Function on the occasion of completion of one year of Pradhan Mantri Kisan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Scheme regarding
F.No. 9-1/ 2020 -FWS
Government of India
Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare
Department of Agriculture, Co-operation. & Farmers Welfare
(Farmers Welfare-I Section)
Krishi Bhawan
New Delhi.
Dated, the 17th February, 2020
State Nodal Officers,
PM-Kisan (All States/ UTs)
Subject: Function on the occasion of completion of one year of Pradhan Mantri Klsan Samman Nidhi (PM-KISAN) Scheme regarding.
Sir/ Madam,
In continuation with earlier letter of this Ministry on the above mentioned subject, it is to inform that in order to celebrate the completion of 1 year of PM KISAN scheme we are orgamzmg a competition wherein the farmers will be encouraged to share their positive experiences with respect to PM-KISAN scheme by uploading a short video clip (30 seconds or less) on an online portal.
2. This document explains the details of how the competition would function: –
I. States need to reach out to farmers and tell them to make a video on their experience on the benefits given under PM-KISAN .
II. States would be requested to short-list 3 videos of individual farmers from their state where the farmer would speak about the positive impact PM KISAN scheme has brought to his/ her life. These videos shall be u ploaded by the state SNOs on the PM KISAN website under the followinglink:-
SNO Login – > Data Entry – > Upload Videos.
The videos should not be more than 80 MB and should be less than 30 Seconds in length. Any video not meeting this criterion shall be disqualified.
This activity is supposed to be completed by 19-Feb-20.
III. Once all the videos is uploaded on the website, a screening committee shall screen the videos on the basis of the following parameters: –
- a. Amount of impact of PM KISAN on the farmer’s life
- b. Clarity on how the same has been expressed in the video.
10 marks for each of the above 2·points shall be allocated to each video and the top 10 shortlisted video shall be sent to the committee chaired by the CEO PM KISAN.
This activity is planned to be completed by 20-Feb-20.
IV. The committee will then rate the top 10 selected videos on the same parameters as men tioned in point 2 above and shall choose the top 3
V. The 1st prize winner shall be given INR 1,00,000/ -. The second prize winner shall be given INR 50,000/ – and the 3rd prize winner shall be given INR 25,000 / -. The names of the winners shall be announced on 24-Feb-2020 in a function commensurating completion of one year of the Scheme.