Forwarding of Piece-Meal applications may please be avoided.
4. Due to very limited Parking space in Nirman Bhawan conditions as given below are required to be fulfilled strictly for issue of vehicle pass:-
- a) The pass will be issued to employees who are working at NIRMAN BHAWAN only with valid ID Cards.
- b) The Vehicle must be in the name of either employee or in the name of his/ her immediate family members, i.e., spouse, parents or children.
- c) For employees, who are not posted in this building but has been issued/approved Validation Card/MHA I card for entry in this building, may be considered for issue of the vehicle pass.
- d) There are various contractual vehicles for which the passes are issued. However, if at any time it is found they resort to irregular parking or misbehaving with the employees with parking issues; warning will be issued initially and in case of unsatisfactory reply or no improvement , their vehicle passes shall be cancelled.
- e) Applications for the year 2023 parking are to be submitted by the last week of December 2022 positively, so that all the new passes may be issued till 31st January ,2023 . The applications for new passes, under any circumstances, shall be entertained upto 31st January ,2023 only. Thereafter, passes only for new postings/transfers/appointment for this building shall be allowed.
- f) Applications shall be entertained only through online mode, i.e., e-Office or email. No hard copy will be entertained.
- g) Only one parking label for four-wheeler and one parking label for two-wheeler shall be issued for each eligible employee.
- h) In case of contractual employees, the passes shall be issued till the validity of their I card or Appointment letter only, whichever is later. Temporary passes shall be issued to such employees . For these employees, all the applications are to be sent separately along with the list in Excel format.
5. The officials of Central Industrial Security Force (CISF), who are entrusted with the security of Nirman Bhawan, are suitably instructed for not to allow entry of any such vehicle which do not have valid parking label due to security reasons.
(Rajeev Ranjan)
Tel.No. 23062295
I. All officers of Mio HUA- through e-office notice board and websites of M/o HUA.
2. Directorate of Printing/ Directorate of Estates/Director , NBO, Land & Development Office/CCA /DG(W) , CPWD, Nirman Bhavan.
3. Joint Secretary(Admn .), Mio H&FW, Room No.259-A, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
4. Joint Secretary, Department of Land Resources, Room No.110-G, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
5. The Deputy Secretary , Ministry of Power, ‘F” wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
6. The Deputy Inspector General, Border Security Force (Air Wing) , ‘F’ wing, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi.
7. Office of Development Commissioner, (Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises) , Room No. 703A, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi
8. The Director (Admn.), Mio Rural Development, Room No.364, Krishi Bhavan, New Delhi.
9. The Assistant Commandant , CISF, Nirman Bhavan, New Delhi I0. All the Banks and Post Office in premises of Nirman Bhawan.
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।