- Total production of Kharif rice is estimated at 99.24 million tonnes. This is higher by 1.74 million tonnes than the last year’s production of 97.50 million tonnes. Further, it is higher by 6.64 million tonnes over the average production of Kharif rice during the last five years.
- The total production of Nutri / coarse cereals in the country has decreased to 33.13 million tonnes as compared to 33.89 million tonnes during 2017-18. Production of Maize is expected to be 21.47 million tonnes which is higher by 1.23 million tonnes than that of last year’s production of 20.24 million tonnes. Further, this is more than 4.40 million tonnes than the average production of maize during the last five years.
- The total production of Kharif pulses is estimated at 9.22 million tonnes which is lower by 0.12 million tonnes than the last year’s production of 9.34 million tonnes. However, kharif pulses estimated production is 2.67 million tonnes more than the last five years average production.
- The total production of Kharif oilseeds in the country is estimated at 22.19 million tonnes as compared to 21.00 million tonnes during 2017-18, i.e., an increase of 1.19 million tonnes. Also, it is higher by 2.02 million tonnes than the average production of last five years.
- Production of Sugarcane is estimated at 383.89 million tonnes which is higher by 6.99 million tonnes than the last year’s production of 376.90 million tonnes. Further, it is higher by 41.85 million tonnes than the average production of last five years.
- Estimated production of Cotton is 32.48 million bales (of 170 kg each) and Production of Jute & Mesta estimated at 10.17 million bales (of 180 kg each).
- (i) Initiating market reforms through the State Governments by amending the agriculture marketing regime.
- (ii) Encouraging contract farming through the State Governments by promulgating of Model Contract Farming Act.
- (iii) 22,000 Gramin Haats are to be upgraded to work as centers of aggregation and for direct purchase of agricultural commodities from the farmers.
- (iv) Launch of eNAM initiative to provide farmers an electronic online trading platform.
- (v) Implementation of flagship scheme of distribution of Soil Health Cards to farmers so that the use of fertilizers can be optimized. So far more than 15 crore Soil Health Cards have been distributed in two cycles.
- (vi) “Per drop more crop” initiative under which drip/sprinkler irrigation is being encouraged for optimal utilization of water.
- (vii) “Paramparagat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY)” under which organic farming is being promoted. North East is being developed as organic hub.
- (viii) A revised farmer friendly “Pradhan Mantri Fasal Bima Yojana (PMFBY)” have been launched. The scheme covers various types of risks from pre-sowing to post harvest and the farmers have to pay very nominal premium.
- (ix) Under “Har Medh Par Ped”, agro forestry is being promoted for supplementing farm income, increase risk management and climate resilient agriculture as an important component of Integrated Farming Systems
- (x) TheIndian Forest Act, 1927 was amended to exclude bamboo from the definition of ‘trees’. Henceforth bamboo grown outside forest area will not be regulated under the provisions of felling and transit rules. As a corollary the restructured National Bamboo Mission was launched for development of the value chain of bamboo as a measure to strengthen rural economy by linking the producer (farmer) to markets (industry). (x) Launch of PM-Asha scheme which will ensure MSP to farmers for oilseeds, pulses and copra.
- (xi) Minimum Support Price (MSP) is notified by the Government for certain crops. Giving a major boost for the farmers income, the Government has approved the increase in the MSPs for all Kharif & Rabi crops for 2018-19 season at a level of at least 150 percent of the cost of production.
- (xii) Bee keeping has been promoted under Mission for Integrated Development of Horticulture (MIDH) to increase the productivity of crops through pollination and increase the honey production as an additional source of income of farmers.
- (xiii) Rashtriya Gokul Mission has been implemented to enhance milk production and productivity of bovines and to make milk production more remunerative to the farmers.
- (xiv) National Livestock Mission has been implemented to increase productivity and genetic improvement of livestock.
- (xv) Foreseeing high potential in fisheries sector, a Blue Revolution with multi dimensional activities mainly focusing on fisheries production, both inland and marine is being implemented.
- (xvi) The National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA), on of the eight Missions under the PM’s National Action Plan on Climate Change is anchored in the Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare. The revised strategy document for 2018-2030 was prepared for enhancing preparedness of the agriculture and allied sector towards the challenges posed by climate change
- NFSM programme is being implemented in 638 districts of 29 states of the country for increasing the production and productivity of foodgrain crops (rice, wheat, pulses, coarse cereals & nutri-cereals) through area expansion and productivity enhancement, restoring soil fertility and productivity at the individual farm level and enhancing farm level economy to restore confidence amongst the farmers.
- From the year 2018-19, NFSM-Nutri-Cereals are being implemented in 202 districts of 14 states (Jowar in 88 districts of 10 states, Bajra in 88 districts of 9 states, Ragi in 44 districts of 8 states and other millets in 43 districts of 7 states). Maize is being implemented in 237 districts and Barley in 39 districts of the country. The North-eastern states, J&K and Himachal Pradesh have given flexibility for implementing the NFSM- Nutri-cereals programme.
- A programme on additional area coverage of Pulses during Rabi/Summer 2018-19 has been launched with an allocation of Rs.288.83 crores (GOI Share) to increase production of rabi/ summer pulses through area expansion. The additional allocation for implementation of the aforesaid programme has been made to 15 states.
- As per the target, NFSM has achieved the bumper production of rice, wheat, pulses and nutri-cum-coarse cereals, during 2017-18 (As per 4 th advance estimates), the production of rice, wheat, pulses and coarse-cum-nutri- cereals have been achieved at the level of 112.91 million tonnes, 99.70 million tonnes, 25.23 million tonnes and 46.99 million tonnes respectively. The total foodgrains production achieved during 2017-18 is 284.83 million tonnes (3.5%) increase against last year.
- Breeder Seed production of pulses was introduced under NFSM-Pulses programme.
- 150 Seed Hubs are being implemented for increasing certified seeds of indigenous production of pulses in India through the Indian Institute of Pulses Research (IIPR), Kanpur and their centres.
- Supplying of Minikits of pulses seed varieties not older than 10 years free of the cost (100% share) to the farmers.
- In addition to State Governments, the ICAR/KVKs/SAUs also involved in conducting the demonstrations on improved latest package of practices of pulses.
- 15% allocation is earmarked for pulses under NFSM for production of quality seeds through State Governments.
- The government has decided to create a buffer stock of pulses to control fluctuation of prices of pulses.
- Breeder seed production of nutri-cereals.
- Creation of seed hubs.
- Certified seed production.
- Seed minikits allocation.
- Strengthening/creation of Center of Excellence.
- Publicity of nutri-cereals.
- The proposal of Government of India for celebrating an International Year of Millets by UN was endorsed by FAO Council for 2023.
- Candidates trained 2393 nos.
- Ventures established 433 nos.
- Candidates undergoing training 1063 nos.
Activity | Nos. |
Exposure visit (No. of farmers) | 270497 |
Training (No. of farmers) | 1409935 |
Demo (No. of farmers) | 268745 |
Kisan Mela (No. of farmers) | 562060 |
FIGs (No. of Groups) | 11029 |
No. of Farm Schools | 8289 |
- A National level 3rd Krishi Unnati Mela was organized by DAC&FW jointly with Indian Council of Agricultural Research and Department of Animal, Husbandry, Dairying & Fisheries, Ministry of Agriculture & Farmers Welfare, Govt. of India from 16-18 March, 2018 at Mela Ground, IARI, Pusa Campus, New Delhi.
- FICCI was selected as Project Management Agency (PMA) for organizing the Krishi Unnati Mela, 2018 through e-tender process.
- The Hon’ble Prime Minister of India visited the Krishi Unnati Mela at the IARI, Mela Ground Pusa, New Delhi on 17.03.2018. He visited the Theme Pavilion and the jaivik mahakumbh. He laid the foundation stone for 25 Krishi Vigyan Kendras(KVKs). He also launched an e-marketing portal for Organic Products. He gave away the Krishi Karman Award and the Pandit Deen Dayal Upadhyaya Krishi Protsahan Puraskar. The Prime Minister appreciated the spirit and the hardwork of our farmers for their achievements in agriculture since independence and further he said that there are important challenges in Agriculture today, which reduce the farmers’ income, an increase his losses and expenditure. The Government is working with a holistic approach to deal with these challenges. He said the aim remains to double farmers’ incomes and make the farmers lives easier.
- The objective of the mela was to create widespread awareness about the latest agricultural technological developments and receive feedback from the agricultural community, which helps in designing and shaping the Institute’s future research strategy.
- Theme pavilions on doubling farmers’ income by 2022, live demonstration on micro irrigation, waste water utilization and animal husbandry & fisheries was among the major attraction of the fair.
- More than 600 stalls were setup by the Central and State Governments, various organizations etc. in this fair.
- New harvesting techniques through organic means and its successful implementation the Javik Mahakumbh pavilion was a special attraction of the fair. In order to give a boost to Cooperatives a Sehkar Sammelan was also organized. Apart from this, 09 farmers-scientist discussions (3 each day) were organized on important issues.
- About 26000 farmers comprising 17000 from ATMA, 5000 through KVK and 4000 from ICAR from different States visited the Krishi Unnati Mela, 2018. Krishi Vigyan Kendras (KVKs), State Agriculture Universities (SAUs), State Agriculture/ Horticulture Departments, Entrepreneurs, Private Agencies involved in agriculture were also participated in the mela.
- Ways to enhance farmer’s income through theme pavilions like micro irrigation, neem-coated urea, soil check/Soil Health Card, reducing costs through less use of fertilizer, effectiveness of crop insurance scheme and new dimensions of income generation, such as animal husbandry, bee keeping, poultry farming were showcased in the mela. Through a Live demo, farmers witnessed actual farming at the fair.
- More than 600 stalls
- Display of latest agriculture & allied sector technologies
- Live Demonstrations on Micro-irrigation, waste water utilization, Animal husbandry (Pashudhan) and Fisheries etc.
- Seminars and conferences
- Theme pavilion: Doubling Farmers’ Income by 2022
- Javik Maha Kumbh-on organic farming
- Sahkar Samelan
- Pavilion for inputs ( seed, fertilizers, pesticides supplying agencies)
- Horticulture/ Dairy, Animal Husbandry, Fisheries
- Stalls of Ministry of Textile, Ministry of Food Processing and Industry, Ministry of Commerce and North East Council.
Celebration of Mahila Kisan Diwas
- Mahila Kisan Diwas was organised on October 14-15, 2018 at NAS Complex with participation of various stakeholders’ viz. Women farmers, NGOs, Women Entrepreneurs, Academia, Researchers/Scientists, Farmer Organisations, Representatives from Banking Sector, Industry etc. In all around 450 participants attended this event. The focus of the event was to learn and address issues and constraints related to women farmers in Agriculture; Animal Husbandry, Dairying, Fisheries and other off-farm activities and their access to institutional credit and micro-financing and building agri-enterprises.
- A total 44 progressive women farmers from across the country were felicitated during celebration of Mahila Kisan Diwas @ 2 farm women per State – one from agriculture and other from allied sectors based on the nominations made by their respective States.
- An exhibition was also organised for the benefit of visiting women farmers.
- Area Expansion:- An additional area of 76015 ha. of identified horticulture crops has been covered
- Rejuvenation: – An area of 5060 ha. of old and senile orchards has been rejuvenated.
- Organic Farming: – An area of 200 ha. has been covered.
- Integrated Pests/Nutrient Management: – An area of 33684 ha. has been covered under IPM/INM
- Protected Cultivation: – An area of 22137 ha. has been covered under Protected Cultivation.
- Water Resources: – 1814 water harvesting structures have been created.
- Beekeeping: 29102 bee colonies with hives have been distributed.
- Horticulture Mechanization:-9343 horticulture mechanization equipments have been distributed.
- Post Harvest Management Infrastructures: – 3437 post harvest units have been established.
- Market Infrastructures:- 215 market infrastructures have been set up.
- Training of Farmers: –Under HRD, 98271 farmers have been trained under various horticulture activities.
- State of Kerala has been granted special package of Rs. 56.03 crore (Central Share).
- Civil work of India park in International Expo to be held in Beijing, China in 2019, has been completed.
- Under Indo-Israel Cooperation, 30 Centre of Excellence has been approved, out of which 4 has been inaugurated this year.
Information Technology
- Number of farmers registered on M-kisan portal of this department for receiving agro-advisories increased to 49360436 as on 14-12-2018 from 24162069 as on 31-12-2017.
- The downloads of Kisan Suvidha app increased to 901192 downloads as on 14-12-2018 from 294255 downloads as on 31-12-2017.
