Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2017, Physical Efficiency Test, Physical and Medical Standard for the Post of Lower Division Clerk in Border Roads Organization (BRO)

Physical Efficiency Test, Physical and Medical Standard for the Post of Lower Division Clerk in Border Roads Organization (BRO) 
1 Physical Efficiency Test 
(i) Criteria for Physical Efficiency Tests are placed as €Schedule-I€ of the Notification The Physical Efficiency Tests will be conducted at GREF Centre or respective Recruitment Centre as applicable, by a Board of Officers, detailed by the Headquarters, Director General Border Roads.

2 Physical Standards Region wise requirement of Physical Standards of personnel for recruitment in GREF (Border Roads Organisation) is placed as €Schedule-II€ of the Notification. 

3 (A) Medical Standards The specified Medical Standards are requirement for recruitment of candidates for their service in GREF (BRO) as per their job profile, charter of duties and anticipated deployment, including extreme remote areas, high altitude areas and difficult areas of hilly terrain etc. Medical Standards have been specified in €Schedule-III’ of the Notification. 
(B) Medical Examination & Medical Tests: Medical examination and medical tests will be carried out as per guidelines of this Notification for each provisionally selected candidate. The Medical Examination will be carried out by a Medical Board nominated by HQ DGBR. The guidelines to be followed for conduct of Medical Examination and the procedure for declaring candidates as Temporary or Permanent UNFIT are enumerated in succeeding sub-paras: 
  • (i) After detailed checking of all documents, Officer-In-Charge Recruiting Section will handover medical papers (duly affixed with passport size photograph) of selected candidates to Medical Board of respective Recruitment Centre, including GREF Centre, and the candidates will report as per schedule decided Medical examination of provisionally selected candidates will be carried out by two Medical Officers at each Recruitment Centre including GREF Centre. 
  • (ii) Recruitment Medical Board will examine the medical fitness of the candidates as per guidelines of this Notification. 
  • (iii) Candidates found medically fit or unfit will be informed of their medical result by the Medical Board themselves so that the candidates are clear about their position. 
  • (iv) Where the medical officer needs the opinion of a Specialist, the case will be referred to Military Hospital or any service/ Army Hospitals in proximity of respective Recruitment Centre or GREF Centre Based on the day of the OPD of concerned Specialist, doctor would personally brief the candidate about the conduct of medical examination at Military Hospital and subsequent procedure. 
  • (v) Medical papers in respect of fit and unfit candidates will be given to Recruiting Section/ Mobile Regional Recruitment Team by MI Room after completion of medical examination preferably on the same day of medical examination but not later than 5 days from the date of examination. 
  • (vi) Details about cases referred to Military Hospitals or any Service/ Army Hospitals will also be informed by Medical Board to Recruiting Section simultaneously. 
  • (vii) Referred cases returned by Medical Specialist duly reviewed by concerned Specialist will be disposed of by Regimental Medical Officer expeditiously according to the remarks of Specialist and Recruiting Section be informed simultaneously by Regimental Medical Officer. 
  • (viii) Temporarily Unfit: Candidates declared temporarily UNFIT will be divided in two categories: 
  1. (a) Temporarily Unfit due to Medical Reasons: Candidates who are declared Temporary UNFIT due to medical reasons will be informed of their disability in writing by Medical Board and Officer-In-Charge Recruiting or Board of Officer or Mobile Regional Recruitment Team. Such candidates have a right to appeal against the medical examination conducted by the Recruitment Centre Medical Board and such appeal should be made within the period of 60 days from the date of being declared temporarily unfit initially by the Medical Board of Recruitment Centre. Such candidates should report for medical examination by Specialist 05 (five) days in advance with an appeal and will be referred to concerned Specialist of nearest Military Hospital/ Service Hospital on Review Certificate in duplicate. Such candidates will not be required to deposit Rs 40/- as fees for re-medical examination. If such candidates are found UNFIT again on review, no further chance will be given for re- medical examination and their candidature shall stand cancelled automatically. After re-medical examination, if candidates are found FIT, the whole process of induction shall be completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination. In case induction is not completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination, candidature of such a candidate for recruitment shall stand cancelled automatically, where delay is due to acts attributable to the candidate himself. 
