Review of Policy on creation of posts : Freezing new posts creation except safety, till orders
No. E(MPP)2018/1/1 RBE No. 48/2020
Dated. 02/07/2020
The General Managers,
All Indian Railways, including Production Units and Others
Sub: Review of Policy on creation of posts.
Ref: 1.Board’s letter no. E(MPP)2018/1/1 dtd. 04/04/2018 (RBE No. 52/2018) and E(MPP)2018/1/11 dated 19/12/2018 (RBE No. 198/2018).
2. FC’s 0.0. no 2015-B-235 dated 19/06/2020 to GMs Indian Railways.
Board (CRB,FC) has approved following in an Action plan for Economic Measure and Rationalization of Expenditure :
- Freezing new posts creation except safety, till further orders;
- Reviewing of posts created in last two years and if, recruitment has not been done against these posts, reviewing the same for surrendering; and
- Surrendering 50% of existing vacancies, in other than Safety category.
2. The aforesaid decision of Board is hereby communicated for strict compliance.
3. Instructions regarding review of pending indents(non safety) with RRB is being issued separately.
4. This issues with the concurrence of Finance Directorate of Ministry of Railways.
5. Please acknowledge receipt.
(Ajay Jha)
Joint Director (MPP)
Railway Board
No. E(MPP)2018/1/1
Dated. 02 /07/2020
1. PFAs, All Indian Railways and Production Units,DG/RDSO,DG/NAIR,Dir/CTls.
2. The Dy. Comptroller & Auditor General of India (Railways) , Room No.224, Rail Bhawan, New Delhi. (with 40 spares).
For Finance Commissioner/Railways
No. E(MPP)2018/1/1
Dated. 02/07/2020
Copy to:
- 1. The General Secretary , AIRF, 4 State Entry Road, New Delhi for information with 35 spares.
- 2. The General Secretary, NFIR, 3 Chelmsford Road, New Delhi for information with 35 spares.
- 3. The Secretary General, FROA, R.No.256-A, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi for information with 5 spares.
- 4. The Secretary General, IRPOF, R.No.268 , Rail Bhavan, New Delhi for information with 5 spares
- 5. All Members, Department Council & Secretary Staff side National Council 13-C, Ferozeshah Road, New Delhi with 90 spares.
- 6. The General Secretary, A’i!Rf?F Association, Room No.256-D, Rail Bhavan, New Delhi with 5 spares.
- 7. General Secretary , All India SC & ST Railway Employees Association , 171/B-3, Basant Lane Railway Colony , New Delhi (15 copies).
For Secretary/Railway Board
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे।