Delhi State Legal Services Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021

Delhi State Legal Services Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.



Delhi, the 8th June, 2021

No. F.8/1/96-Judl./Vol.II/Suptlaw/514-518.—In exercise of the powers conferred under Section 29A of the Legal Services Authorities Act, 1987 (Act 39 of 1987) and in consultation with the Hon’ble Chief Justice of the Delhi High Court, as required by sub-section (4) of Section 9 and clause (c) of sub-section (2) of Section 10 of the said Act, the State Legal Services Authority hereby makes the following regulations to amend the Delhi State Legal Services Authority Regulations, 2002, namely:-

Delhi State Legal Services Authority



1. Short Title and Commencement :-  

(1) These regulations may be called the Delhi State Legal Services Authority (Amendment) Regulations, 2021.

(2) They shall come into force on the date of their publication in the Delhi Gazette.

2. Amendment of regulation 2- In the Delhi Legal Services Authority Regulation, 2002 (hereinafter called the principal regulation) the following shall be substituted, namely:-

for sub- regulation (b) shall be substituted

(b) ‘State Authority’ means the Delhi State Legal Services Authority. for sub- regulation (e) shall be substituted

(e) ‘Rules’ means the Delhi State Legal Services Authority Rules, 1996 and as upto date amendment of these rules.,

for sub- regulation (i) shall be substituted

(i) ‘Executive Chairman’ means the Executive Chairman of the Delhi State Legal Services Authority constituted under Section 6 of the Act“,

for sub- regulation (n) shall be substituted

(n) ‘Member Secretary’ means the Member Secretary of the Delhi State Legal Services Authority“ for sub – regulation (p) shall be substituted

(p) ‘Patron-in-Chief’ means the Patron-in-Chief of the Delhi State Legal Services Authority“.

3. Existing regulation 8 shall be re-numbered as regulation 6:

Minutes of Meeting

4. Existing regulation 9 shall be re-numbered as regulation 7:

Decision by way of resolution

5. Existing regulation 10 shall be re-numbered as regulation 8, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

Expenditure for the Meeting

“The Member Secretary or the Secretary of the High Court Legal Services Committee or the Secretaries of the District Legal Services Authorities, as the case may be, are authorized to spend an amount of Rs.5000/- for meetings of the State Authority/ High Court Committee/ District Authorities, as the case may be, out of the State Legal Aid Fund or accounts transferred to the Delhi High Court Legal Services Committee or the District Legal Services Authorities Fund, as the case may be.“

6. Existing regulation 6 shall be re-numbered as regulation 9:

Panel of Advocates

7. Existing regulation 7 shall be re-numbered as regulation 10:

Disqualification of Legal Practitioners

8. Existing regulation 8 shall be re-numbered as regulation 11, the following shall be substituted, namely:-

The duties of the Legal Practitioner

(1) Every Legal Services Advocate shall attend to all duties assigned by the Authority punctually, attentively and diligently.

(2) Every Legal Services Advocate shall endeavour to provide quick and timely services to the aided person.

(3) Every Legal Services Advocate shall ensure his attendance on each hearing of the case assigned to him and shall diligently work towards the disposal of the case.

(4) Every  Legal  Services  Advocate  shall  attend  all  training  programs,  functions  and  the  like organized by the State or the District Authority and as directed by the said Authorities.

 (5) Every Legal Services Advocate shall submit a quarterly detailed report in respect of the work/ cases assigned to him/her by the Authorities. The said report shall be submitted within seven days of the expiry of the quarter.“

9. Existing regulation 9 shall be re-numbered as regulation 12: Criteria for giving Legal Services. (sub – rule (h) of existing regulation 9 has been deleted vide letter No. F. 27/3/2003-Judl./359 dated 6th April, 2010)

10. Existing regulation 10 shall be re-numbered as regulation 13,  the following shall be substituted, namely:-

a) Court Fees, provided that Court fees will be payable only after an application is moved before the Court for suing in forma pauperis and orders of the Court obtained thereon.

(b) Process  fees  and  other  similar  charges  payable  or  incurred  in  connection  with  any  legal proceedings;

(c) charges for drafting, preparing,  filing of any legal proceedings and representation by a legal practitioner in legal proceedings;

(d) cost of obtaining and supply of certified copies of judgments, orders and other documents in legal proceedings;

(e) cost of preparation of paper book (including paper, printing and translation of documents) in legal proceedings and expenses incidental thereto:

provided that charges for spot inspection other than local commissioner’s fee, such as photographer’s/electrician’s/ plumber’s/mason’s charges and similar expenditure, charges for medical examination and the like, shall not be payable, except with the approval of the Chairperson.“

11. Existing regulation 11 shall be deleted.

12. Existing regulation 12 shall be re-numbered as regulation 14:

Application for Legal Aid or Advice.

13. Existing regulation 13 shall be re-numbered as regulation 15:

Duty of Aided Person.



14. Existing regulation 14 shall be re-numbered as regulation 16:

Procedure for organizing Lok Adalat.

15. Existing regulation 15 shall be re-numbered as regulation 17:

Notice to the Parties concerned.



16. Existing regulation 17 shall be re-numbered as regulation 18:

Travelling Allowance and daily allowances for journey in connection with Lok Adalats and Legal Aid Programmes of the State Authority.

17. Existing regulation 18 shall be re-numbered as regulation 19:

Expenditure from the State Legal Aid Fund.

By Order and in the Name of the
Lt. Governor of National Capital Territory of Delhi,
SANJAY KUMAR AGGARWAL, Pr. Secy. (Law, Justice & L.A.)

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे। 
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