Mukhyamantri Covid-19 Pariwar Aarthik Sahayata Yojana
Delhi, the 22nd June, 2021
F. 41(367)/DSW/FAS/COVID RELIEF/2021-22/2758-2771.—In order to provide immediate financial relief incase of death of family member due to Covid-19 and continued financial assistance to families affected by the death of the bread earner due to Covid-19 pandemic the Lt. Governor of NCT of Delhi is pleased to notify the Mukhyamantri Covid-19 Pariwar Aarthik Sahayata Yojana.
1. Short Title, Extent and Commencement:
(a) The Scheme may be called as Mukhyamantri Covid-19 Pariwar Aarthik Sahayata Yojana.
(b) The Scheme shall be applicable for the NCT of Delhi.
(c) The scheme shall come into force with effect from the date of its publication in the Delhi Gazette.
2. Objectives and components of the scheme:
The objectives of the Scheme are:
(a) to provide financial assistance to the surviving family of the bread earner who has died due to Covid 19 pandemic in Delhi since the outbreak of the disease. Government will also consider a single member of the affected family to be enrolled as a civil defense volunteer. Besides these the state affirms to look after the health and education needs of the dependent children as per existing policy.
(b) To give an Ex-gratia payment of Rs 50000 for each death to the family of deceased. This Ex-gratia assistance shall be given to the kith and kin of the person deceased due to Covid-19, after he applies in the format prescribed by the Revenue Department, GNCTD.
3. The components, corresponding quantum of financial assistance, and eligibility are detailed below :-
(a) Component (A):- Monthly financial assistance to the family of the deceased
(i) Eligibility and Quantum of Assistance
(Death of working member of the family due to covid-19)
Dependent |
Amount |
Remarks |
Husband |
Wife |
Rs. 2500 for life |
Wife can get widow pension also in addition, if eligible |
Wife |
Husband |
Rs. 2500 for life |
Single Parent (Other parent already died (either due to
covid or |
Each Child Below 25 years of age |
Rs. 2500 to each child of the deceased parents till they
attain |
Each Child below 25 years of age would be considered for
Financial Assistance (In these cases if one |
otherwise)/ Separated/ Divorced | |
age of 25 years |
parent died of covid and other died in earlier years) |
Both Husband and Wife died (where atleast one of them died
due to covid) |
Each Child below age of 25 years.
Father or Mother incase of no children. |
Rs. 2500 to each child till the age of 25 years.
Incase of Father or Mother for life (only one will get the
assistance) |
Father & Mother can avail old age pension in addition
to this if eligible. |
Unmarried Working Son / Daughter |
Father or Mother |
Rs 2500 for life |
Father & Mother can avail old age pension in addition
to this if eligible. |
Brother / Sister |
Dependent Brother / Sister if they are
physically or intellectually challenged |
Rs 2500 for life |
Physically or intellectually challenged sibling staying
with the breadwinner and dependent on him. |
*In case Husband/ Wife of the deceased bread earner is getting the benefit of the scheme then the sibling in the special needs category as cited in last column shall not be eligible.
**If family is survived by only minor children then applicant/ beneficiary will be the foster parent/ guardian who has been declared fit under the provisions of JJ Act by the Child Welfare Committee. The financial assistance shall be transferred to the joint bank account in the name of the minor child and the foster parent/guardian.
*** The deceased and dependents both shall be residents of Delhi
**** Death must be due to COVID related i.e. certified as COVID death (as per MHA data) or death within one month of testing COVID positive and verified by Health Department as Covid death.
***** No income criterion
(ii) Methodology and Procedure
required |
The following documents shall be attached with the
application: –
1. Proof of residence of both deceased & dependents.
2. Death certificate
3. Proof of Covid death
4. Documents establishing relationship between deceased
& applicant
5. Bank Account details of the applicant.
6. Incase of disabled dependent sibling , disability
7. Proof of age of the dependent children
8. Others as required in e district portal |
Procedure |
1. Health Department shall share list/ database of Covid
deaths with Department of Social Welfare which in turn
shall send that to the area SDMs through DC HQ Revenue
Department for verification of cases falling in their
respective jurisdiction.