- 04 new services added to Kisan Suvidha mobile app during the year, raising the services available on the app to 10.
- The Rashtriya Krishi Vikas Yojna (RKVY) is an important scheme of the Government of India, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers’ Welfare (MoA&FW), aimed at strengthening infrastructure in agriculture and allied areas. In order to promote agripreneurship and agribusiness by providing financial support and nurturing the incubation ecosystem, a new component under the revamped scheme RKVY- RAFTAAR has been launched in 2018-19 with 10% of annual outlay including 2% of the total outlay for administrative purposes.
- In this connection, DAC&FW has appointed five Knowledge Partners (KPs) namely MANAGE.3, Hyderabad, NIAM Jaipur, IARI Pusa, University of Agriculture Science, Dharwad, Karnataka and Assam Agriculture University, Jorhat for implementation assistance to advise on smooth and efficient execution of the scheme, handholding of R-ABIs and other related matters etc.
- Under this scheme, new agribusiness incubators will be established as well as existing agribusiness incubators strengthened as RKVY — RAFTAR Agribusiness Incubators (RABIs) with need-based infrastructure, equipment and manpower. These R-ABIs will in turn invite applications from agripreneurs in different stages of the business life cycle (ideation/expansion) and provide them an opportunity to generate innovations in agriculture and allied sector.
- In pursuance to Budget 2018 announcement a new Central Sector Scheme on ‘Promotion of Agricultural Mechanization for In-Situ Management of Crop Residue in the States of Punjab, Haryana, Uttar Pradesh and NCT of Delhi’ for the period from 2018-19 to 2019-20 has been introduced with the total outgo from the Central funds of Rs. 1151.80 crore (Rs. 591.65 crore in 2018-19 and Rs. 560.15 crore in 2019-20).
- The Scheme has the following components (100% Central Share)
- Establish Farm Machinery Banks for Custom Hiring of in-situ crop residue management machinery- Financial assistance @ 80% of the project cost is provided to the Co-operative Societies of farmers, FPOs, Self-Help Groups, registered Farmers Societies / farmers groups, Private Entrepreneurs, Group of women farmers or self-help groups for establishment of farm machinery banks or custom hiring centres of in-situ crop residue management machinery.
- Financial Assistance to farmers for Procurement of Agriculture Machinery and Equipment for in-situ crop residue management- Financial assistance @ 50% of the cost of machinery/equipment is provided to individual farmers for purchase of machinery/equipment for crop residue management.
- Information, Education and Communication for awareness on in-situ crop residue management- Financial assistance is provided to the State Governments, KVKs, ICAR Institutions, Central Government Institutions, PSUs etc. for the activities to be undertaken towards Information, Education and Communication (IEC).
States/ Agency |
Funds released (Rs. in crore) | Expenditure (Rs. in crore) |
Procurement of machinery (Nos.) | Establishment of Custom Hiring Centres (Nos.) | ||
Target | Achievement | Target | Achievement | |||
Punjab | 269.38 | 257.00 | 8309 | 12348 | 5288 | 3950 |
Haryana | 137.84 | 121.86 | 3718 | 3548 | 1230 | 1188 |
Uttar Pradesh |
148.60 | 117.00 | 19164 | 16453 | 1015 | 2344 |
ICAR and other agencies | 28.51 | 25.50 | 560 | 528 | — | 0 |
Total | 584.33 | 521.36 | 31751 | 32877 | 7533 | 7482 |
- Soil Health Management (SHM) is one of the components under National Mission for Sustainable Agriculture (NMSA). SHM aims at promoting Integrated Nutrient Management (INM) through judicious use of chemical fertilizers including secondary and micro nutrients in conjunction with organic manures and biofertilizers for improving soil health and its productivity; strengthening of soil and fertilizer testing facilities to provide soil test based recommendations to farmers for improving soil fertility; ensuring quality control requirements of fertilizers , biofertilizers and organic fertilizers under Fertilizer Control Order, 1985; upgradation of skill and knowledge of soil testing laboratory staff, extension staff and farmers through training and demonstrations; promoting organic farming practices etc.
- Under the scheme, a sum of Rs. 7168.00 lakh released to States for setting up of 6 Static Soil Testing Laboratories (STLS) , 6 Mobile Soil Testing Laboratories, 1561 Village Soil Testing labs, 139 Strengthening of STLs, 2 Fertilizer Quality Control Labs (FQCLs), 21 Strengthening of FQCLs sanctioned to States.
- “Soil Health Card” Scheme is under implementation in the country since February 2015 to provide Soil Health Card to all farmers in the country. Soil Health Card will provide information to farmers on soil nutrient status of their soil and recommendation on appropriate dosage of nutrient to be applied for improving soil health and its fertility. Soil Health card will be issued every 2 years for all land holdings in the country.
- Under the Scheme, during the year, a sum of Rs. 18769.73 lakh released to States. During the 2nd Cycle of the scheme (2017-18 to 2018-19), 255.48 lakh soil samples collected, 202.34 lakh soil samples tested and 687.59 lakh soil health cards distributed to farmers.
- Parampragat Krishi Vikas Yojana (PKVY) is the first comprehensive scheme launched as a Centrally Sponsored Programme (CSP) from 2015-17, which now has been revised for next 3 years. The scheme is implemented with a 90:10 (GoI: State Govt.) funding pattern in 8 NE states and 3 hilly states of J& K, Himachal Pradesh, and Uttarakhand, 100% in Union Territory and 60:40 funding pattern in remaining states of the country. The new guidelines of the scheme has been uploaded in the website www.agricoop.nic.in
- The scheme PKVY is implemented by the State Government on per hectare basis for 500-1000 hectare area in each cluster. A group of farmers having a total area of 20 hectare as far as possible in contagious patch within a village. The farmer within a group can avail benefit to a maximum of 2 ha. and the limit of assistance is Rs.50, 000 per hac., out of which 62% i.e., Rs. 31,000 is given as incentives to a farmer for organic conversion, organic inputs, on farm inputs, production infrastructure, etc., shall be provided directly through DBT during the conversion period of 3 years. The target of an area of around 4 lacks ha is proposed to be covered in the coming 2 years which is double the area covered in last three year
- Total 20,000(20 ha each) new clusters allocated to the states.
- Total fund released during 2018-19 is Rs 204.33 crore for 16,333 clusters (20 ha each) for 3.27 lakh ha area.
- The status of PGS India is as under:
- No. of Regional Council registered – 325
- No. of Local Groups registered – 11705
- No. of farmers online registered/benefitted – 328091 (approx.)
- Realizing the potential of organic farming in the North Eastern Region of the country, Ministry of Agriculture and Farmers Welfare has launched a Central Sector Scheme entitled “Mission Organic Value Chain Development for North Eastern Region” for implementation in the states of Arunachal Pradesh, Assam, Manipur, Meghalaya, Mizoram, Nagaland, Sikkim and Tripura, during 2015-16 to 2017-18. The scheme aims at development of certified organic production in a value chain mode to link growers with consumers and to support the development of entire value chain starting from inputs, seeds, certification and creation of facilities for collection, aggregation, processing, marketing and brand building initiative. The scheme was approved with an outlay of Rs. 400 crore for three years.
- The assistance is provided for cluster development, on/off farm input production, supply of seeds/ planting materials, setting up of functional infrastructure, establishment of integrated processing unit, refrigerated transportation, pre-cooling /cold stores chamber, branding labeling and packaging, hiring of space, hand holdings, organic certification through third party, mobilization of farmers/processors etc. Under this scheme, an area of 50,000 ha have been targeted to be covered under organic farming in North Eastern Region of the country during the period of three years i.e. from year 2015-16 to 2017-18.
- Value Chain Production
- Value Chain Processing
- Value Chain Marketing
- Value Chain Support Agencies
- During the year 2015-16 an amount of Rs. 112.11crore has been released.
- During the year 2016-17 an amount of Rs47.63crore has been released.
- III. During the year 2017-18 an amount of Rs 66.22 crore has been released.
- IV. In the current financial year 2018-19 an amount of Rs126.25crore have been released to eight states.
S.No. | Name of the State | Brand Name / Trademarks |
1 | Arunachal Pradesh | Organic Arunachal |
2 | Manipur | Organic Manipur |
3 | Mizoram | Mission Organic Mizoram |
4 | Nagaland | Naga Organic |
5 | Sikkim | Sikkim Organic Mission |
6 | Tripura | Tripura Organic (Under Process) |
7 | Assam | Organic Assam |
- Organic Store by Sikkim State Co-operative Supply and Marketing Federation ltd.& Kendriya Bhandar.
- Opened Organic retail outlet cum restaurant at Dilli Haat, INA, New Delhi and implemented through North Eastern Regional Agricultural Marketing Corporation Limited (NERAMAC).
- Participation in exhibitions and Trade fairs
- Buyer seller meets, workshops, videos, photographs and publicity material
- Activities & competitions with MyGov
- NERAMAC & NAFED is providing hand-holding in marketing of Organic produce / branded organic products.
- Allocation for 2018-19: Rs.4000 crore(BE)
- Release made so far: Rs. 1978.26
- Achievement: About 6.1 lakh ha so far
- Allocation for 2018-19: Rs.234 crore(BE)
- Against the allocated amount to the States, an amount of Rs. 148.09 crore has been released.
- About 34000 ha of area has been achieved under various Integrated Farming Systems which sustainable for climatic variations.
S.No. | KHARIF CROPS | MSP (2017-18) | MSP (2018-19) |
1 | PADDY(Common) | 1550 | 1750 |
2 | JOWAR (Hybrid) | 1700 | 2430 |
3 | BAJRA | 1425 | 1950 |
4 | MAIZE | 1425 | 1700 |
5 | RAGI | 1900 | 2897 |
6 | ARHAR(Tur) | 5450 | 5675 |
7 | MOONG | 5575 | 6975 |
8 | URAD | 5400 | 5600 |
9 | COTTON (Medium Staple) | 4020 | 5150 |
10 | GROUNDNUT IN SHELL | 4450 | 4890 |
11 | SUNFLOWER SEED | 4100 | 5388 |
12 | SOYABEAN | 3050 | 3399 |
13 | SESAMUM | 5300 | 6249 |
14 | NIGERSEED | 4050 | 5877 |
1 | WHEAT | 1735 | 1840 |
2 | BARLEY | 1410 | 1440 |
3 | GRAM | 4400 | 4620 |
4 | MASUR (LENTIL) | 4250 | 4475 |
5 | RAPESEED/MUSTARD | 4000 | 4200 |
6 | SAFFLOWER | 4100 | 4945 |
1 | COPRA (Milling) | 6500 | 7511 |
2 | JUTE | 3500 | 3700 |
3 | SUGARCANE # | 255 | 275 |
- Price Support Scheme (PSS),
- Price Deficiency Payment Scheme (PDPS)
- Pilot of Private Procurement & Stockist Scheme (PPPS).
- 115 wholesale regulated markets have been integrated with e-NAM platform to achieve the target of total 585 e-NAM markets in 16 States and 2 Union Territories.
- The financial assistance has been sanctioned for cleaning, grading, sorting and packaging facilities in 320 existing e-NAM mandis and for compost unit in 245 existing e-NAM mandis.
- Rs. 137.33 crore have been sanctioned for cleaning, grading, sorting and packaging facilities and compost unit.
- Cabinet Committee on Economic Affairs (CCEA) has approved the proposal for integration of additional 415 wholesale regulated markets with e-NAM platform during 2018-20.
- In order to encourage Agri-prenures to set up Agri-based processing Units directly or indirectly benefiting the small and marginal farmers, SFAC has sanctioned VCA to 484 Projects amounting to Rs. 140.81 crores having Project Cost of Rs. 1631.25 crores during January to December 2018.
- 22 Farmer Producer Companies (FPCs) were formed and registered involving 22000 farmers during January to December 2018. As on 7.12.2018, total of 773 FPOs have been registered and 123 FPOs are under the process of registration.
- A survey of 9477 rural haats has been conducted through Directorate of Marketing & Inspection (DMI), an attached office under Department of Agriculture, Cooperation & Farmers Welfare, for finding the status of infrastructure, type of commodities etc. in rural haats for better formulation of strategy of developing of rural haats.
- Proposal for creation of Agri-market Infrastructure Fund (AMIF) of Rs. 2000 crore for developing marketing facilities in Gramin Agriculture Markets (GrAMs) has been approved by Expenditure Finance Committee (EFC) headed by Secretary (Expenditure). The proposal is being submitted to Cabinet Committee for Economic Affairs (CCEA) for approval.