  2. (b) Temporarily Unfit for being Below Physical Standards: Candidates declared Temporary UNFIT due to physical standards will also be informed of their disability or shortcoming in writing by the Medical Board and Officer-In-Charge Recruiting or Board of Officer or Mobile Regional Recruitment Team. Candidates protesting in writing against Physical measurements will be once again measured by Medical Board of Recruitment Centre in the presence of Commandant or Officer-In-Charge Recruiting in case Medical Examination is carried out at GREF Centre and in the presence of Board of Officers in case it is carried out at Mobile Regional Recruitment Team Centre within 24 hrs of the Medical Examination. Candidates declared Temporary UNFIT for being Below Physical Standards in weight or Chest measurement only will be given a reasonable time not exceeding two months from the date of initial Medical Examination for attaining the desired standards. After re- measurement, if candidate is found FIT the whole process of induction shall be completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination. In case induction is not completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination, candidature of such a candidate for recruitment shall stand cancelled automatically, where delay is due to acts attributable to the candidate himself. 
  • (ix) Permanently Unfit: Candidates declared Permanent UNFIT also will be divided in two categories: 
  1. (a) Permanently Unfit due to medical reasons: Candidates who are declared Permanent UNFIT by the Medical Board will be informed of their disability in writing by the Medical Board and Officer-In- Charge Recruiting or Board of Officers. Such candidates have a right to appeal against the present medical examination within a period of 60 days of their being declared permanently unfit. In case such candidates should report at GREF Centre or Recruitment Zone 05 (Five) days in advance with an appeal for re-medical examination, the Medical Board will refer such candidates to the nearest service hospital on Review certificate in duplicate. Such candidates will be required to deposit a sum of Rs 40/- in Govt. treasury at SBI before the re-medical examination by the service Specialist is done. All such cases which are declared UNFIT again on review by the concerned Specialist, will not be given any further chance for re-medical Examination/ Review and their candidature shall stand cancelled automatically. After re-medical examination, if candidates are found FIT, the whole process of induction shall be completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination. In case induction is not completed within a period of six months from the date of initial medical examination, candidature of such a candidate for recruitment shall stand cancelled automatically, where delay is due to acts attributable to the candidate himself. 
  2. (b) Permanently Unfit for being Below Physical Standards: For candidates declared Permanent UNFIT by Medical Board due to being below physical standards with respect to height, no appeal can be made against physical measurements. However candidates protesting against physical measurements will be once again measured by Medical Board in presence of Officer-In-Charge Recruiting or Commandant GREF Centre or Board of Officers or Mobile Regional Recruitment Team (MRRT) as the case may be on the very same day. 
  • (x) Visual standards: Visual acuity not less than 6/12 each eye or Right eye 6/6, Left 6/24. Corrective spectacles are permitted during the visual test. Unaided vision in case of corrected vision will not be below 6/60 in each eye and on correction will be same as laid down for other recruits. 
  • (xi) Surgery: Any candidate who have recently undergone abdominal surgery (e.g.: in Hernia, Muscle defect, Nephrolithotomy, Cholelithiasis, Cholecystotomy) are liable to be made Unfit for one year as per existing rules. However, the provision of medical appeal for permanent unfit cases remains the same i.e. within 2 months. In such cases same criterion as for eye surgery cases should be followed as above. 
  • (C) Medical Fitness: Notwithstanding anything contained in these rules, only those persons who are medically fit shall be eligible for appointment under the provisions of these rules. 
(i) Border Roads Organisation is a Central Govt. Organisation with all India transferable liabilities. BRO is governed by Central Civil Services Rules. However, certain provisions of Army Act-1950 are also applicable to members of the Force. 
(ii) The final selection of the candidates selected by Staff Selection Commission and GREF Centre will be subject to pass the Medical fitness test. Medical Board detailed by Headquarters Director General Border Roads will carry out the medical fitness test of the candidates declared selected by SSC and GREF Centre. 
(iii) Candidates declared medically €FIT by the Medical Board, will be inducted in General Reserve Engineer Force (BRO) subject to fulfillment of all other criteria and have to undergo initial training at GREF Centre, Dighi Camp, Pune-15. 
(iv) After imparting training at GREF Centre, they will be posted anywhere in India as per available vacancies. 
4 Cancellation of candidature: If any, candidate is absent on the date of reporting for Medical Examination or during Medical Examination or does not report for Medical Review within prescribed time limit, his candidature shall be cancelled automatically. No representation/ appeal in this regard will be entertained by the department. 
5 Power to relax rules: Where the Central Government is of the opinion that it is necessary or expedient so to do, it may, by order and for reason to be recorded in writing, relax any of the provisions of these rules with respect to any class or category of persons. 
6 Saving: Nothing in these rules shall effect reservation, relaxation of age-limit and other concessions required to be provided for the Scheduled Castes, the Scheduled Tribes, Ex-serviceman and other special categories of persons in accordance with the orders issued by the Central Government from time to time in this regard. 







