Financial Assistance for Vocational Training of Widows of ESM

In the unfortunate event of the demise of husband in an accident or due to natural causes/disease, the widow is left neglected and financially handicapped. In such a case, it is the responsibility of the organization to step in and assist the widow to gain employment through vocation training. In order to help the widows of ESM to become self reliant and be able to meet their financial needs, they need to acquire some vocational skills. Depending on their educational level and aptitude, they may opt to undergo the requisite vocational training. Such a course may be pursued at any recognized vocational training institution run by RSB/ZSB, state like ITI or private training institutions of repute like NIIT etc. The scheme to provide financial assistance to ESM was started in May 2007 with a onetime grant of Rs 20,000/-.


The aim of this aid gratis is to provide financial assistance to a widow to settle in life through vocational training.
Financial Assistance

For Vocational Training out of AFFDF is provided as one time aid of Rs.20,000/- (max) on successful completion of said vocational training.

Eligibility Conditions
The following criteria must be fulfilled:-
  • Applicant must be widow of an ESM of rank up to Hav/equiv.
  • Should have successfully completed said training.
  • Should be recommended by respective Zila Sainik Board (ZSB).

Application should be made on the prescribed application format withre commendation of respective ZSWO on it. A specimen application form is placed at Annexure 1.Copies of following documents duly attested by ZSWO must accompany the application:-
  • Complete Service Discharge Certificate/Book.
  • Copy of Widow I-Card.
  • Certificate from institute after completion of training.
  • Certificate from ZSWO that widow after vocational training is gainfully employed.
  • Details of Bank A/c No (in PNB/SBI only) and IFS Code.
Channel of Application
The application must be submitted by an eligible widow at there spective ZSB. ZSWO will scrutinize the application and if found correct in all respects will forward it (hard copy as well as in digital format) along with other applications on yearly basis, in the month of Jul direct to the KSB Sectt for payment. Old cases will not be entertained.

Processing at KSB Sectt.
On receipt in the Welfare Section, such applications will be filed in order of their receipt. The Section-in-Charge will assign these applications to a particular clerk who will enter desired data from the applications onto computer. Another clerk will be designated to check correctness of the entries. The Section-in-Charge will verify the same and put up printed list to JD(Welfare) for approval. Applications will be moved for sanction of the competent authority in one lot, preferably on a quarterly basis.


Payment Procedure
After approval of the competent authority, these applications will be processed for payment by the Welfare Section. After verifying the ESM’s service number, name,bankers IFS Code and Bank Account Number, the Welfare Section will forward the list for payment to the Accounts Section, which will make the payments directly via ECS to the beneficiaries.

Source :

नोट :- हमारे वेबसाइट पर ऐसी जानकारी रोजाना आती रहती है, तो आप ऐसी ही सरकारी योजनाओं की जानकारी पाने के लिए हमारे वेबसाइट से जुड़े रहे

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