Your Architectural Design may win you Rs. 1 Lakh in Facade Contest 2020 : MDDA

Your Architectural Design may win you Rs. 1 Lakh in Facade Contest 2020
Submit Your Designs for Building Facades with theme as Uttarakhand Traditional Architecture latest  by 15-07-2020 & win Case Prizes.  First Prize : Rs 1 Lakh : Second Prize Rs. 75000.00 :  Third Prize Rs. 50000.00
Your Architectural Design
About us
MDDA was established in 1984 with objective of planning and development of the city. Dehradun manifests its position as an important city in the most fertile region of Doon Valley between rivers Yamuna and Ganga. It is in fact, the most developed city in the Sivalik foothills and the gateway to the far-flung hill areas of Uttaranchal. To check the haphazard development and degradation of natural environment, to sustain the glory of the city and to build further upon it was colossal task handed over to the MDDA in the year 1984 under the provisions of U.P Urban Planning and Development Act 1973. Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority area includes entire Dehradun District which covers Dehradun City, Mussoorie Municipal Area, Rishikesh Tehsil Area, Pachwa Doon and Parwa Doon, except Cantonment Area. The limits of this Development area coincides with the Dehradun district boundary in the north up to Buranskhanda, lower shivalik range in south and west and river Ganga in the east. Former Doon Valley Special Area Development Authority has been merged with Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority in the year 2019.The objective of this development authority is to provide planned and plenary development of the area under its jurisdiction.
MDDA is a local decision making agency and it is totally self-sufficient, capable of undertaking all sorts of activities for well planned urban development. The challenges before MDDA are massive and diversified, as District Dehradun requires an integrated development process, which has to be inexpensive, functionally utilitarian, environmentally healthy, re-creationally adequate and aesthetically appealing. MDDA is committed to keep pace with the needs of fast growing population and relevant infrastructure required for such phenomenal growth. The Development of Dehradun districte in a planned manner, creating quality infrastructure, provision of sites and services and the housing needs of under privileged are the focus areas of MDDA.
MDDA has been awarded with several prestigious accolades. Recently, the authority has been awarded with National Award for e_Governance (Gold) by Government of India, Beast Digital Initiative (Technology), SKOCH Award (silver) for its outstanding effort in improving the bye- laws regulations and e_governance. MDDA has also been awarded with India Pride Award for Best State PSU. MDDA is an ISO certified government agency monitoring the process of urban planning in the district of Dehradun.
About Façade
Contest 2020

Due to increasing population and unabated migration, cities are becoming sprawling urban hubs. The challenges of urbanization manifest themselves in various forms. Solid waste management, unending traffic and the deterioration of environment are some of the most basic and visible consequences of the urban growth. For ecologically and seismological sensitive cities like Dehradun, considerations of sustainability and resilience assume even greater significance.
In this backdrop, as India advances to make  its cities smarter and technologically advanced, there’s also a need to make them more inclusive and citizen centric. MDDA believes that architecture, urban planning and Information Technology/Computer Science students can play a role of being an “enabler” in the process of urban transformation. It can ensure a more sustainable path for urban development.
Keeping this in mind, MDDA is providing a first-ever opportunity for students from Architecture and Information Technology/Computer Science discipline from Dehradun based Universities and Colleges to join the policy formulation process and improve the urban governance landscape for the cities of Dehradun district.
The main objective of MDDA’s this initiative is to seek ideas of architectures who love to promote local architecture hence creating beautiful urban cities. Government has recently announced its façade policy to have similar  façade all over  the cities of Uttarakhand depending upon local architecture. All participants are thus requested to submit the façade design depending upon architecture of Uttarakhand. This exercise is the step towards this goal.
Contest Details
  • Students  of  Architecture  ,  Practicing  Architects, Civil Engineers and other professionals.
  • The design can be submitted to MDDA using following google forms latest by 5 pm, 15’th July 2020 (IST). Applications submitted after that will not be entertained.
Number of Designs to be selected:
  • Three (May Vary)
Note : More than three design may also be selected but the prize money for each individual is fixed. Ie. Rs. 100000.00 (Rs. One Lakh only)  for the first prize, Rs 75,000.00 (Rs. Seventy thousand only) for the second prize and Rs. 50000.00 (Rs. Fifty thousand Only) for the third prize .
The decision of Vice Chairman , MDDA will be final the regard of the contest
Selection Procedure
Applicants/participants are required to submit their design (the façade as per the local architecture). The design should be submitted through the google form in.pdf format to MDDA on or before the last date and time. Applicant/Participant can submit more than one design as well. There should be at least one page note about the design which explains in details the architecture and concept of the design. The design should accompany with the detailed information about the Applicant name, address, contact details (phone , mail_id), profession and qualification. The submission in hardcopy should have following information and declaration at the bottom of the page –
  • Name –
  • Declaration – I <name of participant> declare that I hereby declare that the submitted façade design(s) for “facade contest 2020” is my original creation based on local architecture of Uttarakhand and if selected for the prize money then I won’t have any objection in the use of this(these) design(s) for facade of different buildings wherever MDDA want to use it. I accept all terms and condition of the contest .
 Stage 2
  • All timely submitted designs would be shortlisted by the panel of experts constituted by the authority after going through the concept note and designs.
Stage 3
  • 10 Shortlisted applicants will be required to make a presentation to an expert committee appointed by MDDA. <The number may vary depending on number and quality of submissions>
Stage 4
  • Finally selected applicants / participants would be communicated about the confirmation , the prize amount will be given as token of winner of the event by MDDA.
Contest  Announcement
  • 01 June, 2020
Stage 1 closure: Application Submission Deadline
  • 5 PM – 15 July, 2020
Stage 2 closure: Short listing of 10 top Designs
  • 25 July, 2020
Stage 3 closure: Final Presentation
  • 3 Aug, 2020
Result  Announcement
  • 07 Aug, 2020
Prize distribution
  • Will be announced later
Note :  If there is any change in the above mentioned dates then it would be notified through the website Please keep a tab on the website.
Mussoorie Dehradun Development Authority 
Transport Nagar, Saharanpur Road, 
Dehradun Phone : 0135-6603150, 111
Fax – 0135-6603103
Web : Mal_id:
नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे। 
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