S No





















S/RegionStates/Region includedPhysical Standards
Minimum Height
Minimum Weight
(a)Western HimalayanJ&K, Himachal Pradesh, Punjab Hills (Area South and
west of the Inter State Border between Himachal Pradesh and
Punjab and North and East of Road of Mukerian Hoshiarpur,
Garh Shankar, Ropar and Chandigarh), Uttarakhand

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
47.5 Kgs
(b)Eastern Himalayan RegionSikkim, Nagaland, Arunachal Pradesh, Manipur, Tripura,
Mizoram, Meghalaya, Assam

& Hill region of West Bengal (Darjeeling and Kalimpong
districts and Andaman Nicobar)

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
47.5 Kgs
(c)West Plain RegionPunjab, Haryana, Chandigarh, Delhi, Rajasthan, Western UP162.5

Minimum 76 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
50 Kgs
(d)Eastern PlainEastern UP, Bihar, West Bengal & Orissa and Jharkhand157

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
50 Kgs
(e)Central RegionGujrat, Maharastra and Madhya Pradesh, Dadar Nagar &
Haveli, Daman & Diu and Chaattisgarh

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
50 Kgs
(f)Southern RegionAndhra Pradesh, Karnataka, Tamil Nadu, Kerala, Goa and
Pondicherry, Telangana

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
50 kgs
(g)Relaxation to sons of serving/ Ex-GREF personnel)2 Cms1 Cm2 Kgs
(h)Relaxation in DD cases (this will be applicable to own son
adopted son and not any other relative
2 Cms1 Cm2 Kgs
(j)Gorkhas (Indian Domicile)152

Minimum 75 Cm

(Unexpanded) and expansion by 5 Cm
47.5 Kgs


 1 Every recruit must be sufficiently intelligent, free from nervous instability and be in possession of sound health. He shall have no constitutional or acquired disability as may in the opinion of Recruiting Medical Officer render him unfit for duties, in the organization, particularly at high altitude and hard areas.

General examination

2 It is absolutely essential in all cases to have the recruits stripped while carrying out medical examination. Due regard be paid to privacy and decency. It is not sufficient that the clothing be only partially removed. An underwear may be permitted except when the examination is being carried out involving private parts. Every part of the body must be examined and if a recruit does not submit to this even after persuasion, he will be rejected. Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. However, in case of an obscene, vulgar or objectionable tattoo, the DDG (Pers)/ Comdt GREF Centre will take a final decision on acceptability/ unacceptability of such tattoo. The decision of the DDG (Pers)/ Comdt GREF Centre in the matter shall be final. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from further screening.

Responsibility for physical fitness

3 The examining Medical Board is responsible for checking the physical fitness of the recruits, the likelihood of their physical development and for their identification marks. The Board will also enter on the enrolment form any minor defects insufficient to cause rejection. In the case of fit recruits the Board will make the necessary entry on the enrolment form, the wording used being Fit-category GREF-I and return it to the enrolling officer. The signature of  the  examining Medical Officer on the enrolment form will be accepted as equivalent to a declaration that he has personally examined the recruit in question according to the existing instructions and that the recruit has no blemish or defect except those noted on the enrolment form. Remarks relating to any defects in the recruit will be endorsed in the medical examiners own handwriting. When there are no distinctive marks this must be stated.

