Coming Soon Bihar TET Recruitment 2019 Notification, Application form, Dates, Pattern, Syllabus

Coming Soon Bihar TET Recruitment 2019 Notification, Application form, Dates, Pattern, Syllabus
Bihar TET Recruitment 2019: Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test (BTET) 2019 is scheduled to be conducted on 17th and 18th December 2019 (Tentatively) for Secondary and Higher Secondary teachers respectively. Bihar TET Recruitment notification will be declared on August 2019. Keep reading this page for latest information on BTET recruitment and application form. Bihar STET 2019 is going to be conducted after seven years. The last application for BTET was releases in 2011 and exam for which was held in 2012.

BTET for the year 2019 is going to be conducted by Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Official notifications for the same are expected to be published soon. Bihar TET recruitment 2019 Application procedure is likely to be started in August 2019. This time onwards Bihar STET recruitment 2019 applications forms will be made available on online mode. Nearly 5 lakh candidates are expected to submit their application this year. Application link will also be provided here in this page.

Bihar TET Recruitment notification

Candidates aspiring to become a secondary or higher secondary school teacher in various schools of Bihar should go through the given article. Here, we have shared all the necessary information related to BTET 2019 such as notification, application process, important dates, eligibility, application fee, BTET selection procedure, exam pattern, & BTET syllabus, admit card, result, etc.

Bihar TET Recruitment 2019: Bihar Teacher Eligibility Test (BTET) 2019 is scheduled to be conducted on 17th and 18th December 2019 (Tentatively) for Secondary and Higher Secondary teachers respectively. Bihar TET Recruitment notification will be declared on August 2019. Keep reading this page for latest information on BTET recruitment and application form. Bihar STET 2019 is going to be conducted after seven years. The last application for BTET was releases in 2011 and exam for which was held in 2012.

BTET for the year 2019 is going to be conducted by Bihar School Examination Board (BSEB). Official notifications for the same are expected to be published soon. Bihar TET recruitment 2019 Application procedure is likely to be started in August 2019. This time onwards Bihar STET recruitment 2019 applications forms will be made available on online mode. Nearly 5 lakh candidates are expected to submit their application this year. Application link will also be provided here in this page.

Bihar TET Recruitment notification

Candidates aspiring to become a secondary or higher secondary school teacher in various schools of Bihar should go through the given article. Here, we have shared all the necessary information related to BTET 2019 such as notification, application process, important dates, eligibility, application fee, BTET selection procedure, exam pattern, & BTET syllabus, admit card, result, etc.

Bihar TET recruitment 2019

Name of the examinationBihar Teacher Eligibility Test (TET) 2019
CategoryBihar TET recruitment 2019 Notification/ application
Conducting AuthorityBihar School Examination Board (BSEB)
Examination typeState Level Eligibility exam
PostSecondary (Up to Class X) and Higher Secondary (Up to class
XII) school teachers
Commencement of applicationAugust 2019 (expected)
Mode of Bihar TET recruitment 2019 applicationOnline
Official website
  • Bihar TET Recruitment Official notification- Available soon   
  • Bihar TET Application Link- Available soon

BTET Application form Schedule     

Activities/ EventsDates
Release of official notificationAvailable soon
Commencement of Bihar TET online applicationAvailable soon
Last date of BTET online applicationAvailable soon
Correction in application formAvailable soon
Issue of BTET admit cardAvailable soon
Date of examination17th and 18th December 2019
Release of BTET answer keysAvailable soon
Declaration of resultAvailable soon

Bihar TET Application Eligibility Criteria 2019  

Before filling online applications all the candidates are required to check whether they fulfill all the eligibility requirements or not. Prospective must read the official notification to know the eligibility criteria before filling online application. In case if a candidate found ineligible at further stages then he/she will be disqualified.

Nativity Criteria
Applicants must be an Indian citizen and must hold Bihar Domicile issued by the competent Authority.

Age Criteria
The minimum age of candidates should be 21 years and maximum should be 35 years. However, age relaxation in upper age limit of reserved category candidates is applicable. check the category-wise age limit shared below-

CategoryUpper age limit
Male35 years
Female38 years
SC/ST (Male/Female)40 years
OBC (Male/Female)38 years
Educational Qualification

  • Details about Bihar TET educational qualification requirements will be updated shortly.

For complete and updated information on eligibility criteria, candidates are advised to wait for the release of official notification.

Bihar TET Recruitment Application Process

  • Bihar TET 2019 Applications will be made available in online mode.
  • Interested candidates have to submit applications through BSEB website.
  • No physical application forms will be made available and offline applications will not be considered.  
  • Applicants must submit applications on time and should not wait for last date.
  • Candidates are not required to submit the hard copy of filled in application form in board’s office.
  • Before filling application form, candidates should read the official notification carefully.
  • They must keep all the required documents ready with them before applying.     
  • Applicants must fill all the entries carefully in the application form.
  • In case of any mistake, they will be given time to correct the mistake in the application form.

How to fill online BTET application form 2019?

Applicants need to visit the official website. Below we have shared step-by-step process by which applicants can easily submit online applications-

  • Applicants firstly have to visit the official website of BSEB, Bihar i.e.
  • On the homepage, they have to click on BTET 2019 link.
  • Click on Apply now link.
  • Click on the registration link.
  • Register by providing all the correct details like name, email, date of birth, mobile no. etc.
  • On successful registration, a registration no. and password will be generated.
  • They have to proceed to fill the application form.
  • Fill all required information carefully.
  • Now, candidates have to upload the documents in the prescribed format.
  • After successful uploading, they have to deposit the requisite application fee.
  • Click on preview button and cross-check all the entries before final submission.
  • Submit the application form.
  • Lastly, applicants have to take the printout of the application form for future references.

