8589 (eight thousand five hundred eighty nine) posts have been advertised in Higher Educational Institutions of Ministry of Education.
Vacancies in Central Universities
Will the Minister of EDUCATION be pleased to state:
(a) whether it is a fact that there are over 10,000 vacancies of full time teacher’s posts in Central Universities, IIMs and IITs in the country;
(b) if so, the reasons for such large number of vacancies; and
(c) the steps taken by the Government to increase recruitment in the said institution?
(a) to (c) Occurring of vacancies and filling thereof is a continuous process. The vacancies arise due to retirement, resignation and additional requirements on account of enhanced students’ strength. The Institutions are adopting various measures to address the shortage of faculty in order to ensure that studies of students are not affected which inter-alia, includes engaging research scholars, hiring through contract, re-employment or through visiting faculty. Ministry of Education has requested all the Central Higher Educational Institutions to fill up the vacancies in a Mission Mode within a period of one year starting from 5th September, 2021. So far 8589 (eight thousand five hundred eighty nine) posts have been advertised in Higher Educational Institutions of Ministry of Education.