Medical History Sheet GREF/ MED/ 2A

4 This is a document of great importance which is linked to claims for disability pension on soldiers discharge from the service Medical items in table No 1 of GREF/ MED/ 2A will be completed by the Medical Board GREF/ MED/ 2A.

5 Any failure of officers concerned to give attention to the preparation and maintenance of these documents, and inaccuracy in or insufficiency of the entries therein may cause considerable delay, much expense and grave injustice to the person recruited. Medical Officers will, therefore, take every care to ensure that all necessary entries are carefully and accurately made at the time of examination.

6 Marks and small defects are to be noted concisely and clearly in the space allotted for the purpose in order to facilitate the mens future identification. Special attention should always be drawn to any defects which may influence decision on possible claims for pension in the future.

Principal points in Medical Examination of Candidates

7 Principle points in medical examination of recruits.  In the inspection of candidates the principle points to be attended to, are as under:

  • a) That  the  candidate  is  sufficiently  intelligent  (Any  defect  may  be  observed during the examination).
  • b) That his bearing is good and that there is no sign of disease of ear, nose and throat.
  • c) That his vision with either eye is up to the required standard, his eyes are bright, clear and with no obvious squint, nystagmus or other abnormality. Movement of eye balls should be full and free in all directions.
  • d) That his speech is without impediment.
  • e) That he has no glandular swelling.
  • f) That his chest is well formed, and that his heart and lungs are sound.
  • g) That his limbs are well formed, and fully developed.
  • h) That there is free and perfect action of all the joints.
  • i) That his feet and toes are well formed.
  • j) That he has no congenital malformation or defects.
  • k) That he does not bear traces of previous acute or chronic diseases pointing to an impaired constitution.
  • l) That he possesses sufficient number of sound teeth for efficient mastication.
  • m) That he has no disease of the genitor-urinary tract.

Ground for permanent rejection

8 Candidates presenting with following conditions will be rejected:

  • a) General impaired Constitution with frail health (BMI less than 18).
  • b) Abnormal Gait.
  • c) Abnormal Posture (Kyphosis, Scoliosis or Lordosis).
  • d) Gross physical deformity of chest, (pigeon chest, Barrel shaped chest, pectus excavatum, Harrisons sulcus & joints (Knock knee bow, leg, flat feet etc).
  • e) Defective Intelligence.
  • f) Deafness.
  • g) Pronounced Stammering.
  • h) Mental and nervous instability includes coarse Digital Tremors, palmar & plantar Hyperhydrosis and Tachycardia (Pulse rate more than 100/ min).
  • j) Sexually Transmitted diseases.
  • k) Any degree of squint or nystagmus.
  • l) Cases of colour blindness.
  • m) Corneal Opacities effecting binocular vision of the individual.
  • n) Perforation of Tympanic membrane.
  • o) Chronic Suppurative Otitis Media/ Mastoiditis.
  • p) Loss or decay of teeth to such an extent as to interfere with proper mastication. Dental points less than 14.
  • q) Chronic Lung Infection.
  • r) Endocranial Disorder.
  • s) Cardiac murmur or Hypertension (BP>140/95 mm Hg).
  • t) Gross degree myopia & cases of corneal surgery for refractive error.
  • u) Healed fracture with implants or ankylosis of effected joints due to fracture.
  • v) Any amputation effecting in the working efficiency of individual.
  • w) Permanent body tattoos are only permitted on inner face of forearms i.e. from inside of elbow to the wrist and on the reverse side of palm/ back (dorsal) side of hand. However, in case of an obscene, vulgar or objectionable tattoo, the DDG (Pers)/ Comdt GREF Centre will take a final decision on acceptability/ unacceptability of such tattoo. The decision of the DDG (Pers)/ Comdt GREF Centre in the matter shall be final. Permanent body tattoos on any other part of the body is not acceptable and candidate will be barred from further screening.