- DAC&FW has formulated the operational guidelines for Operations and Management of Gramin Agricultural Markets (GrAMs), which has been approved by Hon’ble Union Agriculture Minister. The Operational Guidelines have been shared with all States/Union Territories as well as Ministry of Rural Development, Ministry of Panchyati Raj and Ministry of Tribal Affairs to guide them in operation and management of GrAMs.
- Agricultural Marketing Infrastructure (AMI), sub scheme of Integrated Scheme of Agricultural Marketing (ISAM), has been re-open w.e.f. 22.10.2018 for the period coterminous with the 14th Finance Commission i.e. upto 2019-20.
- Based on the experience gained in implementation of the scheme over two years and with a view to ensure better transparency, accountability and timely payment of claims to the farmers, Government has comprehensively revised the Operational Guidelines of the scheme recently. These revised guidelines have come into effect from 1st October, 2018 i.e, from Rabi 2018-19 season. The brief features/changes in the revised OGs are as under:-
- Provision of Penalties/Incentives for States, ICs and Banks i.e, 12% interest rate per annum to be paid by the Insurance Company to farmers for delay in settlement claims beyond 10 days of prescribed cut off date for payment of claims.
- Similarly, State Government has to pay 12% interest rate for delay in release of State share of Subsidy beyond three months of prescribed cut off date/submission of requisition by Insurance Companies.
- Rationalization of methodology for calculation of Threshold Yield (TY) – Moving average of best 5 out of 7 years for calculation of claim amount.
- Increased time for change of crop name for insurance – upto 2 working days prior to cut-off date for enrolment instead of earlier provision of 1 month before cut off date.
- More time to insured farmers to intimate individual claims – 72 hours (instead of 48 hours) through any stakeholders and directly on the portal.
- Inclusion of hailstorm in post harvest losses, besides unseasonal and cyclonic rainfall.
- Inclusion of cloud burst and natural fire in localized calamities in addition to hailstorm, landslide and inundation.
- Detailed plan for publicity and awareness- earmarked expenditure – 0.5% of Gross premium per company per season.
- Inclusion of Perennial horticultural crops (on pilot basis) under the ambit of PMFBY.
- Use of Remote Sensing Technology (RST) in clustering/Risk classification.
Year | Target | Achievement |
2014-15 | 8,00,000 | 8,45,328.23 |
2015-16 | 8,50,000 | 9,15,509.92 |
2016-17 | 9,00,000 | 10,65,755.67 |
2017-18 | 10,00,000 | 11,68,502.83 |
Agency | Crop Loan | Term Loan | Total |
Commercial Banks | 4,63,000 | 3,29,000 | 7,92,000 |
Cooperative Banks | 1,42,000 | 23,000 | 1,65,000 |
Regional Rural Banks | 1,10,000 | 33,000 | 1,43,000 |
Total | 7,15,000 | 3,85,000 | 11,00,000 |
S. No. | Year | Budget allocation | Actual Expenditure |
1 | 2014-15 | 6,000 | 6,000 |
2 | 2015-16 | 13,000 | 13,000 |
3 | 2016-17 | 13,619.13 | 13,397.13 |
4 | 2017-18 | 15,000 | 13,045.72 |
5. | 208-19 | 15,000 | 10,554.81 (As on date) |
III. Master directions on Natural Calamities:
- International Cooperation
- Bilateral cooperation
India is collaborating with USAID to provide training for nationals of 20 Asian and African countries viz.Liberia, Kenya, Malawi, Botswana, DR Congo, Ghana, Kenya, Liberia, Malawi, Mozambique, Rwanda, Sudan, Tanzania, Uganda from Africa and Afghanistan, Cambodia, Lao PDR, Mongolia, Myanmar, Vietnam. 24 US-India-Africa Triangular International Training Programmes have been successfully completed during April to November 2018. Under this USAID funded project, 565 Executives from 20 countries have since been provided training.
India officially joined SCO as full Member on 9 June 2017 at a summit in Astana. Accordingly this Ministry participated in the meeting of the SCO Permanent Working Group (PWG ) on Agriculture and Agriculture Ministers’ of SCO Member States held in Bishkek, Kyrgyzstan during 18-19 September 2018. A 7-point SCO Action Plan for 2018-2019 on the implementation of the Agreement between the Governments of the SCO Member States on cooperation in agriculture was signed.
International Events