2. SDM will use a pool of 100 officials of Delhi government
as created by the respective SDM to act as representatives
at sub division level for conduct of home visit. SDM shall
digitally assign Government’s representative for home visit
who shall go for verification at the address provided by
the applicant and also provide assistance for submission of
details in the applications.
3. The Delhi Government’s representative at the time of
Home visit will collect all relevant details and fill it
for the dependent in digital form using their tablet/mobile
phone. They shall conduct the home visit with three
a. Verify/clarify the details mentioned in the application
b. Recommend the preparation of the documents like death
certificate, hospital report, etc to their SDM in genuine
cases if the same is missing
c. Note the details of children below 25 years to determine
the quantum of Financial Assistance.
4. Based on verified application and home visit, SDM to
send his recommendation, within 5 working days of
submission of report by the field staff. The recommendation
shall be sent online through e district portal to District
Social Welfare Officers of Department of Social |
Welfare for sanction. SDM to recommendor reject the case in
a period of total 12 days from the date of application.
5. The District Social welfare officers of Social Welfare
department shall scrutinise the documents submitted as per
eligibility criteriaand shall approve the request and
process it for release of payments to the Social Welfare HQ
within 3 days of receiving the recommendation from the SDM.
The Financial Assistance request should be accepted or
rejected (with reasons recorded) within a maximum time
limit of 15 days of the application and the Financial
Assistance should start from the month in which application
was submitted. |
mechanism |
Incase of the rejection of the application, the SDM would
forward the rejected cases with reasons to DM online and
SMS message to the applicants giving details of the officer
and address for appeal. Such applicants (those whose
application is rejected) can appeal to the District
Magistrate for reconsideration. The DM shall dispose off
the appeal based on SoP developed by SWD. |
(b) Component (B) :-One time Ex-Gratia payment to the family of deceased
(i) Eligibility & Quantum of Assistance
In the case of death of any patient who is Covid positive, either in institutional setting or at home, an amount of Rs 50,000 would be given as ex-gratia to the family of the deceased. This would be irrespective of whether the deceased was the bread earner of the family. This ex- gratia amount would cover all deaths that has taken place due to COVID-19 pandemic, the Ex-gratia amount of Rs. 50,000/- would be given per death.
(ii) Methodology : This component of the scheme shall be operated by the Revenue Department and the detailed procedure for implementation as recommended by Revenue Department is as under:-
(iii) Methodology and Procedure
Documents required |
The following documents shall be attached with the
application to be filled by the applicant in concerned
1. Proof of residence of both deceased & dependents.
2. Death certificate
3. Proof of Covid death
4. Documents establishing relationship between deceased
& applicant
5. Bank Account details of the applicant. |
Procedure |
The Revenue Department is already running a scheme approved
vide Cabinet Decision No, 2810 dated 05.03.2020 and
circulated vide order No. F 1 (87)/Relief/ Building
Collapse/ 2010/2663 dated 05.03.2020; granting Ex-gratia
Relief in various eventualities. The disbursement procedure
adopted in this scheme may also be followed for the scheme
under consideration. |
Head of account for payment |
The Disbursement may be made from Major Head “2245” Relief;
for which all the power to sanction of relief to the
victims have already been delegated to all the Deputy
Commissioner being HOD in all cases in accordance with
scale approved |
Competent Authority |
The Competent Authority to grant the ex-gratia of Rs.
50000/- to the family of deceased died of Covid 19 shall be
the concerned DM as already being done under the already
running scheme stated above |
Appellate Authority |
In case of rejection of application by concerned DM, the
applicant can file the grievance before the Divisional
Commissioner. |
*Death must be due to COVID related i.e. certified as COVID death (as per MHA data) or death within one month of testing COVID positive and verified by Health Department as Covid death.
By Order and in the Name of the
Lt. Governor of the National Capital Territory of Delhi,
Dr. RASHMI SINGH, Spl. Secy./ Director, Social Welfare
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे। *****