Bihar TET recruitment Application fee

CategoryPaper I and Paper IIBoth Paper I and Paper II
General/ OBC/ Most BackwardRs.400/-Rs.600/-
  • Application fee can be paid through online mode.
  • Fee once paid will not be refunded.

Bihar TET Recruitment Selection Procedure 2019

Initial selection of the candidates for the post of teachers in various schools will be made on the basis of marks obtained in the eligibility test i.e. BTET 2019. Final selection of the candidates will be based on the recruiting rules and policies of the concerned school.

Candidates qualifying the exam awarded the BTET eligibility certificate. In order to qualify the exam, candidates will be required to secure minimum qualifying marks in each paper. The details about minimum qualifying marks will be shared soon.

In case candidates fails to qualify the exam or wants to improve their performance, they can apply again as there is no restriction on number of attempts.

Bihar TET Exam Scheme 2019

  • Mode of exam- Offline/Online
  • Paper- Two (Paper I) and  (Paper-II)
  • Type of questions- 150
  • Total No. of questions- 150
  • Duration of exam- 2 hours 30 minutes
  • Negative marking- No

Secondary (Paper-I)

SubjectNo. of questionsMarks
Child development and education3030
Language I (Hindi / English/ Urdu/ Bangla/ Maithili)3030
Language II (Hindi / Urdu/ Bangla / English/ Maithili)3030
Environmental Sciences3030

Higher Secondary (Paper-II)

SubjectNo. of questionsMarks
Child development and education3030
Language I (Anyone of Hindi / Urdu / Bangla / Maithili /
Bhojpuri / Sanskrit / Arabic / Persian / English)
Language II (Anyone of Hindi / Urdu / Bangla / Maithili /
Bhojpuri / Sanskrit / Arabic / Persian / English)
Mathematics and science or sociology6060

Bihar TET Recruitment Syllabus 2019

  • Two exams will be conducted on separates dates for paper I and Paper II. Therefore, exam pattern and syllabus of both will vary. 
  • Here we have provided the basic syllabus of BTET 2019. Complete syllabus of both the papers will be updated soon.

Child Development and Education-

This section will include questions mainly from topics like-

  • Inclusive Education concept and to understand the special needs of children- Addressing deprived & disadvantaged learners from various backgrounds, addressing children needs with their difficulties in learning, Addressing the Creative, Talented, Especially abled Learners,
  • Learning & Pedagogy – how & why children ‘fail’ to accomplish success in their performance at school, children’s strategies of learning; to understand children learning and thinking process; Basic processes of teaching and learning, learning social context, learning as a social activity, Motivation & learning, other concepts of learning in children, understanding children’s ‘errors’ as significant steps in the learning process, Cognition and Emotions,

Contributing Factors to learning- personal and environmental, Child Development

Language I and II

  • Language Development Pedagogy-  Acquisition and Learning, Listening role and speaking, Principles of Language Teaching, Critical aspect of grammar, Language Skills, Remedial Teaching, Teaching challenges in the classroom, To evaluate proficiency in language comprehension, The material of teaching-learning, Verbal ability, Language Comprehension- Reading unseen passages, Grammar, Inference etc.


  • Basic Primary & Elementary level mathematics fundamentals, Pedagogical issues- Nature of Mathematics, Evaluation through formal & informal methods, Place of Mathematics in Curriculum, Language of Mathematics, Problems of Teaching, Diagnostic and Remedial Teaching, Community Mathematics, Error Analysis & Related Aspects of Learning and Teaching,

Environmental Science

  • Basic Primary and Elementary level EVS fundamentals, Pedagogical Issues: EVS Concept & scope, Environmental Education & Environmental Studies, Learning Principles, Activities, Presenting concepts Approaches, Scope & Relation to Science & Social Science Material of Teaching, Importance of Environmental Studies and Integrated Environmental Studies, Aids, Experimentation, Practical Work, etc.

Bihar TET Admit card 2019

Before the conduct of exam, admit card will be issued to each candidate who have successfully submitted the application form. Bihar TET Recruitment Admit card will be published on Board’s website and candidates have to download and print it from there.

It is compulsory for all the candidates to carry their admit card to exam hall on the day of exam. No hard copy of admit card will be dispatched to any candidate through post.

Bihar TET recruitment Result 2019

BTET 2019 result will be announced after few days of exam. Result will be hosted on the official website of BSEB Board on notified dates. Board may also publish answer keys before the release of result. No hard copy of result will be published; therefore, candidates have to download it only through the online mode.

BTET Validity of Certificate

After the announcement of result, candidates who qualify the exam will be issued BTET 2019 certificate. They have to collect the same from the concerned office.  The certificate will be valid for the period of seven years from the date of declaration of Bihar TET Recruitment result. Within this period, candidates can apply in any school for the post of teacher on the basis of BTET certificate.

Candidates those who want to improve their marks or who will not be able to qualify the exam can apply again and take the test. Candidate should note that mere issue of State TET certificate will not guarantee their appointment as a teacher in a school. Final selection of candidates will be made as per the rules and regulations of the recruiting school/ institution.

Important Points related to Bihar TET 2019 examination application

  • Exam for secondary and higher secondary will be held on separate dates.
  • Candidates can apply for either Paper-I/Paper-II or for both papers.
  • In case of any mistake in Bihar TET Recruitment application form, candidates will be given a chance to make correction in the details within a specific period of time.     
  • Candidates should provide valid email Id and phone no details at the time of online application. This is because all the intimation and alerts related to BTET 2019 will be send to the registered email and mobile.
  • Information provided in this article is based on previous year data. Candidates are advised to wait for the release of official notification for complete information.
  • Candidates aspiring to appear for BTET 2019 should regularly visit the official website of the concerned board and also this page for latest news and updates.
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