Grounds for Temporary Rejection:

9 Following are the grounds for temporary rejection:

  • (a) Pterygium
  • (b) Conjunctivitis
  • (c) Defective  Vision  (corrected  with  glasses,  6/6  in  both  eyes  is acceptable)
  • (d) Trachoma Grade III
  • (e) Deviated Nasal Septum
  • (f) Chronic Tonsillitis
  • (g) Few decayed teeth (corrected with denture is acceptable)
  • (h) Pityriasis Versicolor
  • (j) Tinea Cruis, Scabies, Eczema etc
  • (k) Planter Warts
  • (l) Hydrocele, Hernia, Vericocele
  • (m) Vericose Veins
  • (n) Phimosis, Fissure in ano or abscess, Haemorrohoids
  • (o) Acute infection of respiratory tract
  • (p) Gynaecomastia
  • (q) Anaemia
  • (r) Hepatospleenomegaly
  • (s) BMI above 30 (Should bring down BMI to below 30 within 3 months will be accepted)

Acceptance of Candidates with Minor Defects:

10 Candidates presenting with mild degree of following defects may be accepted:

  • (a) Mild Flat Feet but flexible and Hammer toes.
  • (b) Mild knock knee (Inter malleolic distance 5 cms).
  • (c) Mild Bow Legs (Inter condylar distance 7 cms).
  • (d) Mild Degree of Sephena varix.
  • (e) Slight degree of Vericocele, or undescended testis (Not arrested in inguinal region).
  • (f) Healed perforation of Ear drums.
  • (g) Healed Trachoma without residual gross deformity.
  • (h) Slight stammering.
  • (j) Mild hyperhydrosis.
  • (k) Mild degree phimosis or Hypospodiasis.
  • (l) Perforation in the ear drums which has healed and closed leaving a firm healthy scar (Tympanoplasty done).
  • (m) Slight curvature of leg.
  • (n) Slight hammer toe.
  • (o) Mild degree of varices.
  • (p) Tenea versicolor (Only after treatment).
  • (q) DNS (Acceptable after treatment).
  • (r) Any other slight defects which in the opinion of Recruiting Medical Officer will not interfere with work efficiency of the candidate in future provided the candidate conforms to the prescribed standards in all respects. The mild problem if any must be recorded in the documents.
  • An undertaking from the candidate be taken that there is no past history of seizure, leprosy, diabetes, tuberculosis or HIV infection. All cases of past healed operations carried out will be noted in medical case sheet.

The foregoing relaxation is permissible only in the case of recruit who conform to the prescribed standards of measurements.

Time limit for clearance of any unfit by Higher Reviewing Authority


  • (a)   All cases of permanent unfit may be reviewed by higher medical authority and should declare him unfit/ fit within 01 month duration since the time of unfit declaration.
  • (b) All temporary unfit cases may be reviewed by higher medical authority within 3 months (90 days) to clear him fit/ unfit since the time of unfit declaration.

12 In all cases where a recruit is suffering from a minor defect is accepted, the Medical Board will fully satisfy themselves that the defect will not, in any way, affect the efficiency of the recruit as a subordinate serving in BRO.

13 Whenever recruits who are suffering from minor defects as mentioned in Para 10 above are accepted, the defects will invariably be noted in the medical history sheet GREF/ MED/ 2A.

14 Recruits suffering from minor health problems of ordinary nature such as simple sores, shoe bite, common cold coughs and similar other minor ailments which usually last only a few days may be accepted. Medical Board before accepting such a recruit must fully satisfy themselves that the disease is likely to be cured in a few days without indoor treatment. Normally, unless the recruit is required to meet some urgent demand which cannot be met readily, he should be advised to get himself treated and come again. If recruit who is suffering from a minor disease of any nature is accepted, no entry need to be made of the disease in the medical history sheet GREF/ MED/ 2A.

15 The decision of the Medical Board in all cases of rejection due to not meeting the required medical standards will be final.

Combined Higher Secondary (10+2) Level Examination 2017,

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