National Highway No. 925 and Satta-Gandhav Section from design Km. 0.000 to Km. 60.450 in the State of Rajasthan
New Delhi, the 6th October, 2020

S.O. 3469(E).—Whereas by notification of the Government of India in the Ministry of Road Transport and Highways number S.O. 3254(E) dated 5th July, 2018 issued under Section 11 of the National Highways Authority of India Act 1988 (68 of 1988), the Central Government has entrusted the Gagaria to Bakhasar Section of NH No. 925 and Satta to Gandhav Section of NH No. 925 A in the State of Rajasthan to the National Highways Authority of India (hereinafter referred to as the “Authority”)
Now, therefore, in exercise of the powers conferred by section 7 of the National Highways Act, 1956 (48 of 1956), read with rule 3 of the National Highways Fee (Determination of Rates and Collection) Rules, 2008 (hereinafter referred to as the “rules”), the Central Government hereby levies the fee on mechanical vehicles at the 60% of base rate specified in column (2) of the Table 1 for net road section length of 183.529 km for the use of two lane with paved shoulder section and at 100% of base rate specified in column (2) of the Table 1 for net road section length of 12.835 km. and for equivalent structure length (having length more than 60m) of 6.060 km (having length structure 0.606 km.) for use of four lane section on the type of vehicles specified in column (1) of the Table 1 below of Gagaria-Bakhasar Section from design Km. 0.000 to Km. 136.520 of National Highway No. 925 and Satta-Gandhav Section from design Km. 0.000 to Km. 60.450 in the State of Rajasthan and authorises the Authority to collect, either through its officials or through a contractor, the said fee, namely:
Type of vehicle
Base rate of fee per km for the base year 2007-08 (in
Car, Jeep, Van or Light Motor Vehicle
Light Commercial Vehicle, Light Goods Vehicle or Mini Bus
Bus or Truck (Two Axles)
Three-axle commercial vehicles
Heavy Construction Machinery (HCM) or Earth Moving
Equipment (EME) or Multi Axle Vehicle (MAV) (four to six
Oversized Vehicles (seven or more axles)
1. The fee to be levied and collected hereunder shall be due and payable at the Fee Plaza for net road length specified for such Fee Plaza(s), namely: –
of Fee Plaza (chainage)
(in km) for which Fee is payable
at which fee is payable
At Km. 15.755 of NH-925,
Near Village Gardiya (Tehsil- Ramsar) in Barmer District
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
60% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
100% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
At Km. 114.275 of NH-925,
Near Village Sinhaniya (Tehsil- Serwa) in Barmer District
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
60% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
100% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
At Km. 31.940 of NH-925 A,
Near Village Doongri (Tehsil- Chitalwana) in Jalore
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
60% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
[Excluding length of Bypass (Costing >10 Cr.) and length
of Structure (>60m)]
100% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
2. In addition to above, the following fee shall also be due and payable for the use of the following structures having length more than 60m at the following Fee Plaza(s), by converting the length of structures into an equivalent length of highway by multiplying the length of such structures by an equalisation factor of 10: –
of Fee Plaza (chainage)
of structures (in km.) to be converted into equivalent
road length
road length (in km.)
at which fee is payable
At Km. 15.755 of NH-925, Near
Village Gardiya (Tehsil- Ramsar) in Barmer District
100% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
At Km. 31.940 of NH-925 A,
Near Village Doongri (Tehsil- Chitalwana) in Jalore
100% of the base rates mentioned in Table-1 above
*The details of 4 lane structures are as under: –
Sr no.
Type of Structure
Length (in km.)
From Km.
To Km.
Km. 0.000
Km. 0.201
Km. 60.045
Km. 60.450
Trumpet Interchange
3. The rate of monthly pass for a person who owns a mechanical vehicle registered for non-commercial purposes and resides within a distance of twenty kilometres from the fee plaza is Rs 275 (Two hundred And Sixty Five Only) for the year 2020-21 and is subject to revision every year as per the provisions of the said rules.
4. For multiple journeys on the highway section, passes shall be issued at the following rates, namely:
Amount Payable
Maximum number of one way journeys allowed
Period of validity
One and one-half times of the fee for one way journey
Twenty four hours from the time of payment
Two-third of amount of the fee payable for fifty single
One month from date of payment
5. Fee for commercial vehicle (excluding vehicles plying under National permit) registered in the district where the fee plaza falls shall be 50% of the specified rate for that category of vehicle provided no service road or alternative road is available for use of such commercial vehicles.
6. The driver or owner or a person in charge of a mechanical vehicle which is loaded in excess of permissible load specified for its category, shall be liable to pay fee for entering the overloaded vehicle on the National Highway to the fee collecting agency, equal to the fee specified in sub-rule 1A of rule 10 of the said rules, and shall not be entitled to make use of the highway section unless the excess load has been removed from such mechanical vehicle.
7. All definitions including category of mechanical vehicles, its permissible load, category of exempted vehicles, service road, alternative road, etc. shall be as per definitions specified in the said rules.
8. The fee rates shall be displayed for information of the users in accordance with rule 12 of the said rules.
9. Based on the base rate of fee per kilometer for the base year 2007-08 as mentioned in Table-1 above, the actual amount of fee to be charged from the mechanical vehicles and the discounts will be calculated by the Authority on the basis of the completed length of the section and revised annually in accordance with the rule 5 of the said rules and the same shall be published in at least one newspaper in English and vernacular language.
10. The estimated capital cost of the project is Rupees 910.59 crore. The capital cost is subject to variation as the activities of land acquisition, utility shifting, tree cutting, etc. are yet to be completed and the final capital cost will be notified separately. The Authority shall maintain a record of the recovery of capital cost through user fee realised and after recovery of the capital cost, the fee leviable shall be reduced to 40% of the rates and shall be revised annually in accordance with the said rules.
[F. No 539]
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।