Various Agricultural Schemes being implemented by the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers
Government of India
Will the Minister of AGRICULTURE AND FARMERS WELFARE be pleased to State:
(a) The total number of various agricultural schemes being implemented by the Ministry along with its purpose;
(b) Whether the Union Government is facing any impediments or any hardships in implementing those schemes across the country; and
(c) The steps and plans that are being followed and implemented to ensure the effective implementation of the various schemes and if so, the details thereof?
(a) Given in the Annexure
(b) to (c) Agriculture is a State subject. The responsibility of identifying beneficiaries of schemes rests with the State governments. There are no impediments/ hardships as such in order to ensure effective implementation of various schemes, the Government of India enables setting up of Project Management Units, effective Management Information Systems, Direct Benefit Transfer, effective monitoring of schemes etc.
Annexure Major Schemes implemented by the Department of Agriculture & Farmers’ Welfare
Sl No |
Name |
Purpose |
1. |
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) | The scheme aims to supplement
the financial needs of all landholding farmers. Under the |
2. |
Pradhan Mantri Kisan Maan Dhan Yojana (PM-KMY) | To provide social security net for the
landholding Small and Marginal Farmers (SMFs) as they have |
3. | Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojana-
Remunerative Approaches for Agriculture and Allied sector | Aims at making farming a
remunerative economic activity through strengthening the |
4. | Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY) | Affordable crop insurance scheme for farmers against all non preventable natural risks. |
5. |
Per Drop More Crop (PDMC) | The PMKSY-Per Drop More Crop
mainly focuses on water use efficiency at farm level |
practices to optimize the use of
available water resources, this component also supports | ||
6. | National Honey and Bee Mission (NHBM) | Promotion and development of scientific beekeeping in the country |
7. | Agriculture Infrastructure Fund (AIF) | Medium – long term debt financing
facility for investment in viable projects for post-harvest |
8. | Interest Subvention Scheme (ISS) | Aims at providing adequate and
timely credit support by way of short term crop loan upto |
9. | National Bamboo Mission (NBM) | To increase the area under
bamboo plantation in non-forest Government and private |
10. | Sub Mission on Agro-forestry (SMAF) | To encourage and expand tree
plantation in a complementary and integrated manner with |
Soil Health Management | To develop and promote soil test |
11. | (SHM) | based nutrient management for enhancing nutrient use efficiency |
12. | Sub-Mission on Agriculture Extension (SMAE) | Aims at making the extension
system farmer driven and farmer accountable by |
13. |
Sub Mission on Plant Protection and Plant Quarantine | To minimize loss to quality and yield
of agricultural crops from the ravages of insect pests, |
14. | Sub-Mission on Agriculture Mechanization (SMAM) | Increase the reach of farm
mechanization to small and marginal farmers and to the |
15. | Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) | Stimulate holistic growth of the
horticulture sector through area based regionally |
16. | Sub-Mission on Seed and Planting Material (SMSP) | Production and multiplication of
high yielding certified/quality seeds of all crops and |
available to the farmers | ||
17. | National Food Security Mission (NFSM). | Increasing production of rice, wheat,
pulses coarse cereals (maize & barley), nutri-cereals
& other small millets) and commercial crops (jute, |
18. | Integrated Scheme for Agriculture Marketing (ISAM) | To develop marketing infrastructure
to effectively handle and manage marketable surpluses of |
19. |
Formation and Promotion of 10,000 Farmer Produce | Aggregation of small, marginal and
landless farmers into FPOs in order to enhance economic |