Revision of Interest Rates/Interest Tables of National Savings Schemes:SB Order No 15/2020

SB Order No 15/2020 : Revision of Interest Rates of National Savings Schemes from April 2020
SB Order No. 15/2020
F.No.113-03/2017- SB
Government of India
Ministry of Communications
Department of Posts
(Financial Services Division)
Dak Bhawan, New Delhi-110001
Dated: 13.05.2020.
All Head of Circles/Regions.
Sub : – Revision of Interest Rates/Interest Tables of National Savings Schemes w.e.f.01.04.2020 to 30.06.2020 regarding.
In continuation of this office letter of even number dated 31.03.2020 on the aforesaid subject, the undersigned is directed to forward copies of gazette notification received from Ministry of Finance for further circulation. Copies of following notifications are enclosed:

(i) G.S.R. 283 (E) K.V.P. (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(ii) G.S.R. 284(E) N.S.C. (VIIIth Issue) (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(iii) G.S.R. 285(E) N.S.R.D. (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(iv) G.S.R.286(E) N.S. (M.I.S.) (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(v) G.S.R. 287(E) Sr. Citizen Savings (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(vi) G.S.R. 288(E) S.S.A. (Amendment) Scheme, 2020
(vii) G.S.R. 289(E) N.S.T.D. (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
(viii) G.S.R. 290(E) P.P.F. (Amendment) Scheme, 2020.
This issues with approval of the competent authority
Enclosed:- As above. Your’s Faithfully,
(Devendra Sharma)
Assistant Director (SB)
Source :

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